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Physical Measurement Analysis in Pre-Utility Covid-19 Isolation Room: A Case Study Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital Eustachius Hagni Wardoyo; Ida Bagus Alit; Monalisa Nasrul; Didit Yudhanto; Prima Belia Fathana; Rini Srikus Saptaningtyas
The Indonesian Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol 7, No 2 (2021): The Indonesian Journal of Infectious Disease
Publisher : Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Prof Dr. Sulianti Saroso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32667/ijid.v7i2.121


Background: Negative pressure room is recommended for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Aim this study to describe physical measurement analysis of isolation room Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital. Methods: Newly developed negative pressure isolation room was physical measure using following instruments: anemometer, moisture meter, hygrometer and pressure gauge.  Results: This study showed physical measurement as follow: 1) ACH (air change per hour) 23.3 / hour [minimum: 12+ ACH]; 2) the difference in pressure gradient between the inpatient room and anteroom -30 Pa [minimum -15 Pa]; 3) the mean of air temperature 24.8°C [21-24]; 4) air humidity 58% [maximum 65%] and 5) concrete moisture 22.45%. Conclusion: The COVID-19 isolation room at the Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital meets the standard criteria.
Karakteristik Katarak Kongenital di RSUD Provinsi NTB Periode 2018-2019 Rani Salsabilla; Marie Yuni Andari; Monalisa Nasrul
Jurnal Syntax Fusion Vol 1 No 12 (2021): Jurnal Syntax Fusion: Jurnal Nasional Indonesia
Publisher : Rifa' Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/fusion.v1i12.123


Congenital cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in children. Lens opacity in early life has the potential to cause permanent visual impairment if not treated promptly. Cataract surgery performed at the right time can prevent children from amblyopia (lazy eye). This study aims to determine the characteristics of congenital cataracts at the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial General Hospital in the 2018-2019 period. This research uses descriptive method. The data used is secondary data from medical records of congenital cataract patients at the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial General Hospital in the 2018-2019 period. In the 2018-2019 period, 40 children had congenital cataracts. Most of the cataract sufferers were women (52.5%); living outside the city of Mataram (92.5%) with an age distribution of under 12 months (95%) and the rest over 12 months. For infants under 12 months, 53 percent have been diagnosing at the age of 1-2 months. The characteristics of congenital cataracts found were generally bilateral (52.5%), had standard birth weight (52.5%), history of natural birth delivery (67.5%), and had other extraocular congenital abnormalities (72.5%). Most patients with congenital cataracts in the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial General Hospital have been diagnosing at a (pretty/moderately) early age of 1-2 months at the beginning of their lives. So, with appropriate and prompt therapy, hoping that it can reduce the risk of amblyopia.
Prevalensi Retinopati Diabetik pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus pada Komunitas Prolanis di Kota Mataram tahun 2018 Monalisa Nasrul
Unram Medical Journal Vol 10 No 3 (2021): Jurnal Kedokteran volume 10 nomor 3 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jku.v10i3.552


Background: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is main cause of blindness in diabetic patients all over the world. Diabetic retinopathy prevalence in Asia is 10-43.1%. National data is not established yet. Awareness and early detection for diabetic retinopathy as an important part of preventing blindness remains low hence the possibility for increasing blindness due to diabetic retinopathy. Purpose: to measure diabetic retinopathy prevalence among diabetic patients in Prolanis community in Mataram. Metode: a cross-sectional descriptive study includes best corrected visual acuity, intra ocular pressure, anterior segment, funduscopy and fundus photo. Diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy is established based on ETDRS criteria, classified as non proliverative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and proliverative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Funduscopy is examined by an ophthalmologist followed by fundus photo with or without dilating the pupils in an eye clinic in Mataram. Results: of 68 diabetic patients, there are 19 patients with diabetic retinopathy (28.36%). Those patients are mostly female, age 40-75 years old, diagnosed with diabetes for more than 10 years duration, have no complaints of blurred vision, best corrected visual acuity are better than 0.3 and have health insurance. Conclusion: prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in Prolanis community of diabetic patients in Mataram is 28.36%.
PELATIHAN PENCEGAHAN PENULARAN WABAH COVID-19 BAGI STAF KARYAWAN HOTEL NUTANA KOTA MATARAM Eustachius Hagni Wardoyo; Wahyu Sulistya Affarah; Adnanto Wiweko; Ahmad Taufik Sakti; Didit Yudhanto; Monalisa Nasrul; Prima Belia Fathana
Jurnal Abdi Insani Vol 7 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Abdi Insani Universitas Mataram
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/abdiinsani.v7i2.329


