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Pembuatan Film Animasi 3D Cerita Rakyat "The Legend Of Toba Lake") Jostonchoniv, Jostonchoniv; Windarto, Yudhi
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer vol. 2 no. 6 April-Juni 2013
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Aplikasi Data Obat Hebal Indonesia Berbasis Android Lagaida, Jeffery; Windarto, Yudhi
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer vol. 03 no. 09 Januari-Maret 2014
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Multimedia Pembelajaran Teknik Budidaya Jamur Tiram Septirianti, Septirianti; Windarto, Yudhi
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer vol. 2 no. 6 April-Juni 2013
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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An Application of Music Therapy Analysis for Measuring Quality and Improving Memory Widyastuti, Agustina; Windarto, Yudhi
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Vol. 4 No. 15 Juli - September 2015
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Abstrak Daya ingat merupakan bagian penting dari otak manusia. Daya ingat berfungsi untuk menyimpan dan menerima suatu peristiwa atau hal dan memiliki kemampuan untuk mengingat kembali peristiwa yang pernah dialami sebelumnya. Ketika orang mengalami sindrom lupa, maka itu adalah gejala yang timbul pada orang yang mengalami penurunan daya ingat. Musik memiliki kemampuan untuk menstimulasi otak sebagai meningkatkan daya ingat. Dengan terapi musik tertentu akan membantu kita membangun pola pikir yang lebih baik dalam mengingat suatu informasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan suatu aplikasi analisis terapi musik yang bisa digunakan untuk mengukur kualitas dan meningkatkan daya ingat. Aplikasi ini juga memberikan penjelasan mengenai terapi musik dan peningkatan daya ingat. Kata kunci: musik, terapi musik, daya ingat, aplikasi, multimedia  Abstract Memory is an essential part of the human brain. The function of memory is to store and to receive an event or thing.  It has the ability to recall events that have never been experienced before. When people experience forget syndrome, tit is a symptom that occurs to people with memory loss. Music has the ability to stimulate the brain to improve memory. Certain music therapy will help us build a better mindset in remembering information. The purpose of this research is to develop an application of music therapy analysis that can be used to measure quality and improve memory. This application also provides an explanation about music therapy and memory enhancement.  Key words: music, music therapy, memory, application, multimedia
Indentification of B2c Model Usability Factor Website With Heuristic Evaluation Method Windarto, Yudhi
Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer Vol. 4 No. 14 April - Juni 2015
Publisher : Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

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Abstrak Website e-commerce merupakan garis depan dalam suatu sistem bisnis online. Permasalahan yang sering muncul dan kadang tidak disadari adalah mengenai kualitas usability (tingkat kebergunaan) website yang dimiliki. Website e-commerce yang rendah tingkat usability-nya membuat pengguna meninggalkanya. Pengukuran tingkat usability website merupakan hal yang umum dilakukan, sehingga dapat diketahui tingkat usability website dan dapat melakukan perbaikan. Salah satu tahapan yang penting dalam pengukuran usability adalah penentuan usability factor. Untuk kategori website yang berbeda, usability factor-nya bisa berbeda juga. Disinilah pentingnya tahapan identifikasi usability factor yang akan digunakan. Dalam penelitian ini akan diidentifikasi usability factor untuk jenis website e-commerce model B2C (bisnis to consumer), sehingga nantinya bisa digunakan sebagai parameter untuk mengukur tingkat usability website. Metode heuristic evaluation digunakan untuk mengobservasi beberapa website e-commerce (B2C) yang banyak dikenal di Indonesia dan menduduki peringkat atas dalam rangking alexa. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diidentifikasi empat kategori usability factor dengan 28 usability kriteria untuk website e-commerce B2C. Kategori usability factor tersebut meliputi accessibility dan personalisasi, content dan fitur, navigasi dan search, Identity, privacy dan security. Kata Kunci: usability, usability factor, e-commerce, B2C,  heuristic evaluation  Abstract E-commerce website is the frontline of an online business system. The problem often found is that sometime we do not realize about the usability quality of our website. Low usability level of a website makes user bored dan leaves the website. One of important steps in measuring website usability is by determining usability factors. Different website categories may have different usability factors. The identification of usability factors is therefore important. In this study, the usability factors of e-commerce model are identified. There are different types of e-commerce model: B2C (Business to customer), B2B (Business to Business) and C2C (Customer to Customer), each of which has different  characteristics. In this case, the identification of usability factors that fit to each characteristic of e-commerce models is important.  This study aims to identify the usability factor of B2C e-commerce model. Heuristic evaluation method is used to observe top 5 B2C e-commerce model in Indonesia (alexa rank version). The study results on the identification of 4 usability categories  having 28 usability criteria for B2C model e-commerce. The usability categories are accessability and personalization, content and feature, navigation, search and identity, privacy and security. Keywords: usability, usability factor, e-commerce, B2C,  heuristic evaluation
Proceedings of KNASTIK 2010
Publisher : Duta Wacana Christian University

