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PENGOLAHAN AIR BERKUALITAS RENDAH MENJADI AIR DOMESTIK NON KONSUMSI (Studi Kasus : Air Sungai Way Belau Kuripan - Bandar Lampung) Sumiharni, Sumiharni; Susilo, Gatot Eko
Rekayasa : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung Vol 13, No 3 (2009): Edisi Desember Tahun 2009

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Air merupakan sumber daya alam yang diperlukan untuk hajat hidup orang banyak, bahkan olehsemua makhluk hidup. Oleh karena itu, sumber daya air harus dilindungi agar tetap dapatdimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh manusia serta makhluk hidup yang lain. Tujuan penelitian iniantara lain: mengetahui karakteristik kualitas air sungai Way Belau Kuripan berdasarkanparameter yang diuji, merakit instalasi pengolahan air sungai berkualitas rendah menjadi airdomestik non konsumsi, menganalisis kinerja dan keefektivan dari instalasi pengolahan air sungaitersebut.Dalam penelitian uji perlakuan ini menggunakan dua dosis koagulan yang berbeda. Air sungai dariSungai Way Belau Kuripan Bandar Lampung dicampur dengan kedua dosis koagulan tersebut.Dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat tiga sampel, yaitu sampel awal sebelum perlakuan, sampel hasilperlakuan pertama, dan sampel perlakuan kedua. Ketiga sampel diuji di laboratorium UPTD BalaiLaboratorium Kesehatan Provinsi Lampung untuk mengetahui parameter COD, pH, TSS, AmoniaNitrogen, DO dan BOD. Pada model instalasi, air sungai yang telah dicampur dengan tawas, batukapur dan kaporit kemudian diaduk menggunakan mixer lalu sampel diendapkan selama 24 jamkemudian disaring dengan filter karbon aktif dan serat nilon.Hasil pengujian sampel hasil perlakuan model instalasi menunjukkan hasil yang baik, terutamapada parameter COD, TSS, Amonia Nitrogen, dan DO. Hasil pengujian sampel menunjukkankadar tawas efektif yaitu 0,50 gram/liter ditambah 0,1 gram/liter batu kapur dan 0,05 gram/literkaporit. Kadar tersebut dapat menurunkan kadar COD,pH, TSS, Amonia Nitrogen, dan BOD sertamenaikkan kadar DO masing-masing mencapai 64,59%, 23,09%, 53,29%, 51,95%, 66,79 dan543,94%. Hasil penelitian ini telah mampu merubah air sungai Way Belau Kuripan yangberkualitas rendah menjadi air yang berkualitas lebih baik.
Data Generation In Order To Replace Lost Flow Data Using Bootstrap Method And Regression Analysis Susilo, Gatot Eko
Civil and Environmental Science Journal (CIVENSE) Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.civense.2018.00101.4


This paper aims to find method to generate data in order to replace lost flow data in the series of discharge data in Sungai Seputih River, Lampung Province. Bootstrap simulation is used to estimate the discharge data and complete the existing discharge data. Regression analysis is also used to find the pattern of data distribution. Results of the research show that both methods are able to generate new series of flow data that the distribution is similar to available field data. Results also show that the use of statistical methods is one way to tackle the problem of data limitations due to missing or unrecorded data. The weakness of data generation using a combination of Bootstrap methods and regression analysis is the disappearance of extreme values in the data series. Existing extreme values have been modified to ideal values that satisfy certain distributions. However, careful analysis is required in using statistical method, so that the results of analysis do not deviate from the field conditions.
The analysis of rainwater harvesting carrying capacity on water domestic supply for dwelling areas in Indonesia Susilo, Gatot Eko; Jafri, Muhammad
Civil and Environmental Science Journal (CIVENSE) Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.civense.2019.00106


This research aims to promote the method to design rainwater harvesting facilities in Indonesian dwelling areas. The estimation of rainwater harvesting (RWH) carrying capacity is undertaken using a simulation involving rainfall, inflow, and outflow data. The research was undertaken in Natar sub-district, Southern Lampung, Indonesia. Daily rainfall data from Branti Airport from 2013 to 2017 are used for the simulation. Research shows that houses in the study area can supply approximately 35% of their domestic water needs by applying RWH. This means that the support capacity of rainwater harvesting in the study area revolves around that value. The research also shows intensity of rainfall will greatly affect the carrying capacity of RWH. In addition to rainfall, the economic ability of a family plays an important role in planning the dimensions of a RWH facility in a house. Finally, maintenance of RWH facilities on a regular basis is important to ensure the operational effectiveness of RWH.
