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Jurnal Communitarian (Prodi Ilmu Politik) Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Communitarian
Publisher : Universitas Bung Karno

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.855 KB) | DOI: 10.6789/jc.v3i2.180


ABSTRAKSejak empat dekade lalu, studi risiko politik telah menjadi salah satu objek kajian menarik. Faktual, studi risiko politik telah mendapat tempat dalam kurikulum akademik di berbagai universitas di dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Kajian kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif berbasis pendekatan studi pustaka ini mencoba menjajaki wacana studi risiko politik sebagai satu bidang kajian ilmu politik yang sejak tiga dekade lalu terus mengalami penajaman akademik. Sebagai upaya penjajakan konseptual dan upaya akademik awal, kajian ini diharapkan bisa memberi pengayaan perspektif seputar studi risiko politik. Temuan kajian menunjukkan, studi risiko politik memiliki ruang dan peluang besar untuk tumbuh sebagai diskursus akademik, memiliki relevansi (aktualitas) keilmuan serta memberi manfaat signifikan untuk menjawab berbagai tantangan dan kebutuhan dunia bisnis, perdagangan internasional, dan investasi global yang kini tumbuh semakin eskalatif, rumit, dan kompleks. Kata kunci: risiko, ketidakpastian, analisis risiko politik. ABSTRACT Since four decades ago, the study of political risk has become an interesting object of study. In fact, the study of political risk has had a place in the academic curriculum of various universities in the world, including Indonesia. This qualitative study using a descriptive analysis method based on a literature study approach tries to explore the discourse of political risk studies as a field of study in political science which since three decades ago has continued to experience academic sharpening. As a conceptual exploration effort and an initial academic effort, this study is expected to provide an enriching perspective on the study of political risk. The findings of the study show that the study of political risk has great space and opportunity to grow as an academic discourse, has scientific relevance (actuality) and provides significant benefits for responding to various challenges and needs of the world of business, international trade, and global investment which is now growing increasingly escalating, complicated, and complex. Keywords: risk, uncertainty, political risk analysis
Multitafsir Undang-Undang ITE (Perspektif Edukasi Digitalisasi dan Kebebasan Berekspresi) Amri Dunan; bambang mudjiyanto
PRoMEDIA Vol 8, No 2 (2022): PROMEDIA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52447/promedia.v8i2.6141


Kontroversi mengenai UU Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE) terus bergulir antara pihak yang menginginkan revisi dan menolak revisi. Pada dasarnya kedua belah pihak sepakat UU ITE masih diperlukan untuk memastikan ruang digital tetap bersih dan beretika, tidak kebablasan dengan dalih kebebasan berpendapat. Keberadaan UU ITE dinilai masih relevan dan penting untuk mengatur lalu lintas komunikasi melalui dunia digital. Revisi UU ITE dapat membawa keadilan dan kenyamanan bagi kebebasan berpendapat yang bertanggung jawab dalam bingkai demokrasi Pancasila. UU ITE telah menyebabkan pro dan kontra di tengah masyarakat. Berbagai aspirasi masyarakat terkait revisi UU ITE turut menambah krusialnya pengesahan RUU KUHP.  Jika menelisik fenomena hukum belakangan ini, misalnya pemidanaan dalam UU ITE, aspirasi publik atas revisi UU ITE ini membutuhkan juga revisi pada KUHP, khususnya terkait konstruksi pasal pencemaran nama baik.
Dinamika Studi Media: Dari Agenda Setting, Agen Konstruksi, Sarana Representasi, Hingga Alat Konsensus Sosial Bambang Mudjiyanto; Hayu Lusianawati; Launa Launa
Oratio Directa (Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi) Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Oratio Directa
Publisher : FISIP Universitas Bung Karno

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACTAmong social scientists, the academic position of media studies—especially related to the position and function of the media (both print and electronic)—continues to face heated debate and is moving dynamically to this day. Starting from an academic view that sees the position and function of the media from a positive side (known as the positivist media paradigm), from a semi-critical perspective (post-positivist and constructivist media paradigm), looking at the critical side (critical media paradigm), to seeing the position and the function of the media in terms of the postmodernist/poststrukturalist paradigm. This qualitative study does not include a study of the position and function of the media from the postmodernist/poststructuralist paradigm, but only analyzes the position and function of the media from the perspective of a positivist, constructivist and critical paradigm, through a review of selected literature and documents as the data collection technique. The results of the study: the constructivist paradigm and the critical paradigm have different perspectives, acumen, and levels of analysis in viewing the position and function of the media from a social, cultural, and ideological perspective compared to the positivist paradigm.Keyword: Media position and function, positivist perspective, constructivist perspective, critical perspective