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Model Rantai Pasok untuk Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Bagian I - Bidang Pendidikan Syarif Hidayat; Widya Nurcahayanty Tanjung; Cinthia Amalia Marthayodha; Dian Rachmawaty
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v2i4.155


Abstrak – Pengembangan model pendidikan pada manajemen rantai pasok Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI) yang mengacu pada model ITESCM diharapkan mampumemberikan masukan dan dapat dijadikan acuan oleh UAI agar dapat menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas sesuai dengan model dari pelaksanaan pendidikan dan penilaian pendidikan di UAI. Model manajemen rantai pasok pada bidang pendidikan ini dibatasi hanya pada proses pendidikan di UAI yang meliputi pelaksanaan dan penilaian pendidikan. Terdapat delapan hipotesis yang diujikan, yaitu pengaruh masing-masing faktor, program establishment, university culture, faculty capabilities, dan facilities terhadap pelaksanaan dan penilaian pendidikan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 100 responden yang terdiri dari 4 orang strategic level, 19 orang planning level, dan 77 orang operating level yang penentuannya berdasarkan proportional sampling. Setelah dilakukan diuji validasi dan reliabilitas, hasil menunjukkan bahwa variabel penilaian dan pelaksanaan pendidikan valid dan reliabel. Path diagram untuk merumuskan model digambar dengan menggunakan software AMOS 18 dengan input berupa hasil kuesioner dan kalkulasi goodness of fit. Setelah model diperoleh, dilakukan analisis dengan menggunakan multiple regression linier untuk mencari hubungan antar faktor. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, model pelaksanaan pendidikan menunjukkan pengaruh yang dominan pada level strategis untuk faktor university culture. Sedangkan model penilaian pendidikan, level perencanaan untuk faktor program establishment memiliki pengaruh yang dominan. Kedua model kemudian diuji kecocokannya dengan sistem nyata dan diperoleh hasil “minimum was achieved”dan p ratio sebesar 0,803 yang berarti kedua model ini layak. Abstract – College education should always pay attention to the quality of its graduates. This research would like to develop a model of supply chain management education at the Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI), which refers to the model ITESCM. This study aims to provide input UAI in order to produce quality graduates based on a model of education development and education assessment in UAI. Eight hypotheses were tested, namely the influence of each factor, programs establishment, university culture, faculty capabilities, and facilities on the development and evaluation of education. Data were collected through questionnaires, in which a sample of 100 respondents consisting of 4 strategic levels, 19 planning levels, and 77 operating levels were determinationed based on proportional sampling. Models created with AMOS 18 software with the path diagram depicting the zoom, then provided input in the form of a questionnaire and the results of the calculation of goodness of fit of AMOS. The results of the development model of education showed a dominant influence on the strategic level for university culture factor, whereas the assessment model of education, the level of planning for the establishment program factors have a dominant influence. Both models are tested for their suitability to the real system and the results obtained show that after calculation "minimum was achieved" and amounting p ratio to 0,803 which means both models are viable. Keywords – supply chain, ITESCM, AMOS
Pengukuran Kinerja Rantai Pasok pada PT. Louserindo Megah Permai Menggunakan Model SCOR dan FAHP Sarah Azmiyati; Syarif Hidayat
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i4.230


Abstrak - Tantangan yang dihadapi dunia manufaktur, seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman selalu berubah dan semakin berat dari masa ke masa. Keunggulan bersaing pada era ini tidak hanya ditentukan oleh kemampuan suatu industri dalam menciptakan banyak output persatuan waktu. Produktifitas memang penting, tetapi tidak cukup sebagai bekal untuk bersaing dipasar. Pelanggan mulai bisa membedakan produk berdasarkan kualitasnya. Kualitas produk pun sangat bergantung pada proses, manusia, dan sistem secara keseluruhan. Pengendalian kualitas tidak lagi cukup hanya dilakukan dengan model inspeksi produk, tetapi lebih fundamental dengan melihat proses. PT. Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) merupakan perusahaan yang menerapkan manajemen rantai pasok pada setiap proses produksinya. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengukuran kinerja terhadap manajemen rantai pasok pada proses elemen stage finished product dan release finished product to deliver pada LMP. Metode yang dipakai dalam mengukur kinerja tersebut adalah metode SCOR yang dibantu dengan metode FAHP (Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process) dalam proses menentukan bobot pada setiap metrics. