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KHALED M. ABOU EL FADL: Menuju Pembacaan Otoritatif Atas Hadis Nabi Melalui Hermeneutika Negosiatif Muhamad Abduh
Tahdis: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Hadis Vol 12 No 2 (2021): Tahdis Volume 12 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/tahdis.v12i2.21105


ABSTRAK INDONESIAArtikel ini membahas tentang hermeneutika negosiasif dari pemikiran tokoh Islam kontemporer, Khaled M. Abou el Fadl. Inti dari analisis hermeneutika ini, terletak pada peran pengarang, teks, dan pembaca dalam menentukan makna. Di mana penentuan makna merupakan hasil proses negosiasi dari ketiga aspek tersebut secara berimbang tanpa adanya dominasi salah satu pihak, sehingga makna yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki dan tidak ada dominan atau otoritas dari penafsir/pembaca (reader). Melalui teori ini, Khaled mencoba mengkonstruksi idenya tentang otoritas dalam membaca teks. Khaled juga membatasi otoritarianisme pembacanya pada lima syarat, yaitu: kejujuran dalam memahami perintah Tuhan, ketekunan, kelengkapan, rasionalitas, menahan diri. Pemikiran ini hadir sebagai tanggapan atas kecemasan Khaled atas fatwa sewenang-wenang yang diajukan oleh Saudi Arabian CRLO (Council for Scientific Research and Legal Opinions), di mana mereka menggunakan hadis misoginis sebagai otoritas tertinggi untuk melegitimasi keabsahan fatwa mereka. Dari penelitian ini terlihat bahwa pola pikir Khaled tidak serta merta mengungkapkan hadits Nabi, namun yang paling menarik adalah upayanya untuk menentukan makna hadits melalui teori yang ia hasilkan yaitu melalui hermeneutika negosiatif.ABSTRAK INGGRISThis article discusses the negotiated hermeneutics from the ideas of contemporary Islamic thinker Khaled M. Abou el Fadl. The essence of the hermeneutic analysis of the idea lies in the role of the author (writer), text (text), and reader (reader) in determining meaning. The determination of the meaning of the results of the negotiation process from the three aspects in a balanced manner without any domination by either party. Through this theory, Abou el Fadl tries to construct his idea of the authority in reading the text. The concept of Islamic authority in its construction as a form to bridge God's will. Khaled limits the authoritarianism of readers to five conditions, namely: honesty in understanding God's commands, diligence, comprehensiveness, rationality, self-restraint. This idea came as a response to Khaled's anxiety over arbitrary fatwas put forward by the Saudi Arabian CRLO (Council for Scientific Research and Legal Opinions), in which they used misogynistic traditions as the highest authority to legitimacy the validity of their fatwa. From this study, it can be seen that Khaled's mindset is not necessarily revealing the Prophet's hadith, but what is most interesting is his attempt to determine the meaning of hadith through theory using negotiated hermeneutics.
PENGEMBANGAN KECERDASAN MAJEMUK (MULTIPLE NTELLIGENCES) DI MADRASAH Wiwik Dyah Aryani; Asep Rahmat; M.Darmawan Darmawan; Muhamad Abduh; M.Rikza Rikza
Jurnal pendidikan Indonesia: Teori, Penelitian, dan Inovasi Vol 2, No 3 (2022): Jurnal pendidikan Indonesia: Teori, Penelitian, dan Inovasi
Publisher : Jurnal pendidikan Indonesia: Teori, Penelitian, dan Inovasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Kecerdasan tidak hitam putih ada beberapa aspek kecerdasan manusia bukan hanya satu saja. Paling tidak, ada sembilan jenis kecerdasan manusia yang disebut multiple intelligences. Sembilan jenis kecerdasan sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan seseorang dalam persaingan hidup. Makalah ini akan membahas strategi pengembangan kecerdasan majemuk di madrasah sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan Islam. Kenyataannya praktik pendidikan di madrasah menunjukkan bahwa prinsip kecerdasan ganda telah lama menelan beberapa bahan yang saling terintegrasi satu sama lain. Perkembangan pelajar potensial di madrasah telah lama berkembang dalam beberapa aspek kecerdasan emosional, intelektual, spiritual, sosial dan individualitas sesuai dengan prinsip pengajaran Islam.
Tinjauan Mashlahah Imam Al-Ghazali terhadap Taklik Talak dalam Hukum Positif Indonesia Muhamad Abduh; Tutik Hamidah
DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum Vol 19 No 2 (2021): DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (998.197 KB) | DOI: 10.35905/diktum.v19i2.2031


This article discusses the taklik talak regulation in Indonesia from the maslahah theory point of view. The essence of the study of maslahah is the application of benefit. The idea of mashlahah theory that researcher applies is from Imam al-Ghazali perspective. Actually, taklik talak in positive law of Indonesia is adopted directly from the classical fiqh resources. In the sense that taklik talak from classical fiqh is the main ingredient and element regarding the formation of these regulations into positive law in Indonesia, however, it seems that its application is slightly different from the provisions of taklik talak in classical fiqh. This research is included in normative research using a library research approach and using source materials in the form of books, journals, and websites related to the research focus. By conducting studies on various aspects of benefit in taklik talak applied in Indonesia, it indirectly creates unoriginality with its source in classical fiqh. Through this mashlahah point of view, the author wants to dig deeper into taklik talak in Indonesia. The result of this study explains that the concept of mashlahah or benefit has a role that supports the taklik talak regulations applied by Indonesia. So even though it has differences with taklik talak which comes directly from classical fiqh, the benefits of taklik talak are appropriate for the Muslims Societies in Indonesia.