Vol 3, No 1 (2015)

Analisis Model Rantai Pasok Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Bagian II - Bidang Penelitian

Syarif Hidayat (Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia)
Widya Nurcahayanty Tanjung (Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia)
Cinthia Amalia Marthayodha (Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia)
Dian Rachmawaty (Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia)

Article Info

Publish Date
05 Dec 2017


Abstrak-Penelitian merupakan suatu hal yang penting dalam bidang pendidikan yang menuntut pelaku peneliti merumuskan suatu masalah yang ada kemudian memberikan suatu solusi untuk pemecahan masalah tersebut. Namun, di Indonesia penelitian belum dianggap suatu hal yang harus dikedepankan, Terbukti bahwa hanya ada 4,7 peneliti dari 10.000 orang di Indonesia. Salah satu tingkat pendidikan yang mendukung penuh penelitian adalah jenjang universitas. Untuk mencapai penelitian yang baik, universitas dituntut untuk melakukan segala cara agar hasil dari penelitian bermanfaat. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu manajemen penelitian yang mengatur proses penelitian tersebut. Maka dari itu dibuatlah suatu model manajemen rantai pasok penelitian di Universitas Al Azhar yang mengacu pada model ITESCM (Integrated Tertiary Educational Supply Chain Management). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan masukan UAI agar dapat menghasilkan penelitian yang baik berdasarkan model dari pelaksanaan penelitian dan penilaian penelitian di UAI. Model manajemen rantai pasok UAI pada bidang penelitian ini memiliki batasan masalah, yaitu model yang dibuat hanya pada proses penelitian di UAI yang meliputi pelaksanaan dan penilaian penelitian. Terdapat 8 hipotesis yang diuji, yaitu pengaruh masing-masing faktor, program establishment, university culture, faculty capabilities, dan facilities terhadap pelaksanaan dan penilaian penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner, dimana jumlah sampel sejumlah 100 responden yang terdiri dari 4 orang strategic level, 19 orang planning level, dan 77 orang operating level yang penentuannya berdasarkan proportional sampling. Hasil kuesioner telah diuji validasi dan reliabilitas dan hasilnya menunjukkan valid dan reliabel untuk masing-masing variabel yang ada. Model dibuat dengan software AMOS 18 dengan menggambarkan path diagram kemudian memberi input berupa hasil kuesioner dan kemudian dianalisis hasil dari pengujian goodness of fit AMOS. Setelah hasil model berupa gambar, model diterjemahkan menggunakan multiple regression linier dan dicari hubungannya. Hasil model pelaksanaan dan penilaian penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh yang dominan pada level perencanaan untuk faktor facilities. Dilihat dari nilai CR > 1,674 dengan ketentuan taraf signifikansi 5%, dinyatakan 8 hipotesis nol yang diuji ditolak, berarti ada pengaruh antar variabel yang diuji. Setelah proses kalkulasi yang dilakukan oleh software AMOS diperoleh “minimum was achieved”dan Pratio sebesar 0,803 yang berarti kedua model ini layak.    Kata Kunci: Model ITESCM, Pendidikan Manajemen Rantai Pasok, Pendidikan dan Manajemen Model Penelitian Abstract-At present, almost all the people vying to be able to feel a college education, with the intention of better prepared to face the world of work. College education should always pay attention to the quality of its graduates and research outcomes. Researchers would like to develop a model of supply chain management education at the University of Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI), which refers to the model ITESCM. This model include two basic field, i.e education and research. In education, there are two model is made, such as education development and assessment. Beside that, research is divided by two aspect, such as research development and assessment. This study aims to provide input UAI in order to produce quality graduates based on a model of education development and education assessment in UAI and then in order to produce good research based on the model of research development and research assessment in UAI.There are 8 hypotheses were tested, namely the influence of each factor, programs establishment, university culture, faculty capabilities, and facilities on the development and evaluation of education. Data was collected through questionnaires, in which a sample of 100 respondents consisting of 4 strategic level, 19 planning level, and 77 operating level determination based on proportional sampling. The results of the questionnaire has been validated and reliability tested and the results show a valid and reliable for the assessment and development of the educational and research variable. Models created with AMOS 18 software with the path diagram depicting the zoom, then give input in the form of a questionnaire and the results of the calculation of goodness of fit of AMOS. After the results of the model in the form of images, translated models using multiple linear regression and sought to do. The results of the development model of education showed a dominant influence on the strategic level for university culture factor, whereas the assessment model of education, the level of planning for the establishment program factors have a dominant influence. Judging from the value of CR > 1.671 and P < 0.05, with a significance level of 5 % provision, otherwise 8 tested the null hypothesis is rejected, it means that there is influence between the variables tested. Forth models are tested for their suitability to the real system and the results obtained show that after calculation " minimum was Achieved " and amounting pratio to 0,803 which means both models are viable.Beside that, in educational supply chain is needed input and output. Therefore, there are supplied input and output in ITESCM model. Both results obtained show that after calculation " minimum was Achieved " and amounting pratio to 0,500 which means both models are closely viableKeywords: ITESCM Model, Educational Supply Chain Management, Education and Research Model Management

Copyrights © 2017

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