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut maka akan diketahui indikator kinerja perusahaan yang tergolong rendah sehingga bisa diberikan usulan perbaikan serta diketahui metrics apa saja yang sangat mempengaruhi kinerja pekerja pada LMP. Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan pada penurunan selama 4 tahun terakhir (2010-2014) di LMP pada tingkat penjualan lift dan hanya mengalami kenaikan sebesar rata-rata hanya 10%. Oleh karena itu perusahaan perlu melakukan pengukuran kinerja supply chain untuk mengetahui sejauh mana performansi supply chain perusahaan telah tercapai. 2. Dari hasil pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok LMP untuk periode tahun 2015, didapatkan nilai kinerja sebesar 73.82%, yang termasuk dalam kategori Good menurut Hvolby (2000). Dari perhitungan pada indikator kinerja SCOR yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan 9 metrics yang nilai kinerjanya rendah, yaitu: Delivery Performance to Customer Commit Date [60%], %Faultless Installation [55%], Days Payable Outstanding [25%], Rout Shipments Cycle Time [60%], Deliver Cycle Time [30%], Ship Product Cycle Time [60%], Load Vehicle & Generate Shipping Documentation Cycle Time [60%] dan Install Product Cycle Time [30%]. Kata Kunci – Pengukuran kinerja, Manajemen Rantai Pasok, SCOR, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process Abstract - The challenges faced the manufacturing world, along with the evolution of the ever changing and increasingly heavy from time to time. Competitive advantage in this era not only determined by the ability of industry in creating a lot of unity output time. Productivity is important but enough as a provision to complete in the market. Customer can be begin to differentiate products based on their quality. Product quality is highly dependent on process, human, and system as a whole. Quality control is not only done with the product inspection model, but more fundamentally by looking at the process.  PT. Louserindo Megah Permai is company that implemented supply chain management in each production process. In this research, performance measurement of supply chain management on stage finish product element process and finished product to deliver on LMP. The method used in measuring the performance is SCOR method wich is assisted by FAHP (Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process) method in the process determining the weight of each metrics. From the results of these calculations it will be known indicators of company performance are low so that it can be given suggestions for improvement and known metrics what are affecting the performance of workers in LMP. This study is based on decline over the last 4 year (2010-2014) in LMP at the level of elevator sales and only increased by on average of only 10%. Therefore, companies need to measure supply chain performance to know the extent to which the company's supply chain performance has been achieved. 2. From the results of LMP supply chain performance measurement for the period of 2015, obtained a performance value of 73.82%, which is included in the category of Good according to Hvolby (2000). From the calculation on SCOR performance indicator that has been done, got 9 metrics that its performance value is low, that is: Delivery Performance to Customer Commit Date [60%],% Faultless Installation [55%], Days Payable Outstanding [25%], Rout Shipments Cycle Time [60%], Deliver Cycle Time [30%], Ship Product Cycle Time [60%], Load Vehicle & Generate Shipping Documentation Cycle Time [60%] and Install Product Cycle Time [30%]. Keywords – Performance Measurements, Supply Chain Management, SCOR, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
Perancangan Model Penjadwalan Teknisi pada Perawatan BD Check Pesawat Airbus dengan Memperhitungkan Beban Kerja Adelia Syafitri; Syarif Hidayat
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v7i1.870


PT GMF AeroAsia is engaged in the maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) of aircraft. It is known that GMF is the largest domestic MRO company at 30% while 70% is owned by foreign MRO companies. Based on the company's vision to make the company a world-class MRO, it is necessary to develop a business scheme in terms of capability, quantity, and quality. However, the scheduling of technicians in carrying out aircraft maintenance is currently unable to meet the demand every hour due to the uncertain flight schedule of the aircraft every day so that the workload of each technician exceeds the normal workload. The calculation of the workload using the full-time equivalent method showed that the workload of technicians was overloaded so that an additional number of technicians was needed, as well as analyzing the causes and consequences of the excessive workload of