Bidang perhotelan merupakan salah satu usaha perekonomian yang paling terdampak dari pandemi COVID-19, mau tidak mau harus belajar beradaptasi terhadap kondisi ini, salah satunya dengan membuka paket isolasi diri yang memperhatikan protokol kesehatan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah. Untuk alasan ini, program pengabdian masyarakat yang diadakan oleh Fakultas Kedokteran dan Rumah Sakit Universitas Mataram, Mataram meningkatkan pengetahuan pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi terkait penyusunan paket isolasi mandiri tersebut. Sebagai uji coba paket isolasi mandiri ini di adakan di Hotel Nutana, Jl. Airlangga Gomong Mataram yang memiliki 42 kamar dan termasuk hotel menengah. Pelatihan dihadiri oleh berbagai unsur perhotelan, petugas front office, housekeeping, sekuriti, laundry dan restoran sebanyak 16 orang. Pelatihan ini meliputi proses penerimaan tamu, skema paket isolasi mandiri, alur pencegahan infeksi bagi tamu dan karyawan, jenis-jenis APD, prosedur kerja house keeping, laundry dan restoran. Pada akhir pelatihan, pemahaman karyawan terkait praktek isolasi mandiri meningkat dan karyawan siap untuk mengimplementasikan paket isolasi mandiri yang dimaksud.
Pengembangan Prototipe Pencatatan Operasi Katarak Berbasis Website Monalisa Nasrul
Unram Medical Journal Vol 11 No 4 (2022): volume 11 no 4
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jku.v11i4.794


West Nusa Tenggara province ranks the second as the highest province with blindness due to cataract in people above 50 years old. Although blindness from cataract is preventable, without well-organized and accurate cataract surgical registry, actions for prevention of blindness will not be optimized. Until now, there is no single online cataract surgical registry in Indonesia that results in difficulty in retrieving cataract surgical rate and outcome data. The study aims to develop a website-based cataract surgery registry to collect pre, during and post cataract surgery in West Nusa Tenggara province followed by trials by health workers in Rumah Sakit Universitas Mataram to perfect the application before daily use. They shoud answers questions from questionnaire provided to measure their perceptions of the application. The application named Register Operasi Katarak NTB (ROKANTB) can be operated in windows, chrome or mac operating systems. The questionnaire shows good perception among health workers for application design, easy to operate, practicality, amount of time needed to fill the form, retrieving data and usefulness of the application as cataract surgery registry. ROKANTB application is a practical and useful tool to record and present cataract surgery data online from many healthcare facilities that may be useful to analize and evaluate our local and national cataract surgery program and strategies.
Jurnal Medika Hutama Vol. 4 No. 02 Januari (2023): Jurnal Medika Hutama
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Medika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Retinoblastoma (RB) is a malignant tumor of the eye. This type of tumor has a fairly high incidence rate in the world and is dominated by children under 5 years. Until now, theories regarding the etiology and pathogenesis of RB are still developing. Even so, RB can still be enforced based on the results of anamnesis, physical examination, and supporting examinations. There are several modalities that can be chosen to treat RB including focal therapy, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery to the latest including Selective Intra Arterial Chemotherapy (SIAC), Intravitreal Chemotherapy, Stereotactic conformal radiotherapy (SCR), Pars plana vitrectomy (VPP) and endoresection. RB has a prognosis that depends on the speed of diagnosis and the accuracy of the therapy given.
Physical Measurement Analysis in Pre-Utility Covid-19 Isolation Room: A Case Study Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital Eustachius Hagni Wardoyo; Ida Bagus Alit; Monalisa Nasrul; Didit Yudhanto; Prima Belia Fathana; Rini Srikus Saptaningtyas
The Indonesian Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): The Indonesian Journal of Infectious Disease
Publisher : Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Prof Dr. Sulianti Saroso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32667/ijid.v7i2.121


Background: Negative pressure room is recommended for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. Aim this study to describe physical measurement analysis of isolation room Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital. Methods: Newly developed negative pressure isolation room was physical measure using following instruments: anemometer, moisture meter, hygrometer and pressure gauge.  Results: This study showed physical measurement as follow: 1) ACH (air change per hour) 23.3 / hour [minimum: 12+ ACH]; 2) the difference in pressure gradient between the inpatient room and anteroom -30 Pa [minimum -15 Pa]; 3) the mean of air temperature 24.8°C [21-24]; 4) air humidity 58% [maximum 65%] and 5) concrete moisture 22.45%. Conclusion: The COVID-19 isolation room at the Universitas Mataram Teaching Hospital meets the standard criteria.
Pterigium Pada Penduduk Pesisir Di Nusa Tenggara Barat Muhammad Amien Rais; Monalisa Nasrul
JUKEJ : Jurnal Kesehatan Jompa Vol 1 No 2 (2022): JUKEJ: Jurnal Kesehatan Jompa
Publisher : Yayasan Jompa Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Indonesia is an archipelagic country where the majority of the population lives on the coast, causing a high incidence of pterygium. Pterygium is an abnormal growth of tissue in the subconjunctiva of the eye. This is influenced by several factors such as high exposure to sunlight and dry air related to the livelihoods of coastal communities. The diagnosis of pterygium can be seen from the anamnesis, clinical symptoms, and physical examination. Pterygium can be treated through conservative and operative therapy and can be prevented with "TONGKAT WAKTU".