Syahroni Damanik
Institut Kesehatan Helvetia Medan

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Journal : JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati)

Abdominal Stretching Exercises To Reduce Dysmenorhea In Adloscent Afrahul Padilah Siregar; Dewi Sartika Hasibuan; Syahroni Damanik; Dian Zuiatna
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 8, No 1 (2022): Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v8i1.5931


Latar Belakang: Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat baik secara fisik, psikologis, maupun intelektual. Saat menstruasi sangat dibutuhkan perilaku menjaga kebersihan dan mencegah terjadinya nyeri pada saat menstruasi.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Latihan Abdominal Stretching Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Haid Remaja di Lingkungan Dusun III, Desa Helvetia, Sunggal, Medan Tahun 2020.Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah Quasy Eksperimen dengan menggunakan Design Pretest dan Post Test. Populasi dari penelitian adalah remaja perempuan berumur 11-16 tahun di Lingkungan Dusun III, Desa Helvetia, Sunggal, Medan Tahun 2020. Sampel dari penelitian ini sebanyak 10 responden yang diambil menggunakan tehnik Total Populasi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembaran observasi.Hasil: Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Independen T-test diperoleh nilai sig 2-tailed sebesar 0,00 <0,005 maka dapat di simpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh latihan abdominal stretching terhadap penurunan nyeri haid remaja sebelum di lakukan latihan dengan sesudah di lakukan latihan abdominal.Kesimpulan: ada pengaruh pengaruh latihan abdominal stretching terhadap penurunan nyeri haid remaja sebelum di lakukan latihan dengan sesudah di lakukan latihan abdominal.Saran diharapkan remaja puteri meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran untuk melakukan pencegahan nyeri haid serta diharapkan remaja putri lebih meningkatkan lagi perilaku kebersihannya dengan lebih memperbanyak membaca buku dan mengikuti seminar-seminar yang diadakan. Kata Kunci : Latihan Abdominal Stretching , Nyeri Haid Remaja,Remaja ABSTRACT Background: Adolescence is a period of rapid growth and development both physically, psychologically, and intellectually. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness and prevent pain during menstruation.Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of abdominal stretching exercises on reducing menstrual pain (dysmenorhea) in adolescents at Dusun III, Helvetia Village, Sunggal, Medan in 2020. Methods: The design of this study was a Quasy Experiment using Pretest and Post Test Designs. The study population was female adolescents aged 11-16 years old from Dusun III, Helvetia Village, Sunggal, Medan 2020. The sample was 10 respondents taken using the Total Population technique, while the data collection used observation sheets.Results: Based on the Independent T-test statistical test  a 2-tailed sig value of 0.00 <0.005 was obtained. Therefore there was an effect of abdominal stretching exercises on reducing adolescent menstrual pain after doing abdominal exercises.Conclusion: Abdominal stretching exercises could help reduce menstrual pain in adolescent.Suggestion: Young women will increase their knowledge and awareness of preventing menstrual pain and are expected to improve their hygiene by reading more books and attending seminars. Keywords: Abdominal, Adolescent Menstrual Pain Stretching Exercise, Teenager 
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Vol.7 No.2 April 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v7i2.4172


GIVING Turmeric Ointment MAY REDUCE STRIAE GRAVIDARUM IN THE PUPERATIVE MOTHER Background:Striaegravidarum is a sign or stretch that occurs on the skin of 50% to 90% of women during the second half of pregnancy. Nearly half of women experience stretching of the skin, especially in the abdomen, as a result of increasing gestational age.The presence of striae gravidarum causes a lack of self-confidence in the post-partum mother, so this makes the postpartum mother have to undergo medication and even surgery to restore her skin to the state before she was pregnant.The purpose: of this study was to determine the effect of turmeric ointment in reducing Striaegravidarum in postpartum mothers at the Hj. DewiSesmeraS.Tr.Keb Aluminum IV TanjungMulia Medan in 2020.Methods: This study used a Quasy Experiment Design (Quasi-Experimental Design) using a One Group Pretest-Postest Design. The population and sample in this study were all postpartum mothers with 15 people. This study used Porposive sampling technique with univariate and bivariate analysis with T Test.Results: the research obtained from data analysis with the Wilcoxon test showed that post-partum mothers could conclude pre-test and post-test giving turmeric ointment. The results in the table show that the P-Value (0.001) <α 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is an effect of pre-test and post-test on the administration of turmeric ointment in reducing striaegravidarum.Conclusion: This study shows that there is an effect of turmeric ointment in reducing striaegravidarum. Suggestions for the clinic mother Hj. Dewi Sesmera so that mothers can advise postpartum mothers to make their own products with ingredients derived from traditional turmeric in reducing striaegravivarum. Keywords: Key words: Turmeric ointment, Striae gravidarum, postpartum mother