technicians using the fishbone diagram method and modeling the formulation of the technician scheduling problem that works in maintenance before departure check Airbus aircraft in the form of integer linear programming with decision variables such as the number of technicians, the number of shifts and the number of working days, then the constraint function is the constraints to be achieved in modeling, and the objective function is to minimize the number of technicians employed. Furthermore, the model is implemented using the LINGO 19.0 software so that it is found that the model can produce an optimal technician schedule in scheduling.Keywords - Fishbone Diagram, Full Time Equivalent, Integer Linear Programming, Lingo Software, Matchematical Modeling, Scheduling, Workload
Analisis Model Rantai Pasok Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Bagian II - Bidang Penelitian Syarif Hidayat; Widya Nurcahayanty Tanjung; Cinthia Amalia Marthayodha; Dian Rachmawaty
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i1.180


Abstrak-Penelitian merupakan suatu hal yang penting dalam bidang pendidikan yang menuntut pelaku peneliti merumuskan suatu masalah yang ada kemudian memberikan suatu solusi untuk pemecahan masalah tersebut. Namun, di Indonesia penelitian belum dianggap suatu hal yang harus dikedepankan, Terbukti bahwa hanya ada 4,7 peneliti dari 10.000 orang di Indonesia. Salah satu tingkat pendidikan yang mendukung penuh penelitian adalah jenjang universitas. Untuk mencapai penelitian yang baik, universitas dituntut untuk melakukan segala cara agar hasil dari penelitian bermanfaat. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu manajemen penelitian yang mengatur proses penelitian tersebut. Maka dari itu dibuatlah suatu model manajemen rantai pasok penelitian di Universitas Al Azhar yang mengacu pada model ITESCM (Integrated Tertiary Educational Supply Chain Management). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan masukan UAI agar dapat menghasilkan penelitian yang baik berdasarkan model dari pelaksanaan penelitian dan penilaian penelitian di UAI. Model manajemen rantai pasok UAI pada bidang penelitian ini memiliki batasan masalah, yaitu model yang dibuat hanya pada proses penelitian di UAI yang meliputi pelaksanaan dan penilaian penelitian. Terdapat 8 hipotesis yang diuji, yaitu pengaruh masing-masing faktor, program establishment, university culture, faculty capabilities, dan facilities terhadap pelaksanaan dan penilaian penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner, dimana jumlah sampel sejumlah 100 responden yang terdiri dari 4 orang strategic level, 19 orang planning level, dan 77 orang operating level yang penentuannya berdasarkan proportional sampling. Hasil kuesioner telah diuji validasi dan reliabilitas dan hasilnya menunjukkan valid dan reliabel untuk masing-masing variabel yang ada. Model dibuat dengan software AMOS 18 dengan menggambarkan path diagram kemudian memberi input berupa hasil kuesioner dan kemudian dianalisis hasil dari pengujian goodness of fit AMOS. Setelah hasil model berupa gambar, model diterjemahkan menggunakan multiple regression linier dan dicari hubungannya. Hasil model pelaksanaan dan penilaian penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh yang dominan pada level perencanaan untuk faktor facilities. Dilihat dari nilai CR > 1,674 dengan ketentuan taraf signifikansi 5%, dinyatakan 8 hipotesis nol yang diuji ditolak, berarti ada pengaruh antar variabel yang diuji. Setelah proses kalkulasi yang dilakukan oleh software AMOS diperoleh “minimum was achieved”dan Pratio sebesar 0,803 yang berarti kedua model ini layak.    Kata Kunci: Model ITESCM, Pendidikan Manajemen Rantai Pasok, Pendidikan dan Manajemen Model Penelitian Abstract-At present, almost all the people vying to be able to feel a college education, with the intention of better prepared to face the world of work. College education should always pay attention to the quality of its graduates and research outcomes. Researchers would like to develop a model of supply chain management education at the University of Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI), which refers to the model ITESCM. This model include two basic field, i.e education and research. In education, there are two model is made, such as education development and assessment. Beside that, research is divided by two aspect, such as research development and assessment. This study aims to provide input UAI in order to produce quality graduates based on a model of education development and education assessment in UAI and then in order to produce good research based on the model of research development and research assessment in UAI.There are 8 hypotheses were tested, namely the influence of each factor, programs establishment, university culture, faculty capabilities, and facilities on the development and evaluation of education. Data was collected through questionnaires, in