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The Education of Indonesian Shi‘i Leaders Zulkifli, Z.
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 47, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2009.472.231-267


Amidst the Sunni majority in Indonesia, there exist a small number of Shi`i adherents that have increased quantitatively and qualitatively since the Iranian revolution of 1978-1979. To see the Shi`i community as a monolithic entity is misleading. In fact, this community is comprised of several groups that may not be united under a recognised single leader. Leadership in a community results partly from education, although the degree and extent of its influence remain questionable. In this regard, this article aims at analysing the education of Shi`i leaders in Indonesia. What types of education did they experience? In terms of education backgrounds, Shi`i leaders may be classified into the ustadhs and intellectuals. The ustadhs are those educated in institutions of Islamic learning and the majority are alumni of hawza ‘ilmiyya (colleges of Islamic learning) in Qum, Iran. Since the establishment of the Islamic Republic  of Iran in 1979, the number of Indonesian students studying in Qum has increased significantly and the hawza ‘ilmiyya of Qum have been very important in producing the Shi`i ustadh in Indonesia. On the other hand, the intellectuals are those who have graduated from secular universities but received religious instruction in non-formal education institutions. Although education is an important factor contributing to leadership, other factors have to be considered such as scholarship in religious sciences, involvement in da‘wa and education activities, leadership experience in education and socio-religious institutions, as the case of Jalaluddin Rakhmat has shown.
Traditional Religious Authorities in New Media: Platform as An Alternative Cyber Fatwa and Da’wah Media among the Middle-Class Urban Muslims Arif Zamhari; Muhamad Ibtissam Han; Zulkifli Zulkifli
AHKAM : Jurnal Ilmu Syariah Vol 21, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/ajis.v21i1.20300


This study examines the recent developments of religious authorities among middle-class urban Muslims. It is constructed due to the emergence of new religious authorities in Indonesia after the collapse of the New Order and the response of traditional santri involving the use of new media technology. With a phenomenological approach, the study focuses on the platform as a Cyber Fatwa and Islamic preaching media developed by Pusat Studi Qur’an/PSQ (Center for Qur’an Studies) to respond to the trending pengajian (sermon) activities among urban Muslims, the majority of whom are transnational groups including Salafi and Jamaah Tabligh. The platform has actively played a part in accommodating their aspirations with various facilities and easy access through an information technology-based application (a new media).As a result, the study argues that the moderate Islam discourse offered by the platform is not a mainstream but an alternative to religious activities for middle-class urban Muslims. In addition, is a new media used for traditional religious authority to compete with new religious authority in religious fatwa and Islamic discourse in Indonesia. This study is significant to show that Cyber Fatwa and Islamic preaching in the form of new media can be used as a counter narrative for traditional religious authorities in dealing with the proliferation of the so called new religious authorities da’wah movement and Salafi and radical preaching movement in new media.Abstrak:Artikel ini mengkaji perkembangan terkini otoritas keagamaan kalangan kelas menengah Muslim perkotaan. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh munculnya otoritas keagamaan baru di Indonesia pasca runtuhnya Orde Baru dan respons santri tradisional yang melibatkan penggunaan teknologi media baru. Dengan pendekatan fenomenologis, penelitian ini berfokus pada platform sebagai media fatwa siber dan dakwah Islam alternatif yang dikembangkan oleh PSQ (Pusat Studi Qur’an). Platform itu untuk merespons kegiatan pengajian yang sedang tren di kalangan Muslim perkotaan, yang mayoritas pesertanya adalah kelompok transnasional termasuk Salafi dan Jamaah Tabligh. berperan aktif dalam menampung aspirasi mereka dengan berbagai fasilitas dan kemudahan akses melalui aplikasi teknologi informasi.Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wacana Islam mode yang ditawarkan oleh platform bukanlah mainstream, melainkan kegiatan keagamaan alternatif bagi Muslim perkotaan kelas menengah. Selain itu, merupakan media baru yang digunakan otoritas keagamaan tradisional untuk berkompetisi dengan otoritas keagamaan baru di bidang fatwa keagamaan dan wacana keislaman di Indonesia. Studi ini signifikan menunjukkan bahwa fatwa siber dan dakwah Islam dalam bentuk media baru dapat digunakan sebagai kontranarasi bagi otoritas agama tradisional dalam menghadapi menjamurnya apa yang disebut gerakan dakwah otoritas keagamaan baru dan gerakan dakwah Salafi dan radikal di media baru.
Penerimaan Sistem Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Dengan E-Learning dan Gim di Masa Pandemi COVID-19 Dewi Khairani; Muhammad Iqbal; Dede Rosyada; Zulkifli Zulkifli; Fitri Mintarsih
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan Vol. 19 No. 3 (2021): EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
Publisher : Badan Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32729/edukasi.v19i3.958


