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Pelita - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa UNY Volume III, Nomor 2, Agustus 2008
Publisher : Pelita - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (79.763 KB)


Kyai Remeng Puppets are a part of beber puppets in Orchard GelaranII, Bejiharjo Countryside, Karang Mojo Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul. This storytells about the incognition of pennon Asamara Bangun as Kyai RemengMangunjaya.This article analyzes the symbolic meaning and historical value oftotally dissapeared puppets. The symbolic aspects which are analyzed in thisresearch cover the activity done by the one who has the intention, role aspuppets, gamelan drummer, and sinden (woman singer with gamelanorchestra).The historical value in this story covers the comparative study of KyaiRemeng Beber Puppets in the past and in the present time. This study isimportant in showing the society participation in conserving the highlyvalued arts.Key Words: Beber Kyai Remeng puppets, symbolic meaning, historical value
Perwari dalam Kemelut Revolusi Indonesia Sasi, Galuh Ambar
Jurnal Sejarah Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Historiografi Sejarah Perempuan: Kritik, Metodologi dan Capaian
Publisher : Masyarakat Sejarawan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26639/js.v4i1.339


Women's movement during the Indonesian revolution focused on women mobilization in the Red Cross, paramilitary, liaisons, soup kitchens, organizational changes, and congresses. Reviewing Harry E. Poeze's writings regarding the relationship between the Persatuan Perjuangan and Persatuan Wanita Republik Indonesia (Perwari), this paper argues that the independence proclamation of Indonesia gave a new identity and transformation. These two processes gave birth to different imaginations and interpretations of Indonesianness, independence, the Indonesian revolution, and the position of women in the process. On the other hand, the difference in the imagination and meaning destroys Perwari and affects her movement patterns afterward. Finally, the experience of Perwari may be offering material discussion about an alternative discourse on the periodization of the Indonesian women's movement.
Modifikasi Atau Modernisasi (?): Permainan Anak di Sekolah Kartini Semarang Galuh Ambar Sasi; Emy Wuryani; - Sunardi
Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Vol 11 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24246/j.js.2021.v11.i1.p80-90


This paper examines the children's playings at Kartini School Semarang. By Combining the annual reports, memorial albums, colonial magazines and newspapers, archives, literature, ego documents, then approached with history of mentality perspectives, we point out that they developed following Froebel's education system. Therefore, they integrated into the curriculum for the 1st-3rd grade, unlimited by type, philosophy, languages, or its influence on students, while the school resembled a children's playground.
Menyuap Nasi, Mencerna Memori: Memori Kolektif Hongeroedeem Galuh Ambar Sasi
Lembaran Sejarah Vol 11, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (420.512 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/lembaran-sejarah.23811


Javanese families usually say nek mangan dienthekke, ndak pithikke mati to persuade their children to finish their food when they eat. Slightly different sentence is found in the villages of southern Purworejo; nek mangan dienthekke, elinga zaman odhim. Base on ithe nterview sources, it is known that it represents collective memory of starvation in the green revolution era.
Remembering the Disaster: Isra Miraj Commemoration at the Telomoyo Slope Inscription Site during COVID-19 Pandemic Galuh Ambar Sasi; Rosiana Eva Rayanti
Islah: Journal of Islamic Literature and History Vol 3, No 1 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/islah.v3i1.1-16


Isra Miraj is a commemoration of the amazing journey of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH to the seventh heaven in one night. In Indonesia, this day is celebrated by various traditions, including rejeban in Java. Some activities such as bersih desa (cleaning the village) ceremony, eating together in haunted or ancestral burial places, and performing various artistic performances are held in rejeban. By applying oral tradition methodology suggested by Jan Vansina (1964), this paper aims to propose that rejeban on the Telomoyo slope is more than a commemoration of Isra Miraj resulted from Islamic-Javanese acculturation. This tradition is a medium inheriting the collective memory of natural disasters in the XIX century. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, rejeban is a reminder of local disasters occurred globally.
Pangadereng : Jurnal Hasil Penelitian Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36869/pjhpish.v6i2.168