which a sample of 100 respondents consisting of 4 strategic level, 19 planning level, and 77 operating level determination based on proportional sampling. The results of the questionnaire has been validated and reliability tested and the results show a valid and reliable for the assessment and development of the educational and research variable. Models created with AMOS 18 software with the path diagram depicting the zoom, then give input in the form of a questionnaire and the results of the calculation of goodness of fit of AMOS. After the results of the model in the form of images, translated models using multiple linear regression and sought to do. The results of the development model of education showed a dominant influence on the strategic level for university culture factor, whereas the assessment model of education, the level of planning for the establishment program factors have a dominant influence. Judging from the value of CR > 1.671 and P < 0.05, with a significance level of 5 % provision, otherwise 8 tested the null hypothesis is rejected, it means that there is influence between the variables tested. Forth models are tested for their suitability to the real system and the results obtained show that after calculation " minimum was Achieved " and amounting pratio to 0,803 which means both models are viable.Beside that, in educational supply chain is needed input and output. Therefore, there are supplied input and output in ITESCM model. Both results obtained show that after calculation " minimum was Achieved " and amounting pratio to 0,500 which means both models are closely viableKeywords: ITESCM Model, Educational Supply Chain Management, Education and Research Model Management
Simulasi Sistem Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Rantai Pasok Widya Nurcahayanty Tanjung; Syarif Hidayat; Sarah Azmiyati
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i4.231


Abstrak - Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok yang telah dilakukan oleh Azmiyati [1] di PT. Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) pada tahun 2015, nilai kinerja yang dicapai sebesar 73.82%. nilai tersebut masuk kedalam kategori Good menurut Hvolby [4]. Dari 29 metrics yang dinilai, terdapat 3 metrik yang nilai kinerjanya masih buruk, yaitu Days Payable Outstanding (25%), Deliver Cycle Time (30%), dan Install Product Cycle Time  (30%). Sebagai upaya agar perbaikan kinerja dapat dilakukan dengan baik, diperlukan suatu simulasi dinamis untuk melihat faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap ketiga metrik tersebut. Entitas-entitas yang terlibat dalam simulasi dinamis yaitu, produksi, marketing, gudang, dan pengadaan. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa, install product cycle time akan meningkat kinerjanya jika deliver cycle time meningkat. Hal ini disebabkan bahwa install product cycle time tidak akan mengalami keterlambatan jika kegiatan delivery dilakukan tepat pada waktunya. Sedangkan days payable outstanding akan meningkat kinerja jika install product dilakukan tepat waktu. Hal ini dikarenakan bahwa kegiatan penagihan atau pembayaran baru dapat dilakukan jika dan hanya jika produk telah terpasang dengan sempurna. Dengan demikian untuk meningkatkan kinerja metrik-metrik tersebut entitas dari produksi, gudang, dan pengadaan harus melakukan koordinasi yang lebih baik agar keterlambatan yang mungkin terjadi dapat diminimalisir atau dihilangkan sama sekali. Kata kunci - Pengukuran kinerja, Supply Chain Management, SCOR, Simulasi Dinamis. Abstract - Based on the results of chain performance measurement that has been done by Azmiyati [1] in PT. Louserindo Megah Permai (LMP) in 2015, the performance value achieved was 73.82%. the value is included in the Good category according to Hvolby [4]. Of the 29 metrics assessed, there are 3 metrics whose performance values are still poor, ie Days Payable Outstanding (25%), Deliver Cycle Time (30%), and Install Product Cycle Time (30%). In order to improve performance well done, a dynamic simulation is required to see the factors that affect the three metrics. The entities involved in the dynamic simulation are, production, marketing, warehouse, and procurement. Based on the simulation results, the product cycle time will increase performance if the deliver cycle time increases. This is because the install product cycle time will not be delayed if delivery is done on time. While the days payable outstanding will increase performance if the install product is done on time. This is because the new billing or payment activity can be done if and only if the product has been installed perfectly. Thus to improve the performance of these metrics the entities of production, warehouse, and procurement must perform better coordination so that any possible delays can be minimized or eliminated altogether.  Keywords - Performance Measurement, Supply Chain Management, SCOR, Dinamyc Simulations.