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Penggunaan multimedia sudah merambah ke berbagai bidang, karena banyak kelebihan yang ditawarkannya. Salah satu media distribusi yang banyak digunakan adalah CD (compact disk). Aplikasi CD multimedia interaktif sudah banyak diterapkan untuk melengkapi atau bahkan menggantikan berbagai media cetak yang ada. Dalam penelitian ini akan dirancang CD interaktif pedoman dan perawatan sepeda motor, yang akan melengkapi buku pedoman dan perawatan sepeda motor yang ada. Dari hasil rancangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan CD interaktif pedoman & perawatan sepeda motor ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan pengayaan media informasi yang disampaikan, serta variasi dalam interaktifitas dengan pengguna.
Developing Home Service System; Business Process Reengineering for Motorcycle Workshop Windarto, Yudhi; Hersant, Rebecca; Putro, Endi
Indonesian Journal of Information Systems Vol 3, No 2 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/ijis.v3i2.4144


Business Organizations always strive for their self to reach business sustainability. There are various dynamic challenges in business environment that must be respond by each organization. Organizational responds for each challenge very decisive to organization’s business sustainability in the future. For now, in this Covid 19 pandemic situation each organization must creative and innovative to change and modify their business model in order to survive. Motorcycle workshop was one of the SME that affected by Covid 19 pandemic, because government policy to restriction activity of people and social distancing. Decreasing customers of motorcycle workshop and to respond the situation bring up the idea to reengineering business model. Home service system was selected as alternative solution to strive for survive in this situation, of course, by implementing a good health protocol. This system was built with a mobile application as a tool in reservation and managing customers service schedules. With this system customers do not have to come and queue at the workshop, so it will be safer in this pandemic situation. Not all services can be served with this system, only minor, moderate and routine repairs that can be served with this system. The payment transaction process is carried out on the spot according to the calculations by the system. With this new business process model, it is hoped that it will be the right solution for consumers and workshops so that they can remain productive in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Developing Home Service System; Business Process Reengineering for Motorcycle Workshop Yudhi Windarto; Rebecca Hersant; Endi Putro
Indonesian Journal of Information Systems Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/ijis.v3i2.4144


Business Organizations always strive for their self to reach business sustainability. There are various dynamic challenges in business environment that must be respond by each organization. Organizational responds for each challenge very decisive to organization’s business sustainability in the future. For now, in this Covid 19 pandemic situation each organization must creative and innovative to change and modify their business model in order to survive. Motorcycle workshop was one of the SME that affected by Covid 19 pandemic, because government policy to restriction activity of people and social distancing. Decreasing customers of motorcycle workshop and to respond the situation bring up the idea to reengineering business model. Home service system was selected as alternative solution to strive for survive in this situation, of course, by implementing a good health protocol. This system was built with a mobile application as a tool in reservation and managing customers service schedules. With this system customers do not have to come and queue at the workshop, so it will be safer in this pandemic situation. Not all services can be served with this system, only minor, moderate and routine repairs that can be served with this system. The payment transaction process is carried out on the spot according to the calculations by the system. With this new business process model, it is hoped that it will be the right solution for consumers and workshops so that they can remain productive in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 8, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.623 KB) | DOI: 10.36706/jsi.v8i2.2455


