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Quality Control Improvement Using Seven Tools And Six Sigma Methods At Pt. Xyz Anthony Septian; Leni; Anita Christine Sembiring
Jurnal Mantik Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): August: Manajemen, Teknologi Informatika dan Komunikasi (Mantik)
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/mantik.v6i2.2605


Quality is an important topic for debate in a company because the facts on the ground show that a successful and surviving company must have quality control. Based on observations made at PT. XYZ, which is located in the Medan Marelan area, North Sumatra, it can be seen that the problem being faced by this company is the number of defective products produced during the production process. Therefore, this study aims to provide suggestions and reviews of improving quality control by implementing it using the seven tools method. Control analysis using seven tools method, namely check sheet, histogram, Pareto diagram, cause and effect diagram, control chart. This study took a sample of 50 pcs in 25 takers with 109 defective products. There are 4 types of defects in this study, namely: torn packaging defects, crushed processing defects, inappropriate weight defects, mixed processing defects. In the analysis, it was found that the biggest defects were in the torn packaging (40%) and crushed processing (38%). The results of the study of cause and effect diagrams found that the influence of labor, machinery, materials was the main point that had to be improved. In making the control chart Clp does not cross the UCLp and LCLp lines so that statistically out of control process variations are not found. Because there are no process variations that are outside the control limits, no revision is needed. Thus the process is in control. This study also uses the six sigma method to calculate the DPMO value and see the sigma level of companies in the industrial world. The result of the calculation is that the DPMO value in the company is 21,800 with a defect value of around 27%. It can be stated that the company has an average level of 3, which is above the Indonesian industry average. This is included in a fairly good level.
Effect of Communication, Work Environment and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance at PT Lautan Belawan Jaya Yeni Ariesa; Leni
Journal of Research in Business, Economics, and Education Vol. 3 No. 6 (2021): December Edition
Publisher : Kusuma Negara Business School

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


A system can run and operate properly and well if there is a regulation that really involves human resources. At PT Lautan Belawan Jaya this decline in employee performance can be seen from the failure to achieve sales targets and sales realization. Communication is one of the problems that occur in the company. Communication that involves employees with superiors, or fellow employees. In a company communication must be smooth but in this company the communication is not smooth because it is not verbal and there are several other factors. So that communication hinders the performance of employees. The work environment is also a problem in this company because there are many problems that employees feel uncomfortable at work such as noise and others. If the work environment is not comfortable, employees will also feel disturbed or uncomfortable so that performance is less. The organizational culture in this company is also slowly disappearing. Employees in this company do not follow the culture that has existed for a long time and are not role models in carrying out their daily work. Organizational culture that is not good so that employee performance is not good or decreases The purpose of this research is to know the influence of communication, work environment and organizational culture at PT Lautan Belawan Jaya. This research was conducted using primary data by distributing questionnaires to the company PT Lautan Belawan Jaya.