Perimbangan Keuntungan dalam Rantai Pasok Agroindustri Kelapa Sawit Syarif Hidayat
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v4i3.278


Abstrak - Masalah umum yang dihadapi dalam pengembangan agroindustri di Indonesia adalah bahwa potensinya belum sepenuhnya mampu diwujudkan secara berdaya-guna dan berhasil-guna karena keterbatasan sumberdaya permodalan, hambatan teknologi dan rendahnya efektivitas kelembagaan yang terkait. Juga terdapat ketimpangan antara sisi hulu dan hilir pada rantai nilainya. Untuk komoditas kelapa sawit keuntungan terbesar terdapat pada sisi hilir pada para pengusaha dan eksporter dan distributor produk turunannya seperti minyak goreng, olein, dll. jauh melebihi tingkat keuntungan para petani di sisi hulu. Sangat perlu dilakukan upaya penyetaraan tingkat keuntungan sepanjang jalur rantai pasok untuk menjamin kelangsungan hidupnya, karena seluruh aktor rantai pasok saling membutuhkan, dan runtuhnya salah-satu mata rantai karena rugi atau bangkrut akan meruntuhkan keseluruhan rantai pasok. Pada makalah ini penulis menyusun model matematis dari keuntungan pada jaringan rantai pasok kelapa sawit dengan pendekatan kesetaraan rasio benefit terhadap cost (=B/C) yang diuraikan oleh Tarigan pada disertasinya (2008). Kelayakan usaha mensyaratkan bahwa Rasio B/C harus > 1, dan pada seluruh aktor rantai pasok nilai ini diupayakan setara dengan mengubah-ubah nilai harga beli bahan/produk atau biaya-biayanya.Kata Kunci - Agroindustri, Kelapa Sawit, Rantai Pasok Distribusi, Rasio B/C.Abstract - The general problem in the development of agroindustry is that its potencial has not been fully utilized effectively and efficiently due to the constraints in the financial and technology resources, and institutional weaknesses. Another major problem is the financial imbalance between the supply, distributor, retailer and consumer sides. In the palm oil industry the highest profit margin enjoyed in the downstream of the chain, the producers, exporters, and distributors of products derivatives like frying oil, olein, etc, far exceeding the profit received by the farmers in the upstream. It is imperative to balance the profitability levels along the supply chain to ensure the survival and continuity of the chain, otherwise the whole chain will collapse if any of the dependent actors suffer losses or go bankrupt. In this paper the writer endeavour to develop the mathematical model of the profit in the palm oil supply chain network using the balancing of B/C ratio approach described by Tarigan in his dissertation (2008). Feasibility analysis of a project dictates that B/C ratio should be > 1. To obtain a fair balance of profitability overall value of B/C ratio should be the same along the way. This may be achieved by adjusting the selling/buying prices of the raw materials or the costs and expenditures.Keywords - Agroindustry, Palm Oil, Distribution Supply-Chain, B/C Ratio.