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Nommensen Journal of Legal Opinion Vol 02 No 02 Juli 2021
Publisher : Magister Hukum Universitas HKBP Nommensen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51622/njlo.v2i02.459


The car storage agreement in the process of repair is included in the type of true goods safekeeping agreement that occurs with an agreement or agreement set forth in the form of a standard agreement (standard agreement). The purpose of making a standard agreement or  standard agreement for car care in the repair process is to provide convenience for the parties concerned. The research was conducted using normative juridical and empirical juridical, descriptive analytical research is research that aims to describe a situation or symptom or to determine whether there is a relationship between a symptom and other symptoms. Data collection techniques used are literature studies and field studies in the form of data collection and interviews with the PT. Astra International Tbk Auto 2000 Branch and customers. Astra International Tbk Auto 2000 Branch is obliged to maintain and protect cars that are entrusted in the repair process and are entitled to legal protection from the actions of customers who have bad intentions. Responsibilities of PT. Astra International Tbk Auto 2000 Branch in the event ofdamage to the car that was deposited during the repair process, compensation is given. The value of the compensation provided by the PT. Astra International Tbk Auto 2000 Branch to the customer who is damaged or lost the car in the process of repair, it is determined in accordance with the stipulated provisions and by family. The settlement process due to the car being deposited is damaged during the safekeeping process for repairs, where both parties agree to settle the dispute as far as possible by way of deliberation. If deliberation has been carried out by both parties, but it turns out that it does not succeed in reaching an agreement, the parties agree that all disputes arising from this agreement will be resolved at the Registrar's Office of the Medan District Court.
Sengketa Penerapan Tariff Impor Dan Hambatan Dagang Antara Amerika Serikat Dan Negara China Dalam Perspektif Kerangka WTO Adhi Pradana Barus; Suhaidi; Sutiarnoto; Jelly Leviza
Locus: Jurnal Konsep Ilmu Hukum Vol 2 No 1 (2022): April

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Hubungan dagang antara Amerika Serikat dan China menjadi perhatian dunia terutama karena sengketa dagang yang terjadi antara kedua negara.Amerika Serikat membuat kebijakan untuk menaikkan tariff bea masuk yang tinggi untuk barang impor dari negara China. Kebijakan ini bertentangan dengan GATT khususnya Pasal I dan Pasal II yang menyatakan tidak boleh ada diskriminasi antara negara anggota WTO. Sengketa ini diawali dengan adanya kebijakan tariff bea masuk impor yang hanya ditujukan kepada Negara China, Amerika mengaku ini dilakukan demi melindungi pekerja domestik dan produk domestik, dan ini semua bagian dari kampanye Donald Trump, kemudian pada akhirnya Negara China melayangkan gugatan ke Amerika Serikat melalui DSB. Dalam penemuan yang dilakukan oleh Panel, bahwa Amerika Serikat dalam sengketa dagang ini telah terbukti melanggar ketentuan GATT/WTO yaitu Pasal I dan Pasal II GATT yang dengan sepihak menaikkan komitmen tariff tanpa ada perundingan terlebih dahulu, setelah sengketa ini dibawa ke Dispute Settlement Body dimana Panel menyatakan Amerika Serikat telah bersalah dan tidak memiliki bukti yang cukup jelas dalam pembelaanya dalam hal pencegahan lebih lanjut maka WTO dapat menggunakan ketentuan Pasal I, Pasal II, dan Pasal III GATT/WTO untuk dapat mengendalikan tariff bea masuk impor, dan juga masalah perdagangan internasional kedepannya untuk menyelesaikan masalah secara baik. Kata kunci: Hambatan perdagangan, Sengketa Dagang, Tariff, WTO. Abstract The relationship between the United States and China has attracted worldwide attention, especially because of the trade dispute between the two countries. The United States made a policy to raise high import duty rates for goods imported from China. This policy contradicts the GATT, especially Article I and Article II which state that there should be no discrimination between WTO member countries. This dispute began with the existence of import tariffs that were only aimed at the State of China, America claimed this was done to protect domestic workers and domestic products, and this was all part of Donald Trump's campaign, then in the end China filed a lawsuit against the United States through the DSB. In the findings made by the Panel, that the United States in this trade dispute has violated the provisions of the GATT/WTO, namely Article I and Article II of the GATT which unilaterally raised tariffs without prior agreement, after this dispute was brought to the Settlement Body where the Panel stated that the United States has been guilty and does not have clear enough evidence in his defense in further prevention, the WTO can use the provisions of Article I, Article II, and Article III of the GATT/WTO to control import duty tariffs, as well as international trade issues in the future to resolve the problem properly. Keywords: tariffs, trade barriers, trade disputes, WTO.
Pertanggungjawaban Mutlak Korporasi Sebagai Pelaku Pembakaran Hutan Dan Lahan Yang Mengakibatkan Pencemaran Dan/Atau Kerusakanlingkungan Hidup Joni Sandri Ritonga; Suhaidi; Jelly Leviza; Dedi Harianto
Locus: Jurnal Konsep Ilmu Hukum Vol 2 No 1 (2022): April

