Ketut Adi Wirawan
Faculty Of Law, University Of Warmadewa

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KERTHA WICAKSANA Vol. 12 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/kw.12.1.2018.56-63


ABSTRAK Masayarakat Bali memiliki berbagai budaya lokal yang menjadi aset pariwisata Pulau Bali. Salah satu budaya lokal nampak pada budaya arsitektur pada bangunan tradisional Bali. Sebagai upaya mempertahankan budaya arsitektur tradisional Bali maka Pemerintah Provinsi Bali membentuk Perda No. 5 tahun 2005 tentang Persyaratan Arsitektur Bangunan Gedung. Ketentuan Pasal 15 perda tersebut mewajibkan setiap bangunan non-tradisional harus menerapkan prinsip-prinsip arsitektur tradisional Bali pada gerbang dan pagar. Ketentuan ini sangat penting diterapkan di wilayah kawasan strategis pariwisata Bali seperti Nusa Penida. Salah satu akses laut menuju Nusa Penida adalah melalui pelabuhan Sampalan di Banjar Sampalan. Efektifnya keberlakuan Pasal 15 Perda Bali No. 5 tahun 2005 di Banjar Sampelan akan mendukung program pengembangan kawasan strategis pariwisata di Nusa Penida. Beranjak dari hal tersebut maka akan dilakukan penelitian perihal penegakan hukum Pasal 15 Perda Bali No. 5 tahun 2005 di Banjar Sampalan Desa Batununggul Nusa Penida. Kata kunci: Penegakan hukum, Arsitektur tradisional Bali, Gerbang dan Pagar ABSTRACT Balinese society has various local cultures that become tourism assets of Bali Island. One of the local culture is seen in the architectural culture of traditional Balinese buildings. In an effort to preserve the traditional Balinese architecture culture, the Bali Provincial Government established the Local Regulation no. 5 of 2005 on Building Architecture Requirements. The provisions of Article 15 of the regulation require that any non-traditional buildings should apply the principles of traditional Balinese architecture to gates and fences. This provision is very important applied in the strategic areas of Bali tourism such as Nusa Penida. One of the sea access to Nusa Penida is through Sampalan port in Banjar Sampalan. The effectiveness of the implementation of Article 15 of the Bali Regulation no. 5 year 2005 in Banjar Sampelan will support the development of strategic tourism program in Nusa Penida. Moving from that matter will be conducted research concerning law enforcement Article 15 of Bali Regulation no. 5 year 2005 in Banjar Sampalan Village Batununggul Nusa Penida. Keyword: Law enforcement, Traditional Balinese architecture, Gates and Fences
Status Tanah Karang Desa Di Desa Pakraman Selat Belega Ketut Adi Wirawan; I Ketut Sukadana; Cok Gede Suryanata
KERTHA WICAKSANA Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/kw.13.1.2019.12-18


Adanya aturan khusus mengenai tanah karang desa secara adat terhadap krama atau masyarakat yang memiliki tanah karang desa di Desa Selat Belega baik dalam bentuk warisan turun-temurun yang telah diatur atau diungkapkan Awig-awig di Desa Selat Belega. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana aturan dan kewajiban tata krama desa atau untuk penduduk pemilik tanah karang desa sebagaimana telah ada dalam aturan adat Desa Selat Belega dan sebagaimana diatur dalam hukum adat dan desa tradisional Awig-awig. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian hukum empiris yaitu mencari fakta-fakta dalam prakteknya di masyarakat, kemudian dikaitkan dengan ketentuan-ketentuan hukum untuk mencari jalan pemecahannya. Hasil pembahasan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Kewajiban manusia desa sebagai pemegang tanah karang desa antara berada di Desa Pakraman Selat sesuai dengan Awig-Awig dan Pararem Desa, menjadi milik para pengarep , tedun mebanjar, ngayah di desa pakraman dan/atau Kahyangan Tiga dan mengeluarkan Pepeson, patuh dan patuh pada awig-awig di desa Pakraman dan telah menjadi kebiasaan adat Banjar. Posisi tanah karang desa di Desa Selat Belaga adalah melemahnya desa Pakraman yang diserahkan penggunaannya dengan sopan santun dari generasi ke generasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakatnya masing-masing, krama yang menempati desa karang memiliki ukuran kecil, tanah menengah dan besar, misalnya ada daerah 200, 400 dan 800 dengan kewajiban ngayahan desa dan tedun mebanjar. Kata kunci: Tanah Karang Desa; Desa Pakraman; Awig-Awig There are special rules regarding traditional village coral land against krama or the community that owns village coral land in the Desa Selat Belega both in the form of genetic inheritance that has been regulated or revealed by Awig-awig in the Desa Selat Belega. The purpose of this study was to find out how the rules and obligations of village manners or for residents of village coral landowners as already contained in the traditional rules of the Desa Selat Belega and as stipulated in conventional law and traditional villages Awig-awig. This type of research used in this study is a type of empirical legal analysis that is looking for facts in practice in society, then associated with legal provisions to find a way to solve it. The results of the discussion in this study are as follows: Obligations of village people as holders of village coral land between being in Pakraman Selat Village according to Awig-Awig and Pararem Desa, belonging to the pengepep, tedun mebanjar, ngayah in pakraman village and/or Kahyangan Tiga and issued Pepeson, obedient and obedient to awig-awig in Pakraman village and had become a custom of Banjar. The village coral land position in the Desa Selat Belega is the weakening of Pakraman village which has been surrendered by manners from generation to generation in accordance with the needs of their respective communities, the krama that occupy the coral village have small size, medium and large land, for example 200, 400 and 800 with the obligation to cultivate the village and incur losses. Keywords: Tanah Karang Desa; Pakraman Village; Awig-Awig
Peran Kejaksaan dalam Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Desa di Indonesia I Made Agus Mahendra Iswara; Ketut Adi Wirawan
KERTHA WICAKSANA Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.951 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/kw.14.1.2020.69-76


This study aims to determine the role of the prosecutor's office in eradicating criminal acts of village corruption in Indonesia. The method used in this research is a type of normative legal research with the aim of outlining issues to be further discussed based on legal theory and then related to applicable laws and regulations. The results of this analysis indicate that referring to the Law on Prosecution that the Prosecution has a role in combating corruption in the criminal field (in this case village corruption), namely conducting investigations, investigations, prosecutions and case executions. Besides that, in the case of preventive efforts, intelligent Pidsus, Special Crimes Section, facilities were formed, for example the formation of several task forces (task force) with specific tasks in this case related to the prevention of village corruption. In addition, the Intelligence Intelligent was also established covering intelligence, investigation, security, and raising activities to prevent criminal acts to support law enforcement both preventive and repressive in the fields of ideology, politics, economics, finance, social culture, defense and security, implementing deterrence against people certain and / or participate in organizing public order and peace