Rainwater Harvesting as Alternative Source for Wudlu Water in Indonesia Susilo, Gatot Eko
Civil and Environmental Science Journal (CIVENSE) Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik UB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.civense.2018.00102.3


Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. And as a country with Muslim big population clean water for wudlu or purification must be available. Rainwater holds potential as an alternative source of wudlu water. Rainwater harvesting (RWH) for religious water supply is still very rare studied. Based on this, the research in this paper aims to calculate the potential supporting capacity of rainwater as an alternative sourceof wudlu water. Supporting capacity of rainwater harvesting (SCRWH) in this study was calculated by simulating inflow and outflow behavior at a rainwater harvesting facility in a mosque. Case study takes place at Nurul Iman Mosque in Southern Lampung. The mosque has an area of 168 m and able to accommodate 300 worshipers. Research show that the most effective reservoir size in the RWH facility in the observed mosque is between 15 to 30 m2 with SCRWH for wet years between 65% and 70% and for dry years between 44% and 53%, respectively. The availability of wudlu water in a mosque basically cannot be expected 100% comes from rain water only. In the application of RWH in a mosque the maintenance of theRWH facility must be undertaken well.
Desain Penampang Sungai Way Besai Melalui Peningkatan Kapasitas Sungai Menggunakan Softwere HEC-RAS Tri Utami; Ofik Taufik Purwadi; Gatot Eko Susilo
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Edisi Juni 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Way Besai river is located in Sumberjaya subdistrict, West Lampung district, Lampung. It is one of the sub river from Tulang Bawang river. Way Besai river has been used as a the electric power source, known as Besai hydropower. Besai Hydropower has decreased energy supply of 40 MW from the supply optimum can reachs 90 MW. his is due to the catcment area conditions of the Way Besai rivers are "metastable" so which effected in the shallowing of the cross-section quickly. So it needs the capacity increased of the cross-section of the river until the early condition where is the supply can reachs 90 MW.For the first step in improving the capacity of the Way Besai river needed hydraulics river simulation process that facilitated by using Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) Program. HEC-RAS program can help to modeling the flow of cross-section of the river on the existing condition and normalization using the steady flow options and data input including maximum discharge data. The output of modeling using HEC-RAS program can be seen in the form of pictures and a table that presents the characteristics of a cross-section of the river.From the result of the analysis founded that to reach the normalization condition, needs the dredging until the elevation +713,00 level, with 2.435.590,09 m3 of volume capacity of dredging. When the water level of the river reachs Full Supply Level (FSL) elevation that is on elevation +722,00 level founded that the maximum discharge in the downstream in the amount of 57,19 m3/s, with water volume capacity in the 1.471.185,77 m3. For the Reservoir Surface Area in Way Besai river has increased with 28,6% from the exsisting condition that recorded from Sta 0+000 level until sta 3+391,45 level Keywords: Debit ,HEC-RAS, Manning calibration , Normalization, River.
