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Sinergi BUMDes dan UMKM Jamu Guna Meningkatkan Pendapatan Melalui Pengelolaan Sertifikasi Halal di Kabupaten Sampang dan Bangkalan Fajar; Achmad Badarus Syamsi; Adiyono
Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/alhuquq.v4i1.5457


Pelaku usaha mempunyai kewajiban untuk mendaftarkan sertifikasi halal produknya. Termasuk pelaku usaha jamu tradisional yang ada di Madura. Sebagai upaya untuk melaksanakan hal tersebut, terdapat badan usaha milik desa, yang mempunyai peran untuk membantu dan mensejahterakan masyarakat. Sinergi antara UMKM jamu dan badan usaha milik desa menjadi kajian yang menarik untuk diteliti, apalagi jika dikaitkan dengan sertifikasi halal. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan menggunakan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan masih belum ada sinergi antara pemilik UMKM jamu dan badan usaha milik desa setempat, dikarenakan kebanyakan badan usaha milik desa masih fokus untuk mengelola wisata dan unit jasa layanan. Sinergi yang dimaksud adalah kedua belah pihak akan saling membantu dan memberikan keuntungan. Sinergi dapat dilihat dari terwujudnya lembaga yang kooperatif, partisipatif, emansipatif, transparan dan akuntabel. Dalam konteks ini membantu meningkatkan usaha UMKM jamu, mulai dari perizinan sampai pemasaran. Salah satu hal yang urgen dari perizinan adalah kebutuhan sertifikasi halal yang diwajibakn oleh pemerintah. Dari semua UMKM jamu di Bangkalan dan Sampang hanya ada satu badan usaha milik desa yang mengelola usaha jamu, yaitu badan usaha milik desa Sokat Dajah, kecamatan Tragah kabupaten Bangkalan, sementara UMKM jamu yang sudah memperoleh sertifikat halal adalah UMKM Al-Manshurien di Bangkalan. (Entrepreneurs have an obligation to register halal certification of their products. This has not been done much because of the lack of information and assistance on the registration mechanism. Including traditional herbal medicine business actors in Madura. As an effort to implement this, there are village-owned enterprises, which have a role to help and prosper the community. The synergy between herbal medicine SMEs and village-owned enterprises is an interesting study to study, especially if it is associated with halal certification. This research is a field research using an empirical juridical approach. The results of this study indicate that there is still no synergy between the owners of herbal medicine SMEs and local village-owned enterprises, because most village-owned enterprises are still focused on managing tourism and service units. The synergy in question is that both parties will help each other and provide benefits. Synergy can be seen from the establishment of cooperative, participatory, emancipatory, transparent and accountable institutions. In this context, it helps to increase the business of herbal medicine SMEs, from licensing to marketing. One of the things that are urgent about licensing is the need for halal certification which is required by the government. Of all the herbal medicine SMEs in Bangkalan and Sampang, there is only one village-owned business entity that manages the herbal medicine business, namely a business entity owned by the village of Sokat Dajah, Tragah sub-district, Bangkalan district, while the herbal medicine SMEs that has obtained a halal certificate is the Al-Manshurien SMEs in Bangkalan.)
Urgensi Penerapan Sertifikasi Halal Produk UMKM dalam Konteks Budaya Hukum di Kecamatan Pademawu Pamekasan Moh. Karim; Achmad Badarus Syamsi; Fajar
Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19105/alhuquq.v4i2.6707


Artikel ini akan membahas penerapan sertifikasi halal produk UMKM dalam perspektif budaya hukum di Madura. Masyarakat Madura memiliki budaya yang unik dan kuat dalam memegang teguh prinsip. Masyarakat Madura merupakan masyarakat yang religius, patuh dan tunduk dalam menjalankan perintah agama, dalam hal ini adalah Islam. Wujud ketaatan terhadap ajaran Islam ini terangkum dalam ungkapan populer, yaitu: “bhuppa’, bhabhu’, ghuru dan rato” (ayah, ibu, guru dan pemimpin pemerintahan). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan yang bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh masyarakat Madura berupa taat dan patuh “bhuppa’, bhabhu’, ghuru, dan rato” (bapak, ibu, guru dan pimpinan pemerintahan) sangat berpengaruh terhadap budaya hukum pelaksanaan atau penegakan sertifikasi halal. Pemerintah yang dalam budaya Madura dikenal dengan sebutan rato dan ghuru atau ulama membuat pelaku usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah di kecamatan Pademawu kabupaten Pamekasan patuh mendaftarkan sertifikasi halal untuk produknya. (This article will discuss the application of halal certification for MSME products in the perspective of legal culture in Madura. Madurese people have a unique and strong culture in upholding principles. The Madurese community is a religious society, obedient and submissive in carrying out religious orders, in this case Islam. This form of obedience to Islamic teachings is summarized in a popular expression, namely: "bhuppa', bhabhu', ghuru dan rato" (father, mother, teacher and government leader). This research is a field research that is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the values adhered to by the Madurese community in the form of obedience and obedience to "bhuppa', bhabhu', ghuru, and rato" (fathers, mothers, teachers and government leaders) greatly influence the legal culture of implementing or enforcing halal certification. The government, which in Madurese culture is known as rato and ghuru or ulemas, makes micro, small and medium enterprises in the Pademawu sub-district, Pamekasan district comply with registering halal certification for their products.)
Pengaruh Label Halal terhadap Minat Masyarakat pada Produk Makanan dan Minuman di Kabupaten Bangkalan Aisatur Rodiyah; Faizal Amir; Fajar
Maro: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah dan Bisnis Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Maro
Publisher : Prodi Ekonomi Syariah Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/maro.v6i1.3803


A halal label is the giving of a halal sign or written proof as a guarantee on product packaging to show that the food and beverage product is permissible for consumption and has a halal status. The halal label indirectly shows and explains that products that are labeled halal are products that are safe, reliable and do not contain anything illegal. The purpose of this research is to find out how the image of a halal label affects people's interest in Bangkalan Regency and to find out the effect of a halal label on people's interest in food and beverage products in Bangkalan Regency. For the place where the researcher did it,namely in Bangkalan Regency, this study used a quantitative approach descriptive analysis method. Sampling using non probability sampling technique, namely accidental sampling technique. Test the instrument data, namely test validity and reliability, while the data analysis using simple linear regression analysis with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics version 20. Respondents were selected as many as 80 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the halal label (X) has a significant and significant effect on public interest (Y) in Bangkalan Regency. Where thitung > ttabel that is thitung 7,570 > ttabel 2,640 dan nilai sig 0,000 < dari 0,05. So it can be concluded that the hypothesis Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This has proven that the inclusion of a halal label on products provides a positive value in influencing public interest in Bangkalan Regency.