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Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 17, No 1 (2013): Edisi April 2013

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Flooding is a natural occurrence that needs to be learned/character of its characteristics so as notto harm the community that exists around the River as well as the social and economic impact, es-pecially in communities around the River Way Kemiling and the Way Pemanggilan. The researchaimed to find out how large the impact of floods in terms of technical, as well as the social andeconomic society along the Way Kemiling and Way Pemanggilan who never had flooded. Re-search conducted since July to September 2012, with methods of field survey and fill out the ques-tionnaire directly to residents affected by flooding. Then conducted the calculation of flood dis-charge (Q) one-year anniversary of when the plans and capacity of the river channel. From theresults of the calculations predicted losses due to floods residents were more or less on averagefor each home is 5,82 million rupiah (this number is based on the origin's home around the site offlooding), this does not include the House's other residents. Debit calculation results shows thatexisting channels that exist have 12,52 capacity m 3/second, while the estimated discharge wouldhappen (annual discharge) reached 19,06 m3/second. So the existing channels will not be able tohold the excess water, let alone five annual floods.
Perencanaan Embung Konservasi Di Taman Rusa Universitas Lampung amelia sukma cindy; Opik Taufik Purwadi; margaretta welly; Ahmad Herison
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 7, No 1 (2019): Edisi Maret 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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University of Lampung has some of water patch such as small dams and retention basin which is needed optimalisazion to improve the function. Among of the small dams, there is small dam is located at Deer Park at University Of Lampung need to redesign. The purpose of redesign this small dam conservation is to increase its function as water conservation building. Water conservation building has functioned as rain harvesting and water reserves during the dry seasonThe methods are used to redesign this small dam conservation are hydrological , small dam conservation construction planning , analysis stability of  planned constructions and the last method is estimating building construction cost.  Small dam conservation planned height of 5 m,withabaseelevationat+104,7 thedamcrestelevation+112,5,00m.The flood debit of 426,279 m3/sec with cycle period 10 years.Spillway which used is Open Ogee type and basin specific energy building Vlugter type. Stability small dam conservation at Deer Park University of Lampung construction stated as safe. Cost estimated of design planning of conservation small dam is Rp. 5.918.096.000,00. Reservoir volume after planned to be 13.213,5627 m3. This volume has increased from the existing volume of the previous reservoir, which was only 5.981,3997 m3. It can be concluded, the ability of small dam conservation to rain harvesting and water reserves during the dry season increases. Keyword : Small dam, Conservation, University of Lampung
Perencanaan Embung di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara 7 Unit Usaha Bunga Mayang, Kabupaten Lampung Utara Zaina Khoerunnisa Nurul Fath; Gatot Eko Susilo; Margaretta Welly
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 4 (2017): Edisi Desember 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Dalam rangka peningkatan produktivitas kebun tebu di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara 7 Unit Usaha Bunga Mayang, Kabupaten Lampung Utara, dilakukan revitalisasi puluhan embung untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi tanaman tebu.Perhitungan – perhitungan yang dilakukan dalam perencananaan embung ini meliputi analisa kapasitas tampungan menggunakan lengkung kapasitas, perhitungan curah hujan rencana menggunakan metode Log Pearson Tipe III, debit rencana menggunakan metode Rasional, analisa spillway, analisa tubuh embung, serta analisa kestabilan tubuh embung terhadap longsor.Dari perhitungan yang telah dilakukan diperoleh kapasitas tampungan sebesar 37224,24 m3, curah hujan rencana periode ulang 25 tahun sebesar 121,2384 mm, debit rencana periode ulang 25 tahun sebesar 1,89 m3/detik, mercu spillway menggunakan mercu Ogee Tipe I dengan elevasi mercu pada +42,5 dan elevasi muka air banjir pada +42,70. Tubuh bendungan menggunakan urugan tanah dengan kemiringan hulu 1 : 3 dan hilir tubuh embung adalah 1 : 2,25, elevasi puncak berada pada +44,0 dan elevasi dasar berada pada + 36,0. Tinggi jagaan tubuh embung dipakai sebesar 1,50 meter. Tubuh embung dan spillway dinyatakan aman terhadap gaya – gaya yang terjadi. Kata kunci : Embung, perencanaan, irigasi, PTPN 7.
Analysis of River Sediment Transport Way Sekampung (Upstream of Batutegi Dam) Using an Empirical Approach and HEC-RAS Modeling singgih pradipta; ofik taufik purwadi; margaretta welly
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 8, No 4 (2020): Edisi Desember 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Dams have various functions and benefits, such as irrigation sources, flood control, power generation, tourism etc. The problem that is concerned about the dams that have been built in developing countries such as Indonesia is in particular the problem of sedimentation in the reservoir. Way Sekampung is one of the rivers which is the source of water in the Batutegi reservoir. Way Sekampung has a large discharge. However, Way Sekampung which has a fairly heavy flow also carries sediment which must be taken into account so as not to disturb the stability of the existing river. Therefore, a research was conducted on sediment discharge and transport in the Way Sekampung river. The discharge analysis used field current meter data and sediment analysis used field sediment samples. Comparative data is calculated using the HEC-RAS application so that there are variations in the discharge in the calculation. The Way Sekampung River produces a sediment discharge of 0.0814 m3 / s at Cross Section 1 and 0.0999 m3 / s in Cross Section 2 using the Meyer Peter and Muller method. Compared with empirical calculations, the sediment rate value is 0.0822 m3 / s in Cross Section 1 and 0.0798 m3 / s in Cross Section 2 using HEC-RAS discharge modeling and Einstein method.