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Pengaruh Perbandingan Rumput Laut (Gracilaria Sp.) Dengan Bawang Putih (Alium sativum L.) Terhadap Karakteristik Kaldu Rumput Laut Lina Herlinawati; Ida Ningrumsari; Rini Sitawati; Eca Amelia
AGRITEKH (Jurnal Agribisnis dan Teknologi Pangan) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

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This research on making seaweed seasoning powder is expected to provide an alternative safe flavoring material because it comes from natural food and is one of the diversified products of processed local seaweed that is widely cultivated in Indonesia. This study also aims to determine the effect of the ratio of dried seaweed and garlic powder on water content, ash, dissolved solids, and organoleptic properties of seaweed seasoning powder. The experimental design that will be used in this study is a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) pattern with one variable, namely the ratio of dried seaweed and garlic at levels 1:2, 1:1, and 2:1. The results showed that the ratio of dried seaweed and garlic powder had a significant effect on water content, ash content, total soluble solid (TSS), taste, aroma, and texture seaweed seasoning powder. The ratio of dried seaweed and garlic powder had no significant effect on the color of seaweed seasoning powder. The best treatment was  a ratio of seaweed and garlic powder of 1:2 having an average value of color 4.13, taste 3.29, aroma 3.62, texture 4.03, water content 7.12%, ash content 2.91, and total dissolved solids of 89.14%.
Pengaruh konsentrasi kalium nitrat (KNO3) terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bunga tanaman Krisan pot (Crysanthemum morifolium) varietas Cyra Agrihorti Ano Zeim; Edy Sofyadi; Aghnia Rahmawati; Rini Sitawati
Composite: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : University of Insan Cendekia Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37577/composite.v4i1.440


Potted chrysanthemum plants are very popular with the public because of their various colors, sizes and shapes. The experiment was aimed to give the concentration of potassium nitrate (KNO3) which had a good effect on the growth and yield of potted chrysanthemums cyra agrihorti varieties. The experiment was carried out from March to May 2021 in Cimeta Village, Tugumukti Village, Cisarua District, West Bandung Regency at an altitude of 1312 m above sea level. The experiment method used complete randomized design (CRDB) of six treatments and four replications. The KNO3 concentration treatments used were A = 0 g/liter, B = 1 g/liter, C = 2 g/liter, D = 3g/liter, E = 4 g/liter, and F = 5 g/liter. The results showed that the KNO3 concentration treatment had an effect on increasing the growth and yield of potted chrysanthemum plants. Treatment with KNO3 concentration of 4 g/liter (E) and KNO3 concentration of 5 g/liter (F) had a better effect than other treatments on the growth and yield of potted chrysanthemum Cyra Agrohorti varieties
Analisis Fitokimia Buah Bidara Arab (Ziziphus mauritiana) pada Lahan Tropika Basah Kota Bandung Farida Iriani; Rini Sitawati; Aghnia Rachmawati; Dikayani
Gunung Djati Conference Series Vol. 38 (2024): Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Agronomi Indonesia (PERAGI) 2023
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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Tanaman bidara Arab (Ziziphus mauritiana) berasal dari daerah beriklim panas dan kering di wilayah Asia Tengah atau kawasan Timur Tengah, namun masih mampu beradaptasi tumbuh di wilayah tropis maupun subtropis. Ketika tanaman Bidara Arab yang menyukai iklim gurun ini ditumbuhkan pada wilayah tropika basah, khususnya kota Bandung, Provinsi Jawa Barat, yaitu, pada ketinggian tempat 682 MDPL, suhu harian tahunan 18-29 oC, curah hujan 1.500-4.000 dengan kelembaban tanah relatif tinggi, ternyata diperoleh karakteristik morfologi dari organ daun, ranting, batang adalah normal, dan diperoleh buah berdiameter kurang dari 2 cm. Simplisia buah muda dan buah matang tanaman Bidara Arab yang dibudidayakan pada lahan tropika basah tersebut telah dianalisis kandungan fitokimia didalamnya dengan metode maserasi dan teridentifikasi aneka fitokimia melalui alat kromatografi GCMS merk Shimadzu tipe 2010 QP. Hasil analisis kromatogram pada buah muda bidara Arab didominasi oleh derivat senyawa heksadekana , asam palmitat, dan karbinol, sedangkan pada buah Bidara Arab matang didominasi oleh derivat senyawa asam klorogenat, asam malat, dan siklononasiloksan. Perbedaan jenis fitokimia yang teridentifikasi selama penelitian dengan jenis fitokimia yang diperoleh peneliti sebelumnya pada wilayah iklim yang berbeda, merupakan tujuan akhir penelitian ini yaitu, untuk memperoleh informasi efek adaptasi tumbuh tanaman bidara Arab pada lahan tropika basah kota Bandung.