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Envirotek : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan Vol 11 No 2 (2019): Envirotek : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.272 KB) | DOI: 10.33005/envirotek.v11i2.3


Semakin berkurangnya persediaan air tawar yang disertai dengan penurunan kualitas air permukaan merupakan alasan utama untuk dilakukannya minimisasi dan pemanfaatan kembali limbah industri. Salah satu langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah meminimumkan effluent IPAL dengan dilakukannya pengolahan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan proses pemisahan berbasis membran salah satu pengaplikasiannya adalah membran ultrafiltrasi (UF). Kendala utama yang dihadapi membran ultrafiltrasi dalam pengaplikasiannya adalah terdeposisinya zat padat terlarut pada permukaan membran atau dikenal sebagai fouling. Salah satu pencemar yang terdapat di effluent IPAL adalah Total Organic Carbon (TOC). Kehadiran TOC pada proses UF akan menyebabkan fouling. Pada praktiknya, pengendalian fouling pada industri dapat dilakukan melalui pretreatment, seperti adsorpsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi adsorpsi-UF dalam menyisihkan TOC. Pada effluent IPAL ditemukan TOC sebesar 343 mg/L. Proses kombinasi adsorpsi-UF dinilai mampu dalam menyisihkan TOC, yang ditunjukkan dengan penurunan pada nilai TOC hingga mencapai <1,086 mg/L.
Envirotek : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan Vol 13 No 2 (2021): Envirotek : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (490.384 KB) | DOI: 10.33005/envirotek.v13i2.171


The use of fossil fuels for motor vehicles in Indonesia has the potential to produce air emissions that can pollute the environment, especially human health. The parameter that is often used as a reference for pollution by motor vehicle emissions is NO2. Nowadays satellite imagery has been developed and used in various fields. One of them is to monitor air quality. Analysis of the effect of the ratio of the area of ​​Green Open Space (RTH) in the cities of Surabaya and Jakarta to the reduction of NO2 was carried out in this study. The method of this study is using tropospheric NO2 data based on the total NO2 column data from satellite imagery GOME 2 METOP B. The results show that there is an influence of the area of the green open space ratio on the pattern of NO2 increase in DKI Jakarta and Surabaya.
Potensi Limbah Kulit Udang dan Cangkang Kepiting Sebagai Chitosan Polymer Medium (CPM) Hafidya Norista Pramesti; Yayok Suryo Purnomo; Aussie Amalia
Envirotek : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan Vol 14 No 2 (2022): Envirotek : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Lingkungan
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.755 KB) | DOI: 10.33005/envirotek.v14i2.197


Crab shell and shrimp shell waste contains chitin which is considered to have the potential to become Chitosan Polymer Medium (CPM) as a mask coating material to remove toxic substances in cigarette smoke. Hazards that have been identified require several control measures to a point of safety. The way that can be used to control the dangers of cigarette smoke is to use a mask. Therefore, this study aims to determine the CPM characteristics of crab shells and shrimp shells that are useful as CPM. The analysis used is Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to determine the characteristics, and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) to determine the structure and degree of deacetylation. The best results obtained from this study were Chitosan Polymer Medium (CPM) shrimp shells with a pore diameter of ± 0.31 m – 0.33 m with a high density and a degree of deacetylation of 82.10%.
Kapasitas Resin Immobilized Photocatalyst Technology (RIPT) untuk Menurunkan Parameter Bod Limbah Cair Industri Tahu Khusnul Khotimah Ayuningtiyas; Euis Nurul Hidayah; Aussie Amalia
INSOLOGI: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 5 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55123/insologi.v1i5.1002


Tofu liquid waste contains organic material, namely BOD which is quite high, if it is directly discharged into water bodies, it will reduce the carrying capacity of the environment. This causes the carrying capacity of the environment to decrease and ecosystem performance to become unbalanced, so that further processing is needed, namely Resin Immobilized Photocatalyst Technology (RIPT). In this study, the BOD reduction process was carried out with resin, photocatalyst, and immobilization. The process of immobilizing the catalyst against the resin aims to expand the surface and maintain photocatalyst activity. The type of catalyst used is ZnO and TiO2. After obtaining the RIP (Resin Immobilized Photocatalyst), then the RIP was added to the wastewater and the BOD concentration in the tofu wastewater was calculated. The resin capacity is calculated with the aim of knowing the ability of the resin to reduce the concentration of BOD. From the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the highest resin capacity when using ZnO catalyst is 0.3159 g/L and 0.2806 g/L using TiO2. The effluent parameter concentration is directly proportional to the resin capacity. As the sampling time increases, the resin's ability decreases.
Analisis Korelasi Antara Kandungan Senyawa Organik (KMnO4) Dengan Tingginya Kekeruhan Pada Kali Surabaya Menggunakan Software Minitab Maulana Rohman Bahari; Aussie Amalia
Envirous Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal EnviroUS
Publisher : Envirous