Abstract This study discusses the acceptance of the use of e-learning and games in learning Arabic during the COVID-19 pandemic. Arabic learning experienced considerable challenges in learning before the pandemic and now with the pandemic, this process has even greater challenges which ultimately require an Arabic language learning method that adapts to the generation, situation and condition of the people who are experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic so that learning can still be carried out with good and fun outcomes. This research through its five hypotheses which are built based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory, shows that with the use of e-learning and games, a positive perception of convenience which then supports usefulness and ultimately affects the attitudes and behaviour of users in learning Arabic can be proven by the acceptance of the five the hypothesis. The consistent use of e-learning and games in learning, especially Arabic learning and the implementation of e-learning and games to support the curriculum are expected to improve student learning experiences for the better and also increase the actual use of both methods.   Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerimaan penggunaan e-learning dan gim dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab selama Pandemi COVID-19. Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab mengalami tantangan yang cukup besar dalam pembelajaran sebelum pandemi dan sekarang dengan adanya pandemi, proses ini memiliki tantangan yang lebih besar yang akhirnya membutuhkan sebuah metode pembelajaran bahasa Arab yang menyesuaikan dengan situasi generasi, situasi dan kondisi masyarakat yang sedang mengalami pandemi COVID-19 agar pembelajaran tetap dapat dilaksanakan dengan hasil keluaran yang baik dan menyenangkan. Penelitian ini melalui kelima hipotesisnya yang dibangun berdasarkan teori Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), menunjukkan bahwa dengan penggunaan e-learning dan gim, persepsi positif tentang kemudahan yang kemudian menunjang kebermanfaatan dan akhirnya mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku pengguna dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab dapat dibuktikan dengan penerimaan kelima hipotesis tersebut. Penggunaan e-learning dan gim secara konsisten dalam pembelajaran khususnya pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan implementasi e-learning dan gim untuk mendukung kurikulum diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengalaman belajar siswa menjadi lebih baik dan juga meningkatkan penggunaan keduanya secara aktual.
Islamic fundamentalism, nation- state and global citizenship: the case of Hizb ut-Tahrir Asep Muhammad Iqbal; Zulkifli Zulkifli
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies Vol 6, No 1 (2016): Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies
Publisher : IAIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/ijims.v6i1.35-61


Contrary to common understanding among observers, this essay argues that Islamic fundamentalism is not anti-globalization movement, but rather as parts, participants, and interpreters of globalization. Focusing on the case of Hizb ut-Tahrir, it shows that regardless of its utopian nature of the ideology it pro- motes, Islamic fundamentalism is a globalizing force that constitutes a return of old world religions to modern society, which is characterised by its rejec- tion of the validity of nation-states and vision of a global citizenship through the establishment of Islamic Caliphate as a single global community of believ- ers (ummah) with its universalistic rules and laws within contemporary Mus- lim world. Berbeda dari pandangan yang sejauh ini banyak dikemukakan oleh para pengamat, tulisan ini berargumen bahwa fundamentalisme Islam bukan merupakan gerakan anti-globalisasi, melainkan justru sebagai bagian, partisipan dan penafsir fenomena globalisasi. Dengan memfokuskan analisisnya pada kasus Hizb ut-Tahrir, tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa terlepas dari sifat utopian ideologi yang diusungnya, gerakan fundamentalisme Islam tidak diragukan lagi merupakan sebuah kekuatan globalisasi yang mewakili kembalinya agama besar dunia ke masyarakat modern, yang bercirikan penolakan atas validitas negara- bangsa dan visi kewarganegaraan global melalui pembentukan komunitas glo- bal umat Islam dalam bentuk khilafah Islam dengan aturan dan hukum universalnya dalam dunia Islam kontemporer.
Plural Conceptions of Integration of Science and Religion Zulkifli Zulkifli; Cucu Nurhayati; Bambang Ruswandi; Fadhilah Suralaga
TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society TARBIYA: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION IN MUSLIM SOCIETY | VOL. 7 NO. 2 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v7i2.18991


