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Terapi Pengelolaan Kecemasan dalam Menurunkan Stres pada Korban Pasca Bencana Gempa Bumi Iwan Shalahuddin; Theresia Eriyani; Lia Sari; Mela Yulianti; Siti Nur Fatimah; Melliany Safitrie; Dinda Sari Agustina; Neng Della Monika
Jurnal Keperawatan Jiwa (JKJ): Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jkj.10.2.2022.229-244


Gempa bumi merupakan terjadinya pelepasan energi yang menumpuk dan terkungkung di dalam kerak bumi ke permukaan dengan gelombang getaran yang kemudian dirasakan oleh manusia. Gempa bumi secara konsisten terbukti berhubungan dengan adanya masalah kesehatan mental seperti depresi dan gangguan stress pasca-trauma segera setelah bencana. Tujuan penulisan untuk melakukan kajian mengenai metode terapi pengelolaan kecemasan yang efektif digunakan untuk menurunkan gangguan stress pada korban yang terkena bencana gempa bumi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah literature review dengan pendekatan narrative review. Pencarian data menggunakan sumber data, seperti PubMed, EBSCO, dan Google Scholar dengan jumlah artikel yang didapat 470 dari dalam dan luar negeri. Setelah melalui tahapan penyeleksian 10 jurnal tahun publikasi 2018-2021 yang layak digunakan untuk basis intervensi dan diekstraksi ke dalam tabel penelitian. Upaya untuk pengelolaan kecemasan pada korban bencana gempa bumi dengan terapi non farmakologi dengan kegiatan keagamaan, expressive art therapy, dukungan social, pengungkapan diri, psikoedukasi, serta play therapy. Terapi keagamaan secara efektif dapat menurunkan kecemasan pada korban bencana orang dewasa dengan melakukan dan mengikuti kegiatan keagamaan secara rutin.  Pada Remaja efektif dengan terapi CBT dengan perbaikan kognitif dan dukungan emosional. Sedangkan pada anak-anak efektif menurunkan kecemasan dan gangguan stress dengan terapi CBT bermain, art therapy, trauma healing, dan terapi bermain.
Interventions to Challenge Auditory Hallucinations Through Strengthening Coping and Motivation in Patients with Schizophrenia: Case Report Lia Sari; Aat Sriati
MAHESA : Malahayati Health Student Journal Vol 3, No 10 (2023): Volume 3 Nomor 10 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/mahesa.v3i10.11177


ABSTRACT Interventions for hallucination patients include recognizing hallucinations, and teaching patients to challenge hallucinations. Factors that influence the client's ability to control hallucinations are the client's response attitude towards hallucinations. The generalist interventions of shaming are done with coping strengthening and motivation as a therapy to change maladaptive thoughts and focus the mind. This case report aims to evaluate coping strategies and motivational reinforcement in an intervention to control auditory hallucinations. This paper was written using the case report method of scientific monitoring days in nursing care. A 15-year-old female client was admitted to the psychiatric hospital with complaints of talking to herself and attempted suicide by cutting her wrist veins. The client did not complain of physical problems. Based on the results of the assessment, the client appeared to be daydreaming and talking to herself. Clients are given generalist therapy to block hallucinations to strengthen motivation and coping. Motivational and coping strengthening was carried out by encouraging the client to convince himself that the hallucinations he heard were not real and encouraging the client to change his beliefs and thoughts to something positive such as the client's ability. This intervention focuses the mind to focus on the real thing around the client and convinces the self to ignore the hallucinatory sound by "stopping" following the sound. The results of the intervention on the client after the client's action can do how to rebuke by convincing themselves, managing thoughts about the sounds they hear are not real. The intervention of hallucinatory rebuking with motivational and coping reinforcement can increase the client's belief in unreal hallucinatory sounds, this intervention is performed as an additional intervention strategy of rebuking in clients with auditory hallucination disorder. Keywords: Auditory Hallucinations, Coping Strategies, Motivation, Schizophrenia