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Cladding effects on silica directional couplers Ary Syahriar; Ahmad Husin Lubis; Jusman Syafii Jamal; Anwar Mujadin; Ahmad Juang Pratama
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 17, No 3: June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v17i3.8705


Directional couplers are widely used as passive and active optical devices in fibre and integrated optics, and form the basis of components such as switches, modulators and wavelength filters. They consist of two closely-spaced parallel waveguides, whose separation is sufficiently small that power may be transferred between the modes propagating in the two guides through an interaction involving their evanescent fields. In this paper results are presented for a range of near infrared single mode silica directional couplers fabricated by electron beam irradiation. The effects of over cladding layers will be highlighted. Changes on coupling coefficient due to different cladding refractive indexes will also be examined. The coupled mode theory will be employed to fit the experimental results with prediction by theory. It is found that over cladding layer alters the transmission characteristics of silica directional couplers.
The Method of Lines Analysis of TE Mode Propagation in Silica based Optical Directional Couplers Ary - Syahriar; Putri Wulandari; Ahmad Husin Lubis; Retno Wigajatri; Danny M. Gandana; Anwar Mujadin
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol. 53 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2021.53.3.2


Optical directional couplers fabricated using planar light wave circuit (PLC) technology are versatile tools in integrated photonics devices. They have the advantages of small size, high consistency, ability for high volume production, and excellent possibility to be integrated with electronics circuits. Optical waveguide couplers are mainly utilized as power dividers, optical switches, and wavelength division multiplexers/de-multiplexers (WDM). A number of methods have been used to analyze directional couplers, such as coupled mode theory (CMT), the beam propagation method (BPM), the method of lines (MoL), finite-difference methods (FDM), and finite element methods (FEM). Among these numerical approaches, MoL is the simplest method to analyze mode propagation inside directional couplers because it has the advantages of very fast convergence and accurate solutions for one-dimensional structures. The objective of this study was to analyze the propagation of TE modes in optical directional couplers by using MoL. The parameters used, i.e. waveguide width, refractive index, and wavelength, were taken from the characteristics of silica-on-silicon directional couplers that were used in fabrication. MoL is considered a special finite-difference method, which discretizes a one- or two-dimensional wave equation in the transverse direction and uses an analytical solution for the propagation directions. Basically, MoL is a semi analytical numerical method with the advantages of numerical stability, computational efficiency, and calculation time reduction. Further, we explored the possibility of using directional couplers as optical switching devices.
Rancang Bangun Troller dengan Menggunakan Sistem Remote Kontrol RF YS-1020 Randy Rahmat Saleh; Anwar Mujadin; Viktor Vekky Ronald Repi
Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi Vol 8 No 2 (2016): Jurnal Otomasi Kontrol dan Instrumentasi
Publisher : Pusat Teknologi Instrumentasi dan Otomasi (PTIO) Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/joki.2016.8.2.11


Troller merupakan sebuah alat bantu pemindah barang dalam skala cukup banyak dan berat  ke tempat yang dituju dengan menggunakan tenaga manusia dengan cara didorong. Pada tulisan ini dijelaskan rancang bangun troller yang dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler ATMega 16 melalui sistem kendali pulse width modulation (pwm), yang dilengkapi dengan sistem Komunikasi data remote control RF Transceiver YS-1020 agar pengguna (manusia) lebih mudah dalam memindahkan barang.  
Pengujian Kualitas Minyak Goreng Berulang Menggunakan Metoda Viskositas dan Perubahan Fisis Anwar Mujadin; Syafitri Jumianto; Riris Lindiawati Puspitasari
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v2i4.158


Abstrak – Kualitas produk minyak goreng dari setiap pabrikan memiliki karakteristik yang beragam, tergantung dari bahan dan proses pembuatan. Minyak goreng yang digunakan secara berulang  akan meningkatkan asam lemak bebas (kolesterol jahat) yang tidak sehat bila dikosumsi oleh manusia. Pada penelitian ini, minyak goreng dipanaskan bertahap sampai pada titik didih. Hasil pengamatan menunjukan viskositas dan perubahan fisis minyak goreng  akan menentukan besaran asam lemak bebas. Abstract – The quality of cooking oil products from each manufacturer has a variety of characteristics, depending on the quality of the cooking oil from the material and manufacturing process. Cooking oil used repeatedly will increase the amount of free fatty acids (bad cholesterol), which is not healthy for human consumption. In this research, cooking oil was heated gradually up to the boiling point. The observation showed physical changes in viscosity and cooking oil will determine the amount of free fatty acids. Keyword -  Cooking oil test using viscosity and physical changes methods.
Sistem Proteksi Power Supply Modul Praktikum Teknik Digital Anwar Mujadin
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v2i3.136


