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Madhhab Negotiation, Education Transformation and Conflict Resolution in Conveying the Sermon of Tablighi Jamaat in Southeast Asia Saipul Hamdi; Siti Nurjannah; Arif Nasrullah; Linda Sari Zuarnum
Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama dan Lintas Budaya Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.431 KB) | DOI: 10.15575/rjsalb.v6i1.13802


The article aims to understand the phenomena of practicing madhhab in the Tablighi Jamaat (TJ) community in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The article also investigates the madhhab negotiation between TJ members and local people where the dawah occurs in a specific context. The article also looks at changes in religious educational program developed by TJ members that tend to be informal religious education. The majority of informal religious education surrounding TJ communities is tahfiz school (memorizing the Quran). TJ members are more interested in sending their children to tahfiz school than informal school and later become Islamic priests (kyai). They are not interested to semade their children take the university level. Besides, the article also concerns exploring another role of TJ in a socio-political context where they become facilitators to overcome the Pattani Muslim conflict with the Thai government. This research was conducted for a year in 2017-2018 (March 2017-April 2018) in three countries using ethnography approach during the process of collecting data by directly involved in Tablighi Jamaat activities. The mothed of collecting data used in this research was qualitative with observative participative technique, deep interview, and documentation. The result of the research shows that Jamaah Tabligh was successful negotiating the madhhab they believe to Muslim community with different Islamic point of view. Moreover, the shifting of education orientation was emerging in TJ community, the focus was on religious exegesis without paying attention on another aspect of education for their children. Parents of TJ have pride to be called a father of a hafiz than a doctor. Another finding was Jamaah Tablig have prominent role as a reconciliatory in Pattani, South Thailand that they earned trust from Thailand Government. Amid the deadlock of reconciliation of local Muslim who want to separate from the state of Thailand with regression that created violence, bombing and arresting the activist, Jamaah tablig was there as their guarantor.
Living Islam: Journal of Islamic Discourses Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/lijid.v5i1.3668


AbstractThis article is examining the practice of mono-religious teaching in public school and its influence on students' religious life which tends to mire on exclusive practice in East Lombok. The practice of mono-religious teaching in public schools not merely embark compulsion and religious exclusivity but also create discrimination towards other students for the tendency of applying only one religious practice at school. The impact of the religious praxis in public schools is the force and confinement on the students. Simultaneously, the government keeps producing sharia-based laws that stand for majority notwithstanding the laws fully beneficial for the majority group. Yet the disadvantages for minorities from the laws are obvious. The method used for this research is a qualitative method, the data are collected by interviewing some students from junior public school in East Lombok. There are 10 informants from 4 public schools at the central city of East Lombok, students interviewed are from different gender and religious backgrounds and questioned about their religious experiences at schools. This article comes up with the argument that religious education policy in Indonesia focuses on mono religious study with a vision to build students good morality through religion, however the result of this system is creating the tendency of exclusivity among majority students and restriction for minority students in public school. Mono-religious study and its practice at public schools somehow exceeds religious practice in religious schools and this creates school rules that force students to implement religious activity which is irrelevant with the principal of the public school. And generally, the facility for religious activities only accommodates students who are affiliated with majority belief. The problems that the mono-religious system causes discrimination towards minorities regarding the right for religious activities at public school. The conclusion will be served together with the critique towards the impact of mono-religious teaching in Public School. Keyword: Discrimination, mono-religious teaching, Islamization, public school, East Lombok AbstrakArtikel ini mengkaji praktik pengajaran mono-religious di sekolah umum dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan beragama siswa yang cenderung eksklusif di Lombok Timur. Praktik pengajaran mono-agama di sekolah umum tidak hanya menimbulkan pemaksaan dan eksklusivitas agama, tetapi juga menimbulkan diskriminasi terhadap siswa lain karena adanya kecenderungan hanya menerapkan satu praktik agama di sekolah. Dampak dari praktek keagamaan di sekolah umum adalah timbulnya pemaksaan dan pembatasan terhadap siswa. Bersamaan dengan itu, pemerintah terus memproduksi undang-undang berbasis syariah yang berpihak pada mayoritas meskipun undang-undang tersebut sepenuhnya bermanfaat bagi kelompok mayoritas. Namun kerugian bagi minoritas dari sisi hukum sudah jelas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, data dikumpulkan dengan cara mewawancarai beberapa siswa SMP Negeri di Lombok Timur. Dalam penelitian ini  wawancara dilakukan pada 10 orang informan dari 4 sekolah negeri di pusat kota Lombok Timur, siswa yang diwawancarai berasal dari latar belakang gender dan agama yang berbeda dan ditanyai tentang pengalaman keagamaan mereka di sekolah. Pembahasan dalam artikel ini antara lain: Kebijakan pendidikan agama di Indonesia yang menitikberatkan pada studi mono-religius dengan visi membangun akhlak siswa yang baik melalui praktek keagamaan menimbulkan kecenderungan eksklusivitas di kalangan siswa mayoritas dan pembatasan terhadap siswa minoritas di sekolah negeri. Pembelajaran mono-religious dan praktiknya di sekolah negeri melampaui praktik keagamaan di sekolah agama, dan ini menciptakan peraturan sekolah yang memaksa siswa untuk melaksanakan aktivitas keagamaan yang tidak relevan dengan prinsip sekolah negeri. Dan umumnya fasilitas yang disediakan untuk kegiatan keagamaan hanya menampung siswa yang berafiliasi dengan keyakinan mayoritas. Permasalahan bahwa sistem mono-religius menyebabkan diskriminasi terhadap minoritas mengenai hak kegiatan keagamaan di sekolah umum. Kesimpulan akan disajikan bersama dengan kritik terhadap dampak pengajaran mono-religius di sekolah negeri. Kata kunci: diskriminasi, mono-religius, Islamisasi, sekolah negeri, Lombok Timur