Simulasi Waduk Sukaraja III, Kecamatan Margatiga, Kabupaten Lampung Timur Febrian Febrian; Gatot Eko Susilo; Endro P Wahono
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 4, No 3 (2016): Edisi September 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Sukaraja III’s reservoir is one of reservoir that is usefull to irrigate rice fields in Rawa Sragi II.  To optimize inflow and storage of Sukaraja III’s reservoir, simulation is needed to obtain how many area can be irrigated by optimize the objection function of reservoir.This study was conducted at Sukaraja village, and Negeri Jemanten, Margatiga District, East Lampung Regency. In this study, there’re three analysis, analysis of inflow, analysis of outflow and analysis about water balance. Analysis of inflow use Argoguruh’s weir discharge data 2005-2012. Analysis of inflow include Argoguruh’s weir runoff discharge and discharge of watershed Sukaraja III’s dam. Analysis of inflow include evaporation, maintenance flow, and water needs of the irrigation. Analysis about water balance is used to know how much the volume of reservoir which affected by inflow and outflow. Next, do the simulation to get the maximum area of field with meet two requirements. Reservoir water level should always be above 18 meters and must meet 80% reliability.From the analysis, the result for the largest total inflow in 2005 and the smallest total inflow occurred in 2006. Outflow for each year is different because it is influenced by planting different beginning period, the beginning of January and the beginning of December, and evaporation which caused by total area of reservoir inundation. Fields which can be irrigated with initial period of planting in early January is 4739 ha, and fields which can be irrigated with initial period of planting in early December is 5600 ha. This simulation meets 100% reliability and reservoir water level is always above 18 meters. Key word: simulation, inflow, outflow
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Edisi Juni 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Flooding is an event that occurs when water flows water on the land, the EU defines flooding as a temporary immersion by water on land that is not normally submerged in water. Based on water sources that become reservoirs on earth, the type of flood is divided into three, namely river flood, lake flood, and flood tides. Floods that occur in some areas in Lampung are caused by overflow of water from rivers such as Way Hui rivers triggered by several things, namely garbage, river narrowing and drainage, and high rainfall. This study aims to analyze rainfall data in the study area. In addition, the plan also aims to calculate the design of rain and flood design in the study area and conduct retaining wall planning in the study area. In this study, the procedures used are data collection of rainfall and river basin data, calculation and rainfall analysis, calculation and analysis of rainfall design, calculation and analysis of rainfall intensity, calculation and design of debit analysis, calculation and analysis of slope stability, And Plan budget (RAB) budget. The results showed that the calculation of slope stability using Fellenius Method and Bishop Method. After the calculation, the security number (FK) of 1,317 for the Fellenius Method, and the security number (FK) for the Bishop Method is 1.351. With these results, the FK> 1 qualified safe is for the planning of retaining wall in Way Hui river. Then the authors calculate the cost budget plan (RAB) to build the retaining wall of the land and obtained a price of about Rp. 428.215.506,00. Keywords: flood, slope stability, flood dischargeAbstrakBanjir adalah peristiwa yang terjadi ketika aliran air merendam daratan, Uni Eropa mendefinisikan banjir sebagai perendaman sementara oleh air pada daratan yang biasanya tidak terendam air. Berdasarkan sumber air yang menjadi penampung di bumi, jenis banjir dibedakan menjadi tiga, yaitu banjir sungai, banjir danau, dan banjir laut pasang. Banjir yang terjadi disejumlah daerah di Lampung yang disebabkan oleh meluapnya air-air dari sungai seperti sungai Way Hui yang dipicu oleh beberapa hal, yaitu sampah, penyempitan sungai dan drainase, serta curah hujan yang tinggi.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa data hujan pada daerah studi. Selain itu, perencanaan ini juga bertujuan untuk melakukan perhitungan hujan rancangan dan banjir rancangan pada daerah studi dan melakukan perencanaan dinding penahan tanah pada daerah studi tersebut. Pada penelitian ini prosedur yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data hujan dan data DAS, perhitungan dan analisa hujan kawasan, perhitungan dan analisa hujan rancangan, perhitungan dan analisa intensitas hujan, perhitungan dan analisa debit rancangan, perhitungan dan analisa stabilitas lereng, dan rencana anggaran biaya (RAB). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perhitungan stabilitas lereng menggunakan Metode Fellenius dan Metode Bishop. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan maka diperoleh angka keamanan (FK) sebesar 1,317 untuk Metode Fellenius, dan angka keamanan (FK) untuk Metode Bishop sebesar 1,351. Dengan hasil tersebut maka memenuhi syarat aman yaitu FK > 1 untuk perencanaan dinding penahan tanah pada sungai Way Hui. Kemudian penulis menghitung rencana anggaran biaya (RAB) untuk membangun dinding penahan tanah tersebut dan diperoleh harga sekitar Rp. 428.215.506,00  Kata kunci : banjir, stabilitas lereng, debit banjir