Abstrak – Dalam melakukan praktikum teknik digital berbasis protoboard kadangkala pihak pengguna melakukan kesalahan fatal yaitu terjadi hubung singkat power supply dalam interkoneksi. Untuk menghindari kerusakan power supply akibat hubung singkat dalam modul praktikum digital, diperlukan sebuah rangkaian elektronika yang mampu mendeteksi dan memutus arus  sumber (power supply) dengan segera pada saat terjadi hubung singkat. Modul praktikum teknik digital dalam penelitian ini telah dilengkapi dengan sistem proteksi power supply dari hubung singkat dengan waktu tanggap kurang dari 5 ms, menggunakan teknis waktu jeda pengosongan kapasitor dan opamp pembanding tegangan.  Abstract – When conducting experiments practicum in digital protoboard base project, users often made a fatal mistake that cause short circuit interconnection. To avoid damaging the power supply of experiment module (hardware), it requires an electronic circuit that is able to detect and cut off the main power supply immediately. In research the modular lab has been equipped with an electronics short circuit protection system with a response time of less than 5 ms, using capacitor discharge and opamp voltage comparator technique.  Keyword – RC Transient, Power Supply Protection Systems, Bypass Filter Capacitor.
Uji Kinerja Modul Pelatihan Motor Penunjang Mata Kuliah Mekatronika Anwar Mujadin; Dwi Astharini
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i3.217


Abstrak – Teknis pemberian pulse width modulation (PWM) menjadi sangat penting terutama dalam pengendalian motor seperti pada motor direct current (motror DC), motor stepper maupun motor servo. Lebar pulsa duty cycle dalam satu perioda waktu  PWM akan menentukan tingkat keakuratan kecepatan maupun sudut. PWM diatur memggunakan program (assembly),  kemudian kecepatanya diamati menggunakan alat ukur laser tachometer sedangkan tingkat kepersisian sudutnya diukur menggunakan pola kertas (template). Untuk mendapatkan performa independensi setiap motor, maka motor dikendalikan dan diujicobakan tanpa menggunakan beban  (tidak ada uji torsi). Kata kunci- pulse width modulation mekatronika motor traineer. Abstract – the pulse width modulation (PWM) is especially inportant for motor controlling such as in DC motor, stepper motor and servo motor. The width of duty cycle in time period will determine speed and angle accurately. PWM wil be generated by using low level programm code of microcontroller (assembler), then speed of motor observed by laser tachometer and angle rotation observed by paper patern template. To get the performance independence of each motor, the motor is controlled and tested without the use of loads (no test of torque). Keywords – pulse width modulation motor traineer for mechatronic modules.
Lokalisasi Jarak dan Sudut Pembacaan Kartu Radio Frequecy Identification (RFID) Anwar Mujadin; Dwi Astharini
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i2.187


Abstrak – Teknis pembacaan kartu RFID (tag) dimana pembaca kartunya (card reader) diletakan dekat permukaan logam akan memiliki pelemahan sensitivitas  sinyal penerimaan radio frekuensi yang cukup significan. Dari hasil percobaan membuktikan bahwa received signal strength index (RSSI) akan berkurang 14 dBm bila reader diletakan dekat dengan permukaan logam. RSSI adalah sebuah pendekatan cermat untuk optimasi jarak dan sudut antara pemancar (tag) dan penerima (reader). Dari hasil percobaan  menunjukan pula bahwa bukan hanya jarak, sudut maupun logam yang mempengaruhi besaran nilai RSSI namun besaran kendali daya pemancar (reader) agar tag aktif dalam jarak dan sudut yang telah dilokalisai. Dalam paper ini akan dijelaskan dengan singkat hubungan antara kendali daya dan RSSI dalam mengaktifasi kartu RFID (tag). Kata Kunci - RFID received signal strength index, RFID Sensitivity reading tag Abstract – RFID card (tag) and card reader are placed near metal surfaces, will be have attenation  sensititivity of receiver signal radio frequency significantly. The result of exsperiment shown that distance between the tag and the reader using the received signal strength index (RSSI) will be reduce by 14 dBm from the beginning when RFID card reader placed near metal surface. RSSI is an careful approach to optimation the distance between a sender and a receiver. The our experiments shown that power control results are more stable and accurate than RSSI results. In this paper, will be  explain briefly the relationship between power control and RSSI in activates the RFID card (tag). Keywords – RFID received signal strength index, RFID Sensitivity reading tag
Prototipe Tempat Sampah Elektronik Bersuara Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega328P dan Decoder VS1011 Anwar Mujadin; Dwi Astharini
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v4i1.242


