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Analyzing the Influence of Quality, Price, and After-Sales Service of 5 Sedan Low Category to Consumer Satisfaction Dwi Irawati; Yuni Siti Nuraeni
eCo-Buss Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Building a Customer-Centric Service Culture
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32877/eb.v2i2.131


The demand for private transportation that comfort, cheap, and good quality has been increasing lately. It caused many companies to launch any car that can answer the request. Refer to Indonesia, people that like most to visit each other and traveling created an increasing demand for this type of car. The Indonesian automotive market launch type of car that has a sedan category but has a small shape, it called the city car. City car has answered the demand for many consumers especially for a little family with two or more children who want to have a small vehicle completed with comfort, cheap and excellent quality features so that my research is to proof is there any relation between quality, price and after-sales service according to consumer satisfaction to 5 best seller refer to web, they are Toyota Agya, Daihatsu Ayla, Honda Brio Satya, Suzuki Wagon R15 dan Datsun GO+. The result of this research is proving that quality, price, and after-sales service has a connection to consumer satisfaction
Procuratio : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Vol 10 No 3 (2022): Procuratio : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Publisher : Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35145/procuratio.v10i3.2360


The rapid changes in information, communication, and technology have an impact on the need for facilities in learning that provide compfort and convenience. The use of information, and communication technology with the concept of e- learning especially in online learning in higher education, requires students to be more independent and active in the learning process. As one of the university based on information and communication technologi, UBSI utilizes e- learning to support the learning process during the covid 19 pandemic. The use of LMS (Learning Management System) called MY Best ( My BSI E- Learning System) has several advantages in term of learning methods which is partical and convenience with the one of objectives of its application in online lectures is to increase student learning motivation. In addition to LMS learning media lecturers have a contribution to realize the success of the online learning process. Lecturers have a key role in every effort to improve the quality, relevance, and efficiency of education. Competence is one of factor that can motivate students in learning which is also reflected in teaching abilities. This studi aim to determine the effect of LMS e- learning media and lecturer competence on learning motivation. The method use descriptive quantitative. Technique sampling use saturate sample or total sampling so that 96 respondents were obtained, namely student of UBSI Management Study Program in Jatiwaring and Kalimalang campuses and then analyzed using mulitiple linear regression, hypothesis testing with T test and F tes as wel as determinan coefficient test which was processed using IBM SPSS version 25. Where the results of this study are 1) LMS e- learning media has partially significant effect on learning motivation, 2) lecturer competence partially significant effect on learning motivation, 3) LMS e-learning media and lecturer competence silmutanously have significant effect on learning motivation. Pesatnya perubahan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berimbas pada kebutuhan akan fasilitas dalam pembelajaran yang memberikan kenyamanan serta kemudahan. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dengan konsep e- learning khususnya pada pembelajaran daring di pendidikan tinggi menuntut mahasiswa untuk lebih mandiri dan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Sebagai salah satu universitas berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, UBSI memanfaatkan e- learning untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran selama pandemik covid 19. Penggunaan LMS (Learning Management System) yang dinamakan My Best (My BSI E- Learning System) memiliki beberapa keunggulan dalam hal metode pembelajaran yang praktis dan nyaman dengan salah satu tujuan penerapannya dalam perkuliahan daring adalah untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Selain media pembelajaran LMS, dosen memiliki kontribusi untuk mewujudkan keberhasilan proses pembelajaran daring. Dosen memiliki peranan kunci dalam setiap upaya peningkatan mutu, relevansi dan efisiensi pendidikan. Kompetensi menjadi salah satu fakto yang dapat memotivasi mahaiswa dalam belajar yang juga tercermin dalam kemampuan mengajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran e- learning LMS dan kompetensi dosen terhadap motivasi belajar. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan sampel jenuh atau total sampling sehingga diperoleh 96 responden yaitu mahasiswa UBSI Prodi Manajemen Kampus Jatiwaringin dan Kalimalang dan selanjutnya dianalisa dengan secara regresi linear berganda, uji hipotesis dengan uji t dan uji f serta uji koefisien determinan yang diolah menggunakan IBM SPSS versi 25. Dimana hasil penelitian ini 1) media pembelajaran e-learning LMS secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi berlajar, 2) komptensi dosen secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar, 3) media pembelajaran e- learning LMS dan kompetensi dosen secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar.
NUSRA : Jurnal Penelitian dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): NUSRA: Jurnal Penelitian dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Agustus 2023
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/nusra.v4i3.1271


Financial literacy has been implemented at various levels of education, however, early childhood financial literacy skills have not been fully identified. The purpose of this research was to learn why and how the teachers of the KB 2 Class at Nyai Ahmad Dahlan Full Day School Yogyakarta introduce financial literacy education to their students. This research was classified as qualitative research with a single case research approach. The data was collected through interviews and direct observation by researcher, then analyzed by data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. According to the fin3dings of the research, financial literacy education in KB 2 Class was carried out along with the teachers' concerns about Indonesia's high rate of corruption. The education was done by introducing children to various financial concepts and inviting them to practice these concepts based on predetermined indicators. The results showed that 80% of children could distinguish banknotes and coins based on their shape, 100% of students saved at the school bank, 93% of students saved at home with a piggy bank, 93% of students enthusiastically participated in role-playing activities as sellers and buyers, 87% of students participated in market day activities, 67% of students wanted to share with their friends, 80% put money in the infaq box, and 53% could tell their belongings from those of their friends. Keywords: Education, Literacy, Financial Literacy, Preschool, Early Childhood