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AT-TAJDID Vol 6, No 1 (2022): JANUARI-JUNI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/att.v6i1.2144


Supervisi akademik dilakukan melalui pembinaan, pengamatan, dan penilaian kompetensi dan evaluasi  kinerja guru yang bertujuan untuk membantu guru  dalam meningkatkan  kemampuanya dalam mengatur dan mengelola kegiatan belajar di sekolah, seperti mempersiapkan administrasi pembelajaran, kemampuan membuat rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran , menerapkan metode dan memilih pengunaan alat dan bahan yang sesui dengan konten materi serta kemampuan mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa melalui penilaian autentik . Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui secara lebih dalam bagimana strategi implementasi supervisi akademik yang dilakukan oleh kepala madrasah sebagai upaya mengembangkan kompetensi dan meningkatkan kinerja guru di MA Al Ishlah Natar dan MA Mathlaul Anwar Cinta Mulya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dibidang sosial dengan mengunakan pendekatan induktif,  kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif, yang berdasarkan studi kasus dengan mengumpulkan fakta dari realita yang terjadi yang terjadi di lokasi penelitian. Untuk memperoleh data dan  informasi terkait masalah penelitian , peneliti mengunakan teknik purposive sampling dan snowball  sampling, sumber informasi terdiri berasal dari responden yang telah ditentukan yaitu Kepala Madrasah, Wakil Kepala Madrasah dan guru. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengunakan metode interview dengan Teknik wawancara bebas terpimpin dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD), metode pengamatanlapangan secara langsung, dan metode dokumentasi. Untuk Tehnik analisis data melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, penyajian data, menarik kesimpulan. Untuk pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan dengan metode triangulasi. Temuan hasil penelitian  (1) Perencanaan program supervisi akademik  disusun dengan menentukan indikator pencapaian dengan pendekatan  kooperatif dan humanis, yang ditetapkan pada permulaan tahun pelajaran. Dokumen program yang ditetapkan berupa Program kerja Tahunan, Program kerja Semester yang yang disusun berdasarkan hasil temuan supervise tahun sebelumnya, (2) Strategi implementasi supervisi adalah dengan menentukan metode dan Teknik supervisi dengan membangun repport dan kedekatan yang humanis baik secara individu maupun kelompok dan dengan pendekatan langsung atau tidak langsung dengan dibantu oleh para wakil kepala  dan beberapa  guru yang telah ditunjuk dipercaya dalam kegiatan supervisi, (3). Evaluasi supervisi dilakukan oleh kepala madrasah   secara perodik dengan menentukan jadwal dan waktu evaluasi yaitu pada akhir semester gasal dan akhir semester tahun pelajaran setelah seluruh tahapan progam di lakukan secara utuh dan menyeluruh.
Pengaruh Islam Terhadap Pengamalan Keagamaan Masyarakat Di Indonesia Mustaqim Hasan; Anita Anita
AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya Vol 2, No 02 (2022): AT-THARIQ: JURNAL STUDI ISLAM DAN BUDAYA
Publisher : AT-THARIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.908 KB) | DOI: 10.57210/trq.v2i02.178


Islam entered Indonesia in general can be accepted by the Indonesian people by means of da'wah that brings peace without violence so that it is easy to develop and penetrate the soul, mind and behavior so that it is actualized in every activity of daily life into active religious practice which has become a tradition.This paper aims to find out how Islam can influence and what is affected by community religious practice activities in Indonesia. This research is a literature study that reveals a social phenomenon that occurs in society which is presented with a descriptive narrative as the author's study and experience.The influence of Islam in Indonesia has been seen since the beginning of its arrival in the early 7th century which was marked by the presence of Muslim villages in the Baros area of North Sumatra, but its influence has not been so widely seen, this is influenced by several obstacles that come from da'wah methods that have not been able to see local wisdom. Islam began to have a major influence on the religious practice of the Indonesian people, starting from the 13th century where the preachers with their wisdom combined local wisdom with the glory of Islam so that they were able to attract public sympathy. Among the influences of Islam in the religious activities of the Archipelago Community are: 1) The influence of the belief system has an impact on the worship activities of the people who used to adhere to animism and dynamism; 2) the influence of the social system, where the community used to still adhere to the caste system turned into a populist and kinship system. 3. Politics and government that adopts the sultanate system and the basis for making legal policies based on Islamic rules in the Qur'an and hadith; 4) Art and Literature influenced by styles and motifs from the Middle East.Keywords: Influence of Islam, Religious Practice
AT-TAJDID Vol 6, No 2 (2022): JULI-DESEMBER 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/att.v6i2.2377


Strategi Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Dalam Menjawab Tantangan Pendidikan Kontemporer M. Nur Lukman Irawan; Ahmad Yasir; Anita Anita; Shohib Hasan
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 4 No. 6 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpdk.v4i6.8887


Every person has the right to an education, and that education should be designed to help them realize their full potential as a human being. This study employs a literature research strategy to investigate the issue of Islamic education, which is plagued by a wide range of national problems that disproportionately affect today's youth. These include, but are not limited to, multidimensional crises and contemporary education issues; shifts in emphasis away from teachers and toward students; curriculum problems; and teacher and educational staff turnover and low overall quality. Education policy has been moving in this direction by: (1) allowing schools more autonomy in setting their own rules in light of their unique contexts, Community empowerment to play an active role in providing support and supervision in the world of education; (2) decentralization of education allowing freedom to determine policies based on conditions of Islamic educational institutions; (3) responsible education governed by transparency; (4) relevance of education to the needs and conditions of society; and (5) decentralization of education allowing freedom to determine policies based on conditions of Islamic educational institutions. Substantive, bottom-up, deregulatory, and collaborative approaches are among the options presented.
Pesantren, Kepemimpinan Kiai, dan Ajaran Tarekat sebagai Potret Dinamika Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Anita Anita; Mustaqim Hasan; Andi Warisno; M. Afif Anshori; An An Andari
Scaffolding: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Pendidikan Islam dan Multikulturalisme
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/scaffolding.v4i3.1955


The purpose of this research is to acquire a deeper comprehension of Islamic boarding Schools, the traditional Islamic education system, as well as the function of kiai and tarekat as Indonesian religious authority figures. Boarding schools with a religious focus have been operating in Indonesia for hundreds of years, and they've had a significant impact on the development of Islamic education throughout the centuries. Kiai and tarekat are significant components of the traditional education system in Indonesia. They also play an essential part in the growth of Islamic knowledge and culture. The literature is analyzed through the lens of a descriptive methodology in this qualitative study. In order for researchers to obtain data, they must first analyze and assess the quantity of material and theory that has been offered by professionals in the field. This knowledge and theory may be located in the collections and archives of libraries in the form of books, articles from academic journals, periodicals, as well as various sources from the internet and other sources considered suitable to the subject that is being discussed. The analysis of research shows the results that pesantren are Islamic educational institutions that were born culturally from Indonesian culture and are therefore traditional, unique, and original which gives a different color to the education system in Indonesia which is able to provide repertoire and a very important role in fostering society. Islamic boarding Schools cannot function properly without the figure of a Kiai, who makes his presence an absolute requirement. Kiai is a manager who is capable of being a leader and able to regulate the rhythm of the development and survival of the pesantren with his expertise, depth of knowledge, charisma, and skills. Kiai, through the manifestation of tarekat teachings which characterize the value system of ahl al-sunnah wa al-jama'ah, has a significant influence on determining the pattern and trend of scientific traditions as well as the internal policies of Islamic boarding Schools.