AbstractAlong with the transformation of Islamic higher educations into full-fledged universities, the concept of integration of science and religion is their key characteristic. Indonesian education has witnessed the dynamic and development of paradigm, concept, and metaphor for Islamic university’s science integration. Many studies dealing with the paradigm and concept of science integration and its implementation in curriculum design and learning process have been conducted but tend to focus on the monolithic understanding of each university. By distancing itself from the general trend, this study attempted to analyze the plural conceptions of science integration and factors affecting the plural conceptions at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. To achieve the goal, we employed a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative approach with questionnaires distributed to the sample of 147 lecturers, focus group discussion with 25 participants, and library studies. The study found three types of conceptions have developed and co-existed at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, namely official conception, senior academia’s conception, and general lecturers' conception. Each has its formulation and emphasis, although they share some similarities. The study also revealed the institutional factor as context and individual factors, mainly experience and expertise, resulting in the plural conceptions of science integration. Thus, the concept of science integration at an Islamic university should be considered as a dynamic and plural entity.AbstrakSeiring dengan transformasi perguruan tinggi keagamaan Islam menjadi universitas penuh, konsep integrasi ilmu dan agama menjadi karakteristik utamanya, dan pendidikan Indonesia telah menyaksikan dinamika dan pengembangan paradigma, konsep, dan metafora integrasi ilmu di universitas-universitas Islam tersebut. Banyak penelitian yang berhubungan dengan paradigma dan konsep integrasi ilmu serta implementasinya dalam desain kurikulum dan proses pembelajaran telah dilakukan, tetapi penelitian-penelitian tersebut cenderung berfokus pada pemahaman monolitik dari masing-masing universitas. Berbeda dengan itu semua, penelitian ini berusaha menganalisis beragam konsepsi tentang integrasi ilmu dan agama dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi beragam konsepsi tersebut di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Kami menggunakan metode campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan teknik kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada 147 responden, Focus Group Discussion dengan 25 partisipan, dan studi kepustakaan. Studi ini menemukan bahwa tiga jenis konsepsi telah berkembang dan hidup berdampingan di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, yaitu konsepsi resmi, konsepsi akademisi senior, dan konsepsi dosen umum. Masing-masing memiliki rumusan dan penekanan sendiri meskipun mereka memiliki beberapa kesamaan. Studi ini juga mengungkapkan faktor kelembagaan sebagai konteks dan faktor individu terutama pengalaman dan keahlian yang mempengaruhi beragam konsepsi integrasi ilmu. Dengan demikian, konsep integrasi ilmu di universitas Islam harus dipahami sebagai entitas yang dinamis dan beragam. How to Cite:  Zulkifli, Nurhayati, C., Ruswandi, B., Suralaga, F. (2020).  Plural Conceptions of Integration of Science and Religion. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 7(2), 142-157. doi:10.15408/tjems.v7i2.18991.
THE ULAMA IN INDONESIA: Between Religious Authority and Symbolic Power Zulkifli Zulkifli
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 37, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v37i1.79


Abstrak: Ulama di Indonesia: Antara Otoritas Keagamaan dan Kekuatan Simbolik. Artikel ini berupaya menguji hubungan antara peranan ulama, otoritas keagamaan, dan kekuatan simbolik dalam masyarakat Muslim Indonesia dengan meneliti sejumlah literatur penting. Dalam studi ini penulis menggunakan kerangka teoretis ahli sosiologi Prancis Pierre Bourdieu, yakni teori praksis yang hampir tidak pernah digunakan dalam kajian agama di Indonesia. Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa ulama memegang peranan yang strategis dalam masyarakat Indonesia dan peranannya tetap penting dalam konteks perubahan sosial, politik, dan ekonomi yang cepat. Tetapi otoritas keagamaan ulama telah terfragmentasi sejak lama dan media global dan teknologi informasi telah membuat otoritas tersebut semakin plural. Dalam konteks ini otoritas keagamaan merupakan arena yang kompetitif di mana kelompok tradisionalis, reformis, radikalis, dan pendatang baru berkompetisi untuk mencapai pengakuan. Studi ini juga menegaskan bahwa otoritas keagamaan dan pengakuan berjalan hanya dengan adanya kekuatan simbolik.Abstract: This article attempts to examine the relationship between the role of ulama, religious authority, and symbolic power in Indonesian Muslim society by scrutinizing famous literature of ulama in Indonesia. In the study I utilize French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical framework known as theory of practice, hardly ever used in the study of religion (Islam) in Indonesia. The study reveals that the ulama have played a strategic role in the Indonesian society and their role continues to be important in the context of rapid social, political, and economic changes. However, the religious authority of ulama has been fragmented and the global media and information technologies have made the authority more pluralized. The religious authority is a competitive field in which traditionalist, reformist, radicalist, and new entrants compete for gaining recognition. The study also affirms that the religious authority and recognition are exercised only by the symbolic power.Keywords: religious authority, ulama, symbolic power, Indonesia
Al-Shaykh Muḥammad Zain Shukrī: Imtidād al-Turāth al-Fikrī li ‘Ulamā’ Fālimbānj fī al-Qarn al-‘Ishrīn al-Mīlādī Zulkifli Zulkifli
Studia Islamika Vol 9, No 1 (2002): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7588.547 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v9i1.677


