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The Role of Internal Auditors in Control Self Assessment in the Material Planning Field of Automotive Company PT. Alkha Andi Martias; Agni Isador Harsapranata; Ahmad Rais Ruli; Rahma Wiyanti; Rahmat Novari
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings 2nd Basic and Applied Science Conference (BASC) 2022
Publisher : Future Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/nstp.2022.2519


Control Self Assessment (CSA) has various benefits for a company or organization that implements it because it provides great added value in improving the operational performance of the company or organization. The process of implementing the Control Self Assessment (CSA) continues to be developed and implemented so that the benefits can be felt because it reveals the broad problems involved in the risk control concept. Control Self Assessment (CSA) is a process where management from all levels continuously builds awareness on all important factors that can affect the achievement of goals so as to enable them to make the necessary adjustments (create control). The company in this case the management cooperates with the Internal Audit and Risk Management Unit in an effort to develop the Risk Management. The Internal Auditor is required to carry out his role as a consultant to facilitate the development of Risk Management in the company. The structure of the ALKHA automotive company has several fields, each of which has a specific work process. With the Control Self Assessment method, all fields identify the inherent risks inherent in the work process as well as the mitigation activities that must be carried out. This paper will present in detail the technical implementation and results of the Control Self Assessment in the ALKHA work area, namely the Material Planning field. Errors that arise due to the application of CSA can be negligence of the PIC concerned but also due to weak dual control (dual control) from related parties. Analysis of the data in this paper, several conclusions can be drawn that internal auditors have an important role in facilitating Control Self Assessment of business processes in the Materials Planning sector.
Design dan Penerapan SD WAN Pada PT Rafalsindo menggunakan Metode Dynamic Multi-Path optimization (DMPO) Ahmad Rais Ruli; Rio Wirawan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka Vol 5 (2020): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknoka ke - 5
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta

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SD-WAN is a software defined network in a wide area network (WAN). SD-WAN simplifies WAN management and operation by separating network hardware from its control procedures. This concept is similar to how software-defined networks apply virtualization technology to improve data center management and operations.The primary application of SD-WAN is to enable enterprises to build higher-performance WANs using low-cost and commercially available Internet access, enabling businesses to partially or entirely replacing more expensive private WAN connection technologies such as MPLS. As information before, PT Rafalsindo used MPLS (Multi Protocol Cap Switching) which now looks expensive leasing paths where PT Rafalsindo has several sites on Java Island, with SD-WAN being selected this utilizes programmable Skills that are flexible network determined by software To provide jpath jpath routing and perform traffic control to reduce network costs by offloading traffic from expensive rental spathes to the public internet, in this implementation the author uses the Dynamic Multi-Path Optimization (DMPO) method, where Dynamic Multi-Path Optimization (DMPO) is a combination of dedicated internet networks, broadband Internet, 4G-LTE, and MPLS with application-aware link directing per Delivery and on-demand remediation to offer the best performance for real-time voice and video requests via any transport. is a special Internet Network Combined, Int ernet broadband, 4G-LTE, and MPLS with application-aware per-packet link referrers and on-demand remediation to achieve optimal performance
JSR : Jaringan Sistem Informasi Robotik Vol 7, No 1 (2023): JSR: Jaringan Sistem Informasi Robotik
Publisher : AMIK Mitra Gama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58486/jsr.v7i1.217


E-commerce adalah singkatan dari dua kata, yakni electronic dan commerce. Bila diartikan secara harfiah, artinya adalah perdagangan elektronik. Maksudnya, segala bentuk perdagangan meliputi proses pemasaran barang sampai dengan distribusi yang dilakukan melalui jaringan elektronik atau online. Secara sederhana, e-commerce adalah bentuk perdagangan yang dilakukan secara online dengan memanfaatkan internet. E-commerce bisa dilakukan melalui komputer, laptop, sampai smartphone. suatu kesatuan yang terdiri komponen atau elemen yang dihubungkan bersama untuk memudahkan aliran informasi, materi atau energi untuk mencapai suatu tujuan, Kecanggihan teknologi komputer saat ini dapat di manfaatkan bersama-sama dengan baik, oleh karena itu banyak lembaga swasta beserta instansi menggunakannya. Application Development (RAD) adalah model proses pengembangan perangkat lunak yang bersifat inkremental terutama untuk waktu pengerjaan yang pendek”. Dari kedua defenisi di atas, dapat penulis simpulkan bahwa metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) merupakan suatu metode pengembangan sistem yang dapat mempersingkat waktu pengerjaan dari sebuah sistem dengan tahapan-tahapan nya yang sangat terstruktur,  Salah satunya pada Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia , Pada Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia atau disebut (YKAKI) ini penulis menemukan masalah pada penjualan official merchandise di marketplace seperti shopee dan Tokopedia, di karenakan harga yang kita jual terlalu mahal , dari itu penulis merencanakan pembuatan rancangan system informasi e-commers menggunakan metode RAD
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Checklist Kendaraan Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development (RAD) Erman Arif; Ahmad Rais Ruli; Heri Riswanto
Journal on Education Vol 5 No 4 (2023): Journal on Education: Volume 5 Nomor 4 Mei-Agustus 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v5i4.2774


PT.Securindo Packatama Indonesia (Secure Parking) is the largest parking management service provider company in Indonesia located in Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. Technological developments are growing rapidly. And computers have had a considerable influence on both manufacturing companies and service companies, companies trade. The development of computer technology provides many advantages, one of the benefits that can be felt is the creation of a website that can help the process of interaction, marketing, or vehicle checklist input to be easier and more efficient. Securindo Packatama Indonesia is still done manually, thus allowing for a lack of efficiency during the process of making a vehicle checklist report. On this occasion the author provides a solution in the form of an example of designing a web-based system for companies in making checklist reports. vehicles and make it easier for employees to make vehicle reports to support operational efficiency. Therefore, by using the observation method, interviews, and library studies in data collection, the RAD method to analyze the running system, and the prototype method in software development, it is designed a web-based vehicle checklist information system. Making vehicle input activities and making vehicle reports more effective and practical because they can be done anywhere and anytime.