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JURNAL KESEHATAN INDRA HUSADA Vol 10 No 1 (2022): January-June 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36973/jkih.v10i1.339


Chronic high blood pressure (hypertension) is a prevalent ailment among the elderly. One of the most prevalent causes of mortality is hypertension.Hypertension is one of the difficulties in the elderly since it produces and is a factor in heart failure and coronary heart disease. Both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods may be used to treat hypertension. Non-pharmacological avocado leaf decoction has been used in research for years and is readily available. In this research, an avocado leaf decoction is used as a supplemental treatment for the elderly with hypertension. To begin, the process of evaluation, examination, and provision of complementary care treatments is used in conjunction with a case study approach with a descriptive design. There was a significant drop in blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension following the avocado leaf decoction intervention compared to the pre intervention average of 171/101mmHg and the postintervention average of 148/89mmHg. The mean decrease was 23/12 mmHg. Avocado leaf decoction helps lower blood pressure in older patients with hypertension This avocado leaf decoction is anticipated to be used as an antihypertensive and as self-medication to decrease blood pressure through future investigations on this avocado leaf decoction in the medical field. Keywords: Hypertension, Elderly, Avocado leaf decoction
UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KESEHATAN SANTRI MELALUI EDUKASI KESEHATAN DI PSAA BABUSSALAM Sri Mulyati Rahayu; Eki Pratidina; Meda Yuliani; Denni Fransiska Helena; Ivan Andriansyah; M. Isronijaya
Abdimas Galuh Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/ag.v4i1.7147


Yayasan Ramda Bhakti Pertiwi merupakan yayasan yang bergerak dalam bidang social dan pendidikan. Yayasan ini menyelenggarakan Pondok Pesantren Salafiyah (PPS), Ulya Babussalam (SMA), Wustho Babussalam (MTS) yang terletak di Jl. Cilengkrang II. Yayasan ini menyediakan asrama putra dan putri yang terdiri atas anak yatim, yatim piatu, dan kaum dhuafa. Panti Asuhan Babussalam terdiri atas 61 orang santri MTS dan 47 santri SMA. Kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan di Panti Asuhan Babussalam adalah sekolah dan mengaji. Hasil pengamatan pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2021, beberapa santri mulai tidak menggunakan kembali masker karena keterbatasan masker, dan masker kain yang dibuat oleh santri juga sudah habis terpakai. Hasil wawancara dengan pengelola sangat mengharapkan adanya pemaparan tentang vaksin covid-19 kepada para santri, sehingga para santri siap ketika akan divaksin dan tidak ada yang jatuh sakit setelah divaksin. Selain itu, pengelola juga mengharapkan adanya edukasi tentang kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja putri ketika sedang haid, dan kebersihan kulit agar tidak terus menerus timbul gatal-gatal. Hasil wawancara dengan 5 santri yang ditemui saat survey, kelima santri tersebut belum siap dilakukan vaksin covid-19, karena masih takut menjadi sakit. Untuk itu, kami perlu dilakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Panti asuhan Babussalam ini untuk mengingatkan kembali pentingnya penerapan protokol kesehatan, mengedukasi tentang vaksin covid-19, kesehatan reproduksi saat haid, kesehatan kulit, dan dapat mempraktekkan cara membuat sabun cair untuk melengkapi saat cuci tangan.
Hemoglobin Levels of Female Students Based On Fe Consumption and Breakfast Habits Meda Yuliani; Asri; Hani Oktafiani; Ning Hayati
Journal of Global Research in Public Health Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat IIK Strada Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.916 KB) | DOI: 10.30994/jgrph.v5i2.280


Background : Breakfast is the most important activity in fulfilling energy consumption and nutritional needs in a day, but there are still many adolescents who skip this habit. This problem causes reduced iron in the blood which results in anemia. Purpose : This study aims to analyze Hb levels in female students based on Fe consumption and breakfast habit. Method : This study used a descriptive analysis with 253 females as the respondents. The data was collected from March - July 2019. As much as 72 data respondents were analyzed by using simple random sampling technique. This study measured Hb and usied a checklist tool to determine HB levels based on consumption and breakfast habits. Results : The results from 72 respondents showed that almost 63 people (87%) have Hb content ≥12 g / dL, 47 people (65%) consumed Fe, and also 45 people (62%) have breakfast habits. In conclusion, most of 47 girls (65%) consumed Fe with an hb level of ≥12 g / dL, 45 people (62%) had the habit of having breakfast with Hb levels ≥12 gr / dL. Conclusion : The school and Public Health Center need to work together in dealing with female students who have low Hb levels. The role of parents is also important in fostering the students to consume iron and have breakfast habit.
Manajemant Breast Engogerment Kompres Daun Kubis Dingin (Brassica Oleracea Var. Capitata) dan Breastcare terhadap Pembengkakan Payudara pada Ibu Nifas Intan Yusita; Meda Yuliani; Ning Hayati
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi Vol 24, No 2 (2024): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jiubj.v24i2.4707


Breast milk duct dams and swelling of the mammary glands are one of the lactation problems that occur after childbirth and during breastfeeding. Breast swelling occurs when the milk ducts do not drain completely and narrow. Milk thickens and the lumen of the milk ducts is blocked. From 3 to 6 days after birth until the milk is expelled normally, symptoms such as warmth, pain to the touch, tenderness, and swelling associated with breast swelling will appear. From 3 to 6 days after birth until the milk is expelled normally, symptoms such as warmth, pain to the touch, tenderness, and swelling associated with breast swelling will appear. The use of cabbage leaves for the treatment and prevention of breast swelling is very simple, the inside of cabbage leaves can be put in the freezer for approximately 20-30 minutes before the procedure. Place cold cabbage leaves inside your bra for 30 minutes and do it twice a day for 3 days. This study aims to determine the difference in effectiveness before and after cabbage leaves (Brassica Oleracea Var.Capitata) and Breast Care in Reducing Breast Swelling. This research is a quasi-experimental design research with one group pre and post design research methods. The population in this study was 34 postpartum mothers who experienced breast swelling on day 3 to day 14. The results of the Wilcoxon test found differences in breast swelling scores before and after applying cold cabbage leaf compresses and breastcare, so it can be concluded that there is a statistically significant average difference between breast swelling scores before and after treatment, where the mean after treatment decreased by 1.15 compared to the mean before treatment 2.79. This means that giving cold cabbage leaf compresses and breastcare can effectively reduce the problem of breast swelling in puerperal mothers. Applying cabbage leaf compresses (Brassica Oleracea var. Capitata) cold and Breast Care combined with very effective in reducing breast swelling in puerperal mothers.