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Air merupakan unsur yang sangat penting bagi kelangsungan hidup di bumi. Akan tetapi kualitas air di permukaan bumi ini tiap tahun kian mengalami penurunan tak terkecuali air sungai. Salah satu sungai besar yang ada di Kota Surabaya adalah Kali Surabaya, dimana sungai ini mensuplai sebagian besar air baku yang diolah PDAM Kota Surabaya menjadi air bersih untuk masyarakat Kota Surabaya. Akan tetapi air dari sungai ini mempunyai kualitas yang kurang baik. Salah satunya karena tingginya kekeruhan pada sungai ini. Kekeruhan yang tinggi ini menyebabkan pemanfaatan air sungai secara langsung sangat terbatas serta memerlukan pengolahan yang cukup sulit untuk mengubahnya menjadi air bersih. Kekeruhan ini dapat disebabkan oleh senyawa organik yang berasal dari tergerusnya tanah sepanjang aliran sungai, pelapukan bahan organik, dsb; maupun oleh senyawa anorganik yang berasal dari limbah industri di sepanjang aliran sungai. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebab dari kekeruhan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menguji air sampel selama bulan April 2023. Data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah menggunakan software Minitab. Hasil running pada software Minitab terhadap data kekeruhan dan senyawa organik (KMnO4) ini didapatkan korelasi yang tinggi dengan nilai p-value = 0,803. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa senyawa organik mempengaruhi besarnya kekeruhan pada Kali Surabaya.
Analisis Korelasi Antara Kadar Sisa Klor dan pH Pada Air Bersih PDAM Surabaya Aussie Amalia; Nara Naomi Aprilia Putri
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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Clean water is river water that is managed by the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) into water that meets predetermined regulations. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 736/Menkes/PER/VI/2010 and the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 492/Menkes/PER/IV/2010, one of the parameters managed is to remove particles (pathogenic bacteria), remove residual chlorine levels and maintain the pH in the clean water. The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between residual chlorine and pH in clean water. This research is a study that uses data for 2 months in 2022, namely in August and September. The data was entered into Minitab 17 software with normality, correlation and simple linear regression test methods. The results obtained in this study are in August and September have almost the same results. The results in August have a very small correlation that can be said to have no correlation between residual chlorine and pH, while in September has a small correlation between residual chlorine and pH.
Analisis Pengelolaan Lingkungan Kegiatan Penambangan Bahan Galian Tanah Uruk Aussie Amalia; Hammam Fawwaz
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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The need for building materials, especially piled up soil, is increasing along with the increase in the construction of facilities and infrastructure. Under these conditions, mining activities for the extraction of piled up soil minerals are also increasing. These mining activities will certainly have an impact on the surrounding area from an economic, environmental and social perspective. Therefore, this research aims to find solutions for mining activities that have an impact on the surrounding area by managing, restoring and improving the quality of the environment and ecosystem so that they can function again according to their designation. This research method uses a descriptive approach by providing a detailed description of how the environmental management plan for the land after mining activities. In addition, this research is also aimed at projecting land conditions when mining activities take place with land conditions when environmental management has been carried out. The projected condition of the land will be processed using ArcGis and Global Mapper software. The post-mining environmental management plan is carried out based on the identification of potential mining impacts. Post-mining environmental management will be carried out using revegetation techniques and land arrangement according to the procedures for post-mining environmental management stages. Environmental management will be carried out every year in order to minimize environmental damage and stabilize green areas. This environmental management activity will restore the function of the mining land to its original state (before mining), namely to become rice fields and moor areas.
Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Sebagai Penilaian Terhadap Dampak Lingkungan pada Proses Produksi Pupuk ZA II Petrokimia Gresik Aussie Amalia; Bagas Chrisma Pratama
Prosiding ESEC Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Seminar Nasional (ESEC) 2023
Publisher : Prosiding ESEC

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Petrokimia Gresik is one of the largest and most comprehensive fertilizer companies in  Indonesia, playing a major role in the food security sector. The superior fertilizer production is  ZA II fertilizer. The existence of a strong concern lies in the emissions produced in the production  process where the presence of gas can trigger environmental impacts if not properly managed and  controlled. Therefore, through methodLife Cycle Assessment (LCA) is able to identify and assess  potential environmental impacts in PT Petrokimia Gresik's ZA II fertilizer production process.  Approach done byEndpoint divided into human health, ecosystem quality, and natural  resourcesRecipe 2016. As a support for the identification carried out, software will be used in the  form of Open LCA type 1.11.0 and SimaPro type The studies obtained show that there is  a unit process that is produced with the greatest impact on the drying unit system (drying) and  cooling (cooling) due to the causes of the chemicals used and the emission content released in the  form of ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2). With this impact, it is necessary to carry out  alternative solutions to reduce the risk of impacts that occur in the ZA II fertilizer production  process.