Perencanaan Sistem Pemanenan Air Hujan Skala Rumah Tangga Di Korea Selatan Park Eun Ha; Gatot Eko Susilo; Endro Prasetyo Wahono
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Edisi Maret 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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South Korea is classified as a water shortage country. The government has been promoting a "comprehensive water conservation step" since 2000, and one of the government's programs is to expand the areas that implement the installation of Rainwater Harvesting. This study intend to analyze rainwater harvesting planning system and calculate the cost that must be invested in making rainwater harvesting system according to South Korean standard. Where the water needs to be fulfilled from this research is for flushing water and washing. In this research, hydrological analysis with rainfall data is located in Jeju city from 2007 until 2016, population water requirement and budget cost plan analysis for rainwater harvesting system. From the analysis, the value of water flushing water and laundry for one family can be fulfilled with optimization ratio of 67.75%. The simulation of this research using two cubic meters water tank. The budget plan for construct a rainwater harvesting system for single house is 862,316 won. Base on the simulation this study also could estimate the cost of electric power for the pump of 1130 won per month, therefor for the payment of water which is 30,378 won - 31,613 won can be saved about 30,000 won with the value of NPV of 17,190 won on month 35. Keywords : Jeju City, Rainfall, Water Requirement, Cost, NPV
Perencanaan Embung di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara 7 Unit Usaha Bunga Mayang, Kabupaten Lampung Utara Zaina Khoerunnisa Nurul Fath; Gatot Eko Susilo; Margaretta Welly
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 4 (2017): Edisi Desember 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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Dalam rangka peningkatan produktivitas kebun tebu di PT. Perkebunan Nusantara 7 Unit Usaha Bunga Mayang, Kabupaten Lampung Utara, dilakukan revitalisasi puluhan embung untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi tanaman tebu.Perhitungan – perhitungan yang dilakukan dalam perencananaan embung ini meliputi analisa kapasitas tampungan menggunakan lengkung kapasitas, perhitungan curah hujan rencana menggunakan metode Log Pearson Tipe III, debit rencana menggunakan metode Rasional, analisa spillway, analisa tubuh embung, serta analisa kestabilan tubuh embung terhadap longsor.Dari perhitungan yang telah dilakukan diperoleh kapasitas tampungan sebesar 37224,24 m3, curah hujan rencana periode ulang 25 tahun sebesar 121,2384 mm, debit rencana periode ulang 25 tahun sebesar 1,89 m3/detik, mercu spillway menggunakan mercu Ogee Tipe I dengan elevasi mercu pada +42,5 dan elevasi muka air banjir pada +42,70. Tubuh bendungan menggunakan urugan tanah dengan kemiringan hulu 1 : 3 dan hilir tubuh embung adalah 1 : 2,25, elevasi puncak berada pada +44,0 dan elevasi dasar berada pada + 36,0. Tinggi jagaan tubuh embung dipakai sebesar 1,50 meter. Tubuh embung dan spillway dinyatakan aman terhadap gaya – gaya yang terjadi. Kata kunci : Embung, perencanaan, irigasi, PTPN 7.
IDENTIFICATION OF SPRING IN EAST LAMPUNG rudi hari perdana; Gatot Eko Susilo; Yuda Romdania
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain Vol 5, No 3 (2017): Edisi September 2017
Publisher : Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain

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          Water is the source for life. Earth is called the blue planet, as water covers three-quarters of Earth's surface. It's just that most of the sea water (salt water).  Generally, the condition springs in Indonesia experienced a decline in the amount and debit, were damaged in the catchment area and the surrounding environment. To determine the existence of water resources, necessary to identify water resources. This research is to identify the sources of springs in knowing the status of water resources.          The primary data collection is done by identifying the condition of land cover in the catchment area, the condition of the springs, the condition of land cover in a radius of 200 m, the performance of the fountain, the critical level of water catchment areas, the critical level of water catchment areas, the critical level of a radius of 200 m, utilization springs, and the dependence of communities on water resources. While the collection of secondary data obtained from BPLHD Kab. East Lampung in the form of water quality data from 12 springs. Spring Water Quality Analysis using WQI Malaysia with graphic works of Dr. GatotEkoSusilo, S.T., M.Sc.          From the calculations, the average value of the 12 WQI water source is 95.1, meaning that all 12 springs are so richly used by people for drinking, bathing, cooking and others. The 12 water spring in the district of Batang Among them there are 5 springs, in the district of Marga Tiga there are 5 springs, in the District of Sri Bawono there is one source of water, and in District Jabung there is one source of water. Keywords: Water, Water Quality, East Lampung Spring Water, Water            Quality Index Malaysia