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Antje A Wuwungan
Universitas Sam Ratulangi

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KEAMANAN DALAM TINDAKAN ANESTESIA Sakliressy, Magdalena F; Kumaat, Lucky T; Wuwungan, Antje A

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.4.3.2012.802


Abstract: In general, anaesthetic means an act of relieving pain during surgery and or other procedures that cause pain in the body. In all anaesthetic procedures safety is of most concern, including the reduction of any risks of danger or related complications that can happen during anaesthesia. Understanding about the stages of anasthesia from pre-anesthesia until post-anasthesia, as well as techniques of anasthesia, is very important in creating the anaesthesia safety.Key words: safety, anaesthetic, anaesthesia, patientAbstrak: Secara umum, anestesia berarti suatu tindakan menghilangkan rasa nyeri saat melakukan pembedahan dan atau berbagai prosedur lainnya yang menimbulkan rasa nyeri pada tubuh. Dalam setiap tindakan anestesia harus diperhatikan segi keamanannya. Pemahaman mengenai tahap-tahap anaestesia sejak pre anestesia sampai dengan pasca anestesia serta tehnik-tehnik anestesia sangat diperlukan untuk mencapai keamanan dalam tindakan anestesiaKata Kunci: keamanan, tindakan, anestesia, pasien
AUTOTRANSFUSI PERIOPERATIF Tjutanto, Richardson; Wuwungan, Antje A; Lalenoh, Hermanus J
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 5, No 1 (2013): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.5.1.2013.2040


Abstract: Autotransfusion is a process in which a person receives his/her own blood for transfusion, instead of using other donor blood. Autotransfusion is carried out in circumstances characterized by the loss of one or more blood units. The advantages of this transfusion are in cases of a very rare blood type, minimizing the risk of contagious disease transmission, limited supply of homologous blood, or other medical conditions that are contraindicated to homologous blood. Autotransfusion is also necessary in surgical procedures to prevent excessive blood loss. In preparing an autotransfusion, a thorough comprehension is required, especially the techniques of perioperative autotransfusion as well as the indications and contraindications. The techniques of perioperative autotransfusion are divided into predeposit autologous blood donations, intraoperative blood salvage, postoperative blood salvage, and acute normovolemic haemodilution. Each of these techniques has its indications and contraindications. An example of autotransfusion indications is an orthopedic procedure, and of the contraindications is malignancy. The usage of autotransfusion especially perioperative transfusion can be maximized by using appropriate techniques related to the circumstances and needs of patients. Keywords: autotransfusion, perioperative, indication, contraindication.   Abstrak: Autotransfusi adalah proses dimana seseorang menerima darahnya sendiri untuk transfusi, tanpa menggunakan darah donor lain. Autotransfusi ditujukan pada situasi dimana terjadi kehilangan satu atau lebih unit darah. Manfaat autotransfusi yaitu pada kasus golongan darah yang sangat langka, berisiko penularan penyakit menular, pasokan terbatas dari darah homolog, atau situasi medis lain yang merupakan kontraindikasi bagi darah homolog. Autotransfusi juga diperlukan dalam prosedur pembedahan untuk mencegah kehilangan darah yang berlebihan. Dalam mempersiapkan autotransfusi, diperlukan pemahaman mengenai autotransfusi, terutama teknik-teknik autotransfusi perioperatif serta indikasi dan kontraindikasinya. Teknik-teknik autotransfusi perioperatif dibagi atas predeposit autologous blood donation, intraoperative blood salvage, postoperative blood salvage, dan acute normovolemic haemodilution; masing-masing memiliki indikasi dan kontraindikasi. Salah satu contoh indikasi autotransfusi yaitu prosedur ortopedik dan untuk kontraindikasi yaitu keganasan. Penggunaan autotransfusi khususnya perioperatif dapat dimaksimalkan dengan memilih teknik yang sesuai dengan keadaan dan kebutuhan pasien. Kata kunci: autotransfusi, perioperatif, indikasi, kontraindikasi.
PREFERENSI NYAMUK AEDES AEGYPTI PADA BEBERAPA MEDIA AIR Wuwungan, Antje A; Lumanauw, Saartje J; Posangi, Jimmy; Pinontoan, Odi R
Jurnal Biomedik : JBM Vol 5, No 1 (2013): JURNAL BIOMEDIK : JBM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35790/jbm.5.1.2013.2043


Abstract: The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the main vectors of Dengue virus which causes Dengue Fever and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Their blood sucking activity occurs during the day and they rest inside houses (endophagic and anthropophilic). Ae. aegypti females prefer to lay eggs in man-made containers. The purpose of this study was to determine the habitat and development of Ae. aegypti in four types of water (rain water, well water, tap water, and soap water). The method of this study was random group design. The results showed that Ae. aegypti prefered black containers to white containers. Conclusion: The preference of the Ae. aegypti mosquitos in choosing the water media for laying eggs and their development whether in rain water, well water, tap water, or soap water were not significantly different. Keywords: Aedes aegypti, Dengue, types of water.     Abstrak: Nyamuk Aedes aegypti merupakan vektor Dengue utama yang mejadi penyebab Demam Dengue dan DBD. Aktivitas mengisap darah terjadi pada siang hari dan nyamuk dewasa cenderung beristirahat di dalam rumah (endofagik dan antropofilik).  Ae. aegypti lebih menyukai wadah buatan manusia untuk tempat berkembang biak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui habitat nyamuk Ae. aegypti pada empat jenis air. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode rancangan acak kelompok. Hasil  penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa Ae. aegypti lebih memilih  wadah  berwarna  hitam  dari pada  wadah  berwarna  putih. Simpulan: Preferensi  nyamuk  Ae. aegypti untuk meletakkan telur  pada  media air hujan, air sumur, air PAM, dan air sabun tidak memperlihatkan perbedaan bermakna. Kata kunci: Aedes aegypti, Dengue, jenis air.