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AT-TASYRI': JURNAL ILMIAH PRODI MUAMALAH at-Tasyri' | Vol. 14, No. 1 (Juni 2022)
Publisher : Prodi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47498/tasyri.v14i1.916


Artikel ini mengkaji peran koperasi unit desa terhadap pemberdayaan masyarakat di Desa Tanjung Bungong. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran koperasi dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat serta untuk mengetahui sektor prioritas dalam bantuan koperasi di Desa Tanjung Bungong Kecamatan Kaway XVI. Metode penelitian yang dingunakan metode deskripstif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, serta analisis data yang diperoleh dari dokumen tertulis yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk pemberdayaan koperasi Desa Tanjung Bungong Kecamatan Kaway XVI meliputi berbagai kegiatan dan program yang dijalankan seperti simpan pinjam, bantuan modal usaha, dan pengadaan bahan-bahan pertanian untuk masyarakat. Peran koperasi dalam upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat di Desa Tanjung Bungong menggunakan indikator ACTORS (Authority, Confidence and competence, Trust, Opportunity, Responsibility, Support). Peran keberadaan koperasi desa turut membantu dan mengembangkan berbagai sektor kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh anggota koperasi seperti sektor pertanian pada umumnya, perdagangan, industri, dan jasa.
Upaya Penangulangan Kekerasan Seksual Terhadap Anak di Aceh Barat dalam Persepektif Hukum Islam Sumardi Efendi; Dar Kasih
Legalite : Jurnal Perundang Undangan dan Hukum Pidana Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Legalite: Jurnal Perundang Undangan dan Hukum Pidana Islam
Publisher : IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/legalite.v7i2.4705


This article examines efforts to tackle sexual violence against children in West Aceh from the perspective of Islamic law. This writing aims to find out the problem of sexual violence against children and how the proposed solution is based on the view of Islamic law. The data collection method in this article is using library research. Secondary data was obtained by studying the rules and regulations and literature related to this article. Cases of sexual violence against children in 2021 West Aceh Regency based on data from the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) West Aceh had 5 cases of sexual violence. The percentage of cases of sexual violence is relatively high, namely 27.7 percent of the total 18 cases of violence against children. The sanctions that can be imposed on perpetrators of sexual violence against children in Islam are jarimah hudud, jarimah qishas and diat, and jarimah ta'zir. Special sanctions for perpetrators of child sexual violence can be subject to criminal sanctions in the form of Takzir whose determination of punishment is the right of ulil amri. The countermeasures that can be carried out are by socializing the 4P program (Assistance, Protection, Imposition of Sanctions, and Recovery) to the community.
The Role of the West Aceh District Social Service in Handling Gepengs in the City of Meulaboh Nur Era; Dar Kasih
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Beggars (tramps and beggars) are people who live as vagabonds and at the same time beg because they don't have a permanent place to live and, for various reasons, have to live under bridges, public parks, roadsides, river banks, or various other public facilities to sleep and carry out their lives. Daily. The role of Social Service is a main task of the Organizational Structure related to social problems, homeless people, beggars and other social problems. This study aims to determine the role of the Social Service in handling sprawl in Meulaboh, West Aceh District and to find out the obstacles faced by the Social Service in handling sprawl in Meulaboh in West Aceh. This research is a type of field research. The qualitative method uses data obtained from observations, interviews, and documentation, as well as data obtained from written documents related to this research. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the role of the Social Service is beneficial in handling Gepengs in Meulaboh, and it is necessary to work together with Satpol PP, and wilayatul hisbah to raid Gepengs. The subjects in this study were the Head of the Social Service, the Head of the Rehabilitation Sector, the Head of the Rehabilitation Section, and the Beggars. Obstacles faced by the Social Service in handling sprawl in Meulaboh City, West Aceh District, include a lack of funds and facilities.