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Fenomena kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang terjadi di berbagai wilayah Indonesia beberapa tahun lalu, merupakan fakta hukum bahwa pemberlakuan Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perkebunan, dan berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya, tidak sesuai dengan harapan dan aturan yang telah ditentukan. Untuk itulah penelitian ini akan membahas pertanggungjawaban mutlak terhadap korporasi sebagai pelaku karhutla yang mengakibatkan pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup. Secara khusus membahas mengenai kriteria pertanggungjawaban mutlak berdasarkan UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 dan UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2020. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Kreteria pertanggungjwaban mutlak berdasarkan Pasal 88 UU Nomor 32 tahun 2009 dan Pasal 22 angka (33) UU Nomor 11 Tahun 2020. Pentingnya penerapan pertanggungjawaban mutlak bagi korporasi pelaku karhutla yang mengakibatkan pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup, dan terdapat 7 (tujuh) ide yang ditawarkan sebagai solusi penerapan pertanggungjawaban mutlak bagi korporasi pelaku karhutla yang mengakibatkan pencemaran dan/atau kerusakan lingkungan hidup yang menimbulkan ancaman serius. Kata kunci: Korporasi, Lingkungan Hidup, Pertanggungjawaban Mutlak. Abstract The phenomenon of forest and land fires that occurred in various parts of Indonesia several years ago is a legal fact that the enactment of Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, Law Number 39 of 2014 concerning Plantations, and various laws and regulations others, not in accordance with the expectations and rules that have been determined. For this reason, this study will discuss absolute responsibility for corporations as perpetrators of forest and land fires that result in pollution and/or environmental damage. Specifically discussing the criteria for absolute accountability based on Law Number 32 of 2009 and Law Number 11 of 2020. The results of the analysis show that . The criteria for absolute accountability are based on Article 88 of Law Number 32 of 2009 and Article 22 number (33) of Law Number 11 of 2020. The importance of implementing absolute accountability for corporations that carry out forest and land fires that result in environmental pollution and/or damage, and there are 7 (seven) ideas that offered as a solution to the application of absolute responsibility for corporations that are involved in forest and land fires causing pollution and/or environmental damage that pose a serious threat. Keywords: Absolute Accountability, Corporate, Environment.
Training of Trainers for Women Anti-Drug Dealers in Bagan Deli Village Sunarmi; Suhaidi
ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): ABDIMAS TALENTA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (953.225 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/abdimastalenta.v6i2.5174


This cadre is focused on housewives in Bagan Deli Village. This regeneration process will certainly give birth to cadres of housewives who are anti against drug dealers. The material in this cadre is about the importance of cadre housewives in the Bagan Deli Village so that they can avoid the effects caused as drug dealers. From this dedication activity, it can be concluded that: In Bagan Deli Village, no woman has been arrested for drug trafficking; Women in Kelurahan Bagan Deli know that many around them have become drug addicts and dealers but are still afraid to report it; and Women in Bagan Deli Sub-district have started to get information on where to report if they see, hear and know about drug addicts and distribution.
Penyuluhan Hukum: Kajian Yuridis tentang Rancangan Qanun Nikah Siri Provinsi Aceh, Pembenahan, dan Dampak pada Masyarakat di Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Aceh Simeulue Wolly Mistiar; Afriani; A’zizah; Adi Saleh; Suhaidi; Mohd. Eka Putra; Syarifuddin Hasyim
Kawanad : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): October
Publisher : Yayasan Kawanad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56347/kjpkm.v2i2.172


The proposed Qanun on polygamy by the Acehnese elite (executive and legislative) is aimed at the wider community because of the widespread phenomenon of unregistered marriages. Siri marriage is not prohibited in Aceh in fact the administrative requirements are relaxed for ordinary people. This gap raises the question of whether the Acehnese elite proposed the polygamy qanun for the benefit of society or for subjective interests. This article is classified as field research with a qualitative approach. The methodology used is descriptive-analytical research. The results of the research found that the reactor for the implementation or key factor of family law qanun in Aceh lies in the condition where polygyny requirements are tightened beyond the provisions of the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) and the requirements for Siri Marriage which are relaxed. based on KHI provisions. The motive was the Acehnese elite's efforts to have their unregistered wives recognized (legality) in Aceh's polygyny qanun. These findings can be input for family law studies to create more objective and independent regulations, especially in regions that have special autonomy rights.