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Currently the introduction of English as a foreign language in kindergarten seems to have become so popular that the kindergarten teacher trying to teach it. The purpose of this study is generally to find out the success of improving the mastery of list of words and pronunciation especially in kindergarten with Learning Contextual method. The research used survey observation method which conducted at 30 kindergartens in Jakarta and Tanggerang area.The results obtained that after observing the students who have difficulties memorizing lists of words without realia in the cycle after the action I, the mean value of 53% verbal 4:33 students. Although there has been increased of 1.69 points (53%), but the acquisition has not been satisfactory.
Developing TPR Vocabulary Peer Assessment in Primary School Classroom Practices Wijirahayu, Suciana; Septiani, Ria
UICELL No 1 (2017): UICELL Conference Proceedings 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

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This study was conducted to improve students’ vocabulary mastery of the 2nd grader in a private primary school in Tangerang Indonesia. A classroom action research was initiated for the development. It was found in the preliminary observation that there were problems and weakness in students’ vocabulary mastery therefore suitable strategies to overcome that problem need to be employed. There are many aims of peer assessment, yet in this case it essentially involves young EFL learners as participants in providing feedback to others  on the quality of their work. The students enjoyed to have the opportunity to assess their partner’s performance in doing TPR activities. There was a lot of fun when pair of student doing this Peer Assessment. One of them did the action based on the command in the rubric sheet while their partner guessed the correct command in accordance to what have their partner’s movements. Based on the students’ result of peer assessment activity in learning English vocabulary, it was found that students were so motivated and tried hard to do the best their performance. They realized that their partners will assess them, so they were enthusiastic to do TPR correctly. The vocabulary mastery improvement could be observed from the results of the students’ peer assessment score in each cycle.
Classroom Experiences of Creative Thinking Wijirahayu, Suciana; Ayundhari, Vidia Lantari
UICELL No 2 (2018): UICELL Conference Proceedings 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA

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This study examines the application of higher order thinking in a real classroom practices. Some theories are presented to give a solid ground for examining the evidence. The experience of joining the instruction and assessment will also be elaborated. The course description, classroom activities and assessment are presented to give evidence on how HOTS was applied by the lecturers and the students. The scope of discussion in this study is limited on creative thinking through teaching strategies and assessment in Research Method and MA Thesis Writing subjects at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria. Critical linguistic and cultural approach used in both of the courses coloured the result of the creative thinking exposed in this qualitative  research. Information on how teaching-learning and assessment could be done more creatively especially by Indonesian teachers to facilitate appropriate teaching strategies and learning environments to support the English as a foreign language learning competence  growth and their flexible attitudes are one of the objectives.
Peran Pengetahuan Awal Guru dalam Mempromosikan Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar Wijirahayu, Suciana
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Dasar Vol 2 No 2 (2017): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA Press

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Studi kasus ini mengkaji tentang pengetahuan awal guru sekolah dasar yang mempengaruhi keyakinan mereka tentang strategi belajar Bahasa Inggris sebagai Bahasa Asing (English as a Foreign Language, disingkat EFL) dan tercermin dalam praktik di kelas mereka yang sebenarnya. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah dua guru senior yang memiliki pengalaman mengajar lebih dari 10 tahun. Salah satu guru mengajar di sekolah dasar negeri dan yang lainnya mengajar di sebuah sekolah dasar swasta internasional di Jakarta. Hasil analisis dari tanggapan partisipan terhadap kuesioner, rekaman video observasi kelas dan wawancara disajikan secara kualitatif di bagian temuan. Temuan penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa keyakinan guru sekolah dasar tentang strategi pembelajaran EFL secara unik tercermin dalam praktik kelas mereka sesuai dengan pengalaman mereka dalam memperoleh dan menerapkan Language Learning Strategies (LLS) dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.
Profesi Engineer dan Strategi Mengatasi Kecemasan Berbahasa Inggris Wijirahayu, Suciana; Irawan, Rifki
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 3 (2018): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka ke - 3
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (702.616 KB) | DOI: 10.22236/teknoka.v3i0.2830


One of the reasons why the participants lack speaking skill is they felt anxious when communicating in English in a real situation, especially with foreigners. There are eight participants in this research joined in house training in one of the company in Jakarta-Indonesia The research is mainly qualitative with some descriptive statistics which employed some data collection techniques: two questionnaires, interview, classroom observation, and document analysis. The data were analyzed by ways of reducing, displaying, and interpreting data.  Four participants detail expression related to their Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) will be illustrated and discussed.  The results of the study were most of the participants experience a high level of test anxiety, the sources of anxiety coming from people’s view, preparation, procrastination, expectation, negative consequences/ negative thinking, personal problem, time pressure, format usage, students’ age, students’ familiarity with the testing condition, testing situation factors, and not mastering the skill. The participants’ coping strategies are various which are mostly cooperating.
Pengembangan Multimedia Integratif Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa di Pendidikan Dasar Wijirahayu, Suciana; Syarif, Mohammad Suryadi
Jurnal SOLMA Vol 8 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Solma
Publisher : Uhamka Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (995.642 KB) | DOI: 10.29405/solma.v8i2.3093


A workshop on developing integrative media of English and math other subjects with songs as a model (You tube video) and the researches from UHAMKA Graduate School especially about peer assessment and the use of online comic maker are used as inspiration. Creativity of the workshop?s participant is expected tube developed and the result of the integrated media and other subjects especially in elementary school could be developed  continuously to create more conducive classroom. The skill of the participants in developing by cooperating in creating four prototypes integrated media in the form songs and video with different subjects (math, biology, natural science and environment). The participants who are involving are from different schools.
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen PkM Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v1i2.143


This public service is inspired by the previous action as one of the volunteers in UHAMKA Covid- 19 action. There were 100 Engineering students’ Online motorbike drivers involved in the project yet the recovery of the pandemi is not over. Therefore further programs in the form of creative industry is provided to develop literacy in enterpreneuship. Practitioners are invited in online workshop to support and inspire the participants who are the drivers and the teachers from vocational high school.