This present article, which was written to try to fill the gap, discusses a figure, namely K.H.M. Zen Syukri, who was one of the productive and influential religious scholars in Palembang at the beginning of the 20th century. Issues such as his biography and religious thoughts, his activities and roles in the spheres of education, dakwah (missionary) and in that of socio-politics are discussed. But more specifically, the article is concerned with the role of K.H.M. Zen Syukri in the development of the Sammaniyyah Order in South Sumatera.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v9i1.677
Being the Shī’te among the Sunni Majority in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study of Ustadz Husein Al-Habsyi (1921-1994) Zulkifli Zulkifli
Studia Islamika Vol 11, No 2 (2004): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17051.921 KB) | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v11i2.603


One of the important research topics related to the Arab communities in Indonesia, and in Southeast Asia in general, that is likely to be neglected is their adherence to the Shi'ah, a minority school of Islam that differs from the Sunni majority in terms of several principal doctrines. As far as Islamic studies and social scientists studying Islam are concerned, the Shi'ah outside Iran seems to be a neglected research topic. Studies of Islam in Indonesia, like those in the Middle East, are mainly studies of the Sunni school. Therefore, aspects of the social, political, economic, and religious life of the Shi'ites in Indonesia remain unknown to scholars of Indonesian Islam as well as to Indonesianists.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v11i2.603
Education, Identity, and Recognition: The Shi‘i Islamic Education in Indonesia Zulkifli Zulkifli
Studia Islamika Vol 21, No 1 (2014): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v21i1.879


This article seeks to explain the role of education in relation to identity formation and the problems of recognition among Indonesian Shi’i (Shi’a) educational institutions. Despite being relatively small in numbers, the existence of the Shi’i community in Indonesia has attracted great attention from the state and religious authorities, especially since the recent sectarian violence committed against minority groups. This article follows three basic arguments: first, the issue of recognition is essential for education; second, social recognition is central to identity formation; and third, educational institution is a site of identity formation. This study  shows that education is a very important vehicle for the Shi’i group to gain recognition from the Sunni majority. Education plays an important role, and the Shi’i school system adopted from Iran has provided recognitive process and recognitive space for the community to make Shi’ism a legitimate group in Indonesian Islam.DOI: 10.15408/sdi.v21i1.879
The Social Integration of Hindu and Muslim Communities: The Practice of "Menyama-Braya" in Contemporary Bali I Gst. Pt. Bagus Suka Arjawa; Zulkifli Zulkifli
Studia Islamika Vol 28, No 1 (2021): Studia Islamika
Publisher : Center for Study of Islam and Society (PPIM) Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36712/sdi.v28i1.10914


The social interaction between Bugis Muslims and Hindus in Bali has long been known to be harmonious. This interaction can become a role model for religious interaction in Indonesia. This paper aims to explain the practice of menyama-braya (brotherhood) as a cultural system and its relevance to the integrative social interaction between the Hindu and Bugis Muslim communities in Bali. The research was conducted in the villages of Serangan, Kepaon, Tuban, Suwung, Tanjung Benoa, and Angantiga. The research is qualitative in nature and draws on interviews and the broader literature. The study reveals that a successful harmonious social life cannot be separated from the adoption of menyama-braya culture, which combines the attitude of solidarity and tolerance. The practice of the menyama-braya cultural system has been maintained for generations through various methods, such as socialization, rituals, the use of the same symbols, and formal educational institutions.