AbstractCommon Problem in e-commerce operation is about customer’s trust. There are many effort have been done to gain customer’s trust. One of these effort is to improving website usability. Improvement of website usability will be enhancing effectivity, efficiency and user satisfaction. With always keep and improve effecivity, efficiency and user satisfaction of website’s usability will improve customer’s trust. This research proof hypotesis that customer’s trust (dependent variabel) in e-commerce model B2C influenced by website’s usability factor. There are four usability factor defined (independent variabels) : graphic design, structur design, content design and social cue design. This qualitative research using user survey method for gathering data, and using Regression –Correlation test to know the relationship between variabels. Result of this research show that graphic design, structur design, content design and social cue design positive influencing customer’s trust. Content design have highest correlation rather then three other of website’s usability factor. Level contribution of all usability factor defined to customer’s trust is 43,2%. It’s means there are other aspects that also influencing customer’s trust beyond that four usability factor that need to deeper analysis.Keywords: usability, usability factor, customer’s trust, website e-commerce B2CAbstrakPermasalahan yang banyak dihadapi oleh para pelaku e-commerce adalah bagaimana bisa memperoleh kepercayaan dari konsumen. Banyak hal diupayakan untuk memperoleh kepercayaan dari konsumen baik dari kualitas produk maupun layanan. Salah satu hal yang bisa diupayakan adalah dengan meningkatkan usabilitas dari website. Hal ini akan membuat peningkatan efektifitas, efisiensi dan kepuasan dari pengguna. Dengan selalu menjaga dan meningkatkan efektifitas, efisiensi dan kepuasan pengguna akan bermuara pada peningkatan kepercayaan (trust) pengguna/ konsumen. Penelitian ini ingin membuktikan hipotesa yang dibangun, bahwa faktor usabilitas website e-commerce B2C berpengaruh terhadap kepercayaan konsumen (customer trust) sebagai dependent variabel. Terdapat 4 faktor usability yang di tetapkan sebagai variabel bebas yaitu : graphic desain, struktur desain, content desain, dan social cue desain. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode user survey dan menggunakan uji regresi-korelasi, untuk melihat hubungan antar variabel / faktor usability dengan kepercayaan konsumen. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif dari faktor usabilitas graphic desain, structur desain, content desain dan social cue desain terhadap customer trust. Content desain memiliki nilai korelasi tertinggi diantara 3 yang lain. Besarnya kontribusi dari 4 faktor usabilitas ini terhadap customer trust sebesar 43,2%. Hal ini menunjukkan ada aspek-aspek lain yang juga berpengaruh pada customer trust,yang perlu di kaji lebihjauh.Kata kunci: usability, usability factor, customer’s trust, website e-commerce B2C
Analisis Penerimaan Pengguna Aplikasi Ukrida Virtual Class Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model 2 Tirza Unggu; Yudhi Windarto
JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi) Vol 9 No 4 (2022): JATISI (Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) STMIK Global Informatika MDP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35957/jatisi.v9i4.2686


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of life, one of which is the learning system. The learning process that was carried out face-to-face was suddenly forced to adapt to remote learning activities. Because of that, the University implemented a Moodle-based Learning Management System known as Ukrida Virtual Class (UVC). After the implementation in 2 years, it was found that there are still academics who have not used the Ukrida Virtual Class. Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM 2) testing was conducted at Krida Wacana Christian University to find out the root causes, behavior and user acceptance of UVC. The variables in this study consisted of 9 variables; Subjective Norms, Image, Job Relevance, Output Quality, Results Capability, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Intention to Use, and Usage Behavior. The results show that the Subjective Norm has a significant positive effect on Intention to Use, Perceived Usefulness, and Image. Meanwhile, Image, Job Relevance, Output Quality, Result Demonstrability, Perceived Ease of Use have a significant positive effect on Perceived Usefulness. Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use have a significant positive effect on Intention to Use. And Intention to Use has a significant positive effect on Usage Behavior.