Abstrak – Perilaku membuang sampah sembarangan tidak pernah lepas dari pengaruh lingkungan sekitar. Saat ini, dalam menangggapi masalah buang sampah sembarangan sudah menjadi kebiasaan dimasyarakat yang biasa karena semua orang melakukannya. Merubah prilaku orang sangatlah tidak mudah perlu cara yang luar biasa. Pada penelitian ini telah dirancang bangun sebuah divais yang menyuguhkan beraneka ragam suara “aneh” yang menyebabkan si pembuang sampah selalu ingin melempar sampahnya pada divais ini. Prototipe menggunakan mikrokontroler ATMega328P dan decoder VS1011 sebagai pemutar suara dalam format MP3. Sistem elektronik menggunakan catu daya operasi baterai 12V, 5V dan 3.3V. Tulisan ini akan menjelaskan teknis optocoupler, power regulator dan karakteristik baterai. Kata Kunci – Tempat Sampah Elektronik, Teknis Optocoupler, Power Regulator dan Karakteristik Baterai Abstract – Behavior of littering is never out of the environment. Currently, in dealing with the problem of littering has become a habit in the ordinary community because everyone is doing it. Changing people’s behavior is not easy to need a great way. In this research has been designed to build a device that presents a variety of "weird" sound that causes the garbage disposal always wants to throw the garbage on this device. The prototype uses an ATMega328P microcontroller and VS1011 decoder as a sound player in MP3 format. Electronic systems use battery operation power supply 12V, 5V and 3.3V. This paper will explain the technical optocoupler, power regulator and battery characteristics. Keywords – Electronic Bin, Technical Optacoupler, Power Regulator, and Battery Characteristics
Prototipe Chamber Pengaturan Suhu, Kelembaban dan Growing LED Tanaman Aeroponic Anwar Mujadin
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i1.183


Abstrak – Aeroponic merupakan salah satu cara bercocok tanam dengan sistem pengkabutan, dimana akar tanamannya menggantung di udara tanpa media tanah, dan kebutuhan nutrisinya dipenuhi dengan cara spraying ke akarnya. Prototipe berbentuk chamber, hasil penelitian menunjukan, penyemprotan nutrisi ke akar sayuran disertai dengan pengendalian paparan cahaya tumbuh (light growing LED), tanaman  mampu menyerap nutrisi dan berkembang secara optimal dengan data hasil pengamatan selama satu minggu berturut turut:  ukuran kecambah naik 2 cm per hari, berat basah kecambah rata-rata 26 gram tiap pot. Kata Kunci: Aeroponics Chamber, Growing LED, Mist Maker Abstract –Aeroponic is  one way farming using fogging system, where the roots of the vegetables hangs in  the air without soil media, and nutrient requirement accomplished by spraying into root. Prototypes are chamber, observational result shown that the nutrient spraying into root of vegetables  accompanied by  esposure growing LED, the plant can be absorb nutrient optimally. With the observed data for one week respectively:  sprout size ascends 2cm per day, every pots sprout wet weight average 26 grams. Keywords:  Aeroponics Chamber, Growing LED, Mist Maker
Ball On Plate Balancing System Pada KIT Praktek PID Mata Kuliah Dasar Sistem Kendali Anwar Mujadin; Dwi Astharini
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i3.218


Abstrak – Ball on plate adalah sistem pengendalian cerdas untuk mengarahkan bola  yang ada diatas plate sesuai dengan pola gerakan yang diinginkan tanpa menjatuhkan bola. Ball on plate ini digerakan oleh dua buah motor servo sebagai aktuator (keluaran) untuk menentukan posisi bola. Sedangkan kamera ditempatkan diatas plate sebagai sensor (masukan). Image yang ditangkap oleh kamera kemudian diolah oleh labview menjadi pixel posisi X dan Y. Kerjasama antar mikrokontroler Arduino Uno  dan Labview membentuk sebuah pengendalaian close loop system. Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas parameter penting dalam menganalisa  rise time, overshoot, settling time dan steady state error pada pengendalian sistem ball on plate menggunakan PID.Kata kunci - Arduino Uno R3 Ball on plate Controller, Abstract – Ball on the plate is an intelligent control system to steer the ball over the plate that is in accordance with the desired pattern of movement without dropping the ball. Ball on plate is controlled  by two servo motors as actuators (output) to determine the position of the ball. While the camera is placed on the plate as a sensor (input). Image captured by the camera and processed by labview to pixel positions X and Y. The cooperation among the microcontroller Arduino Uno and Labview configurate a close loop system. In this paper will discuss important parameter in analyzing the rise time, overshoot, settling time and steady state error in the control system using PID ball on the plate.Keywords – Arduino Uno R3 Ball on plate Controller