Deden Rahmanudin
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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The Effect of Reward and Punishment Policy on the Productivity of BPJS Health Employees Kotabumi Branch Office Fadhilah Faiqoh; Sidrotun Naim; Deden Rahmanudin; Feb Amni Hayati; Sabil Mokodenseho
Tadbir : Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29240/jsmp.v6i1.4223


The discipline of employees regarding working hours at the office of BPJS Health Kotabumi Branch is still relatively low. This low discipline of employees towards working hours can cause a lack of employee productivity. Problems concerning discipline in a company or government agency must be solved by making policies to overcome them. This study aimed to analyze the effect of implementing reward and punishment policies as a solution to increase employee productivity. The type of this study was field research with the quantitative method to analyze the obtained data. Samples in this study were 30 employees of BPJS Health for Kotabumi Branch, selected using the total sampling technique. Meanwhile, to analyze the obtained data, the researcher used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the calculations using the Multiple Linear Regression analysis at a significance level of a=0,05, showed as follows. First, the p-value for H_0A was 0.02 (< 0.05), meaning that H_0A was rejected, concluding that the reward policy had an effect on increasing employee performance productivity. Second, the p-value for H_0B was 0.00 (< 0.05), meaning that H_0B was also rejected, concluding that the punishment policy had an effect on increasing employee performance productivity. Third, the p-value for H_0C was 0.00 (< 0.05), meaning that H_0C was rejected, concluding that the reward and punishment policy had an effect on increasing employee performance productivity. These findings contributed to increasing the productivity of employee performance. In addition, they can be used by policymakers in a company for increasing the productivity of employee performance.
Gerwani Mazhab Politik Islam Era Soekarno Deden Rahmanudin
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 2 (2022): September 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.589 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i2.3607


AbstrakGerakan Wanita Indonesia (Gerwani) menjadi perbincangan menarik dalam sejarah Gerakan 1 Oktober (Gestok) atau yang diberi nama Gerakan 30 September oleh PKI (G30 S/PKI) oleh Pemerintah Orde Baru. Lahirnya Gerwani yang menjadi simbol perlawanan dan perjuangan wanita di Indonesia pada waktu itu bukan hal asing dalam perspektif Islam dalam memandang kesetaraan dan optimalisasi peranan wanita. Islam yang memiliki mazhab politik rahmatan lil alamiin, tentu memandang penting hal ini. Namun keberadaan Gerwani menjadi suatu gerakan yang dianggap berbahaya oleh Negara di era Soeharto, membuat organisasi ini tidak mampu berkembang dengan baik. Akan tetapi corak pergerakan yang mengatasnamakan perjuangan gender ini masih digunakan sebagai paradigma berfikir dari setiap pergerakan wanita di Indonesia. Banyak tokoh wanita termasuk muslimah yang lahir dari gerakan perjuangan kesetaraan ini. Yang perlu dikaji lebih mendalam adalah ideologi yang dianut oleh Gerwani dalam konteks bernegara dan beragama, atau oleh founding father Indonesia dirangkum dalam kebhinekaan cara pandang bangsa yaitu Pancasila. Maka, perlu didapatkan sebuah gagasan penting dalam mengetahui Gerwani ini dalam kajian Islam.Kata Kunci: Gerwani, Politik, Islam, Feminisme AbstractThe Indonesian Women's Movement (Gerwani) became an interesting conversation in the history of the October 1st Movement (Gestok) or what was named the September 30th Movement by the PKI (G30 S / PKI) by the New Order Government. The birth of Gerwani, which became a symbol of women's resistance and struggle in Indonesia at that time, was not unfamiliar with the Islamic perspective in looking at equality and optimizing the role of women. Islam, which has a political school of rahmatan lil alamiin, certainly sees this as important. However, the existence of Gerwani became a movement that was considered dangerous by the State in the Soeharto era, making this organization unable to develop properly. However, the pattern of movement in the name of gender struggle is still used as a thinking paradigm of every women's movement in Indonesia. Many female figures including Muslim women were born from this equality struggle movement. What needs to be studied more deeply is the ideology adopted by Gerwani in the context of statehood and religion, or by the Indonesian founding father summarized in the diversity of the nation's perspective, namely Pancasila. Thus, it is necessary to get an important idea in knowing this Gerwani in Islamic studies. Keywords: Gerwani, Politics, Islam, Feminism
The Role of Village Government Policies in Improving the Economy in Sumbermulyo Village Fatimatuz Zuhriyah; Sidrotun Naim; Deden Rahmanudin; Febby Widjayanto; Sabil Mokodenseho
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 2 (2022): September 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.878 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i2.3609


AbstractThis study aims to analyze the role of the Sumbermulyo Village government in improving the economy of the farming community. Qualitative descriptive method with phenomenological approach was used to analyze the data. This research was conducted because the number of people in Sumbermulyo Village who still choose to farm is getting smaller. People are more interested in working as employees in a company, as well as government and private agencies because the agricultural sector is considered unpromising in terms of income. Research shows that the majority of the community, especially youth graduates from high school or equivalent, do not continue their education to college but prefer to work as traders and laborers, as well as company employees outside the region. From this problem, the shift of the farming community from the old one will gradually be replaced by the younger generation. This study concludes that the actual efforts made by the village government have been quite good. However, the competition between the agricultural and industrial sectors in Sumbermulyo Village is quite fierce. This competition can be seen from differences in income, working hours, facilities and prestige which makes many young people prefer other professions than farming. Moreover, parents agree and support the change of profession from parent to child. This study suggests that the village government can anticipate it by providing counseling and training as well as motivating the community that the agricultural sector is one of the most important sectors in improving the economy.Keywords: Village Government, Village Economy, Farmer Community, Village Potential
Globalisasi Dalam Peradaban Islam Politik Deden Rahmanudin
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 6 No 3 (2022): October 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.725 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v6i3.3875


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sifat dan tujuan globalisasi Muslim dalam peradaban Islam politik. Penelitian ini perlu dilakukan karena globalisasi merupakan fenomena multi-kompleks yang menyusup ke semua bidang kehidupan manusia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa globalisasi memiliki dampak yang luas terhadap dunia, baik secara positif maupun negatif. Sehingga itu, umat Muslim harus memiliki pikiran terbuka untuk memeriksa semua yang datang dari Barat, memilih dan memilah apapun yang relevan dengan kebutuhan umat Islam, serta membuang semua yang berbahaya dan membahayakan keberadaan mereka sebagai komunitas dan bangsa. Umat Islam tidak bisa hidup dalam kantong diri sendiri, pengasingan total, dan mengisolasi diri dari globalisasi. Mereka harus memandang globalisasi sebagai tantangan, dan mencari solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang datang seiring dengan globalisasi.Kata Kunci: Globalisasi, Peradaban Islam, Politik, Dunia Islam AbstractThis study aims to analyze the nature and purpose of Muslim globalization in political Islamic civilization. This research needs to be done because globalization is a multi-complex phenomenon that infiltrates all areas of human life. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. This study concludes that globalization has a broad impact on the world, both positively and negatively. Thus, Muslims must have an open mind to examine all that comes from the West, select and sort out whatever is relevant to the needs of Muslims, and discard all that is harmful and endangers their existence as a community and nation. Muslims cannot live in their own pockets, in total isolation, and isolate themselves from globalization. They must view globalization as a challenge, and seek solutions to overcome the problems that come along with globalization.Keywords: Globalization, Islamic Civilization, Politics, Islamic World