Spanduk menjadi pemandangan biasa dan mengganggu bagi manusia Indonesia dasawarsa kedua abad ke-21. Namun, itu sekaligus bisa digunakan sebagai sumber penulisan sejarah terutama penting untuk menyingkap periode paling krusial dalam historiografi Indonesia yang didominasi oleh laki-laki serta menghapus skeptisme tentang ketiadaan sumber penulisan sejarah perempuan yang berkaitan dengan kebangsaan atau konsensus keindonesiaan. Berangkat dari foto-foto protes perempuan yang membawa spanduk pada masa revolusi di Yogyakarta, saya menangkap empat realitas. Pertama, aksi-aksi protes perempuan adalah manifestasi kewarganegaraan baru mereka Kedua, agenda protes mereka sangat kompleks dan heterogen, namun mengekspresikan hal yang sama, yaitu kesetiaan, imajinasi warga negara baru, dan pergulatan keindonesiaan mereka. Ketiga, penggerak protes itu adalah perempuan-perempuan dari etnis minoritas, diliyankan, atau dicap tidak nasionalis, dan kaki tangan penjajah. Terakhir, aktivitas protes perempuan masa revolusi terlihat seperti pertunjukkan imaji perempuan tentang negara baru dan nasib mereka di masa depan.
Gejolak di Awal Gerak: Perwari dalam Kemelut Revolusi Indonesia Galuh Ambar Sasi
Lembaran Sejarah Vol 18, No 1 (2022): Special Edition: Revolusi Indonesia
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/lembaran-sejarah.80447


The historical narrative of the Indonesian women’s movement is solely about the congressional activities and their results without giving explanation on the meaning and historical context of the movement. This can be seen from the discourse of Indonesian women’s movement during the revolutionary period, which generally centered on four main points, i.e. women’s mobilization in the Red Cross, women paramilitary troops, public kitchen, as well as organizational change and its congress. As an alternative, in this article I examine the first five months of Perwari (the Women Association of Republic Indonesia), its dynamic and historical context. The research finds out that differences of ideologies, perceptions, and expectations about the Indonesian revolution influenced the direction of women’s movement, triggering internal conflict that eventually destroyed them.
Kolaborasi Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Pengenalan Rempah-rempah Gloria Rut Karin Pratasik; Sunardi Sunardi; Galuh Ambar Sasi
HISTORIA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 11, No 2 (2023): HISTORIA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.25 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/hj.v11i2.7562


Indonesia adalah ibu rempah-rempah dunia. Di lain sisi, kekayaan rempah Indonesia mendorong Kementerian Pendidikan Kebudayaan Riset dan Teknologi mengajukan jalur rempah sebagai warisan budaya dunia pada 2024. Berbagai cara pun dilakukan untuk membesarkan gagasan di atas, termasuk mempopulerkan rempah-rempah dari pedalaman. Tulisan ini mencoba memotret salah satu kerja kolaborasi sebagai usaha untuk memperkenalkan rempah-rempah lokal. Melalui metode participatory action research (PAR) dan pendekatan pendekatan Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) di desa Ngrawan, penelitian menggarisbawahi tiga hal. Pertama, internalisasi pengetahuan rempah-rempah lokal dilakukan melalui lagu rempah yang dihasilkan berjudul. “Rempah-rempah Warisan Nusantara.” Kedua, lagu tersebut terutama mengangkat empat rempah lokal di lokasi penelitian. Keempat rempah-rempah tersebut adalah jahe, kunyit, lada, dan kencur. Terakhir, lagu tersebut tidak hanya menjadi alternatif pengenalan rempah lokal melainkan membentuk identitas masyarakat setempat melalui rempah-rempah.
KEBIASAAN MAKAN SUKU ALUNE DENGAN HIPERURISEMIA Rosiana Eva Rayanti; Maya Santika Ubro; Galuh Ambar Sasi
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan IMELDA
Publisher : Program Studi S1/DIII-Keperawatan Universitas Imelda Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52943/jikeperawatan.v9i2.1251


Maluku Province has the highest incidence of hyperuricemia in Indonesia. The people of Maluku, including the Alune Tribe in Elpaputih Village, Seram Regency, have eating habits related to the local culture and traditions. Eating habits in hyperuricemia patients can trigger an increase or decrease in uric acid levels. The research aims to explore the eating habits of hyperuricemia patientsin the Alune tribe. The research method is descriptive qualitative. This research explores the eating habits among ten housewives. Criteria for participants are people with hyperuricemia in the family based on community health center data. Source triangulation used through community health center data on hyperuricemia, in-depth interviews, observation and thematic analysis. The results showed the concept of food, coconut milk as a favorite food and food setup for families with hyperuricemia. The food concept of the Alune Tribe is hereditary, putus asa, kumpul basudara, and bayah seram. Hereditary means the types of food are passed down from ancestors. Next, putus asa is introducing local foods such as papeda/sago porridge to children. Kumpul basudara is a symbol of brotherhood. Bayah seram concept is a particular tradition of the Alune people to prevent danger. Women have a position and role in food production with family food recipes from generation to generation, especially foods containing coconut milk. Women use food sources around the house and process them using firewood and a stove. Prevention of hyperuricemia through reducing food portions and food substitution. Tribal eating habits depend on cultural characteristics and geographic location.