Shofil Fikri
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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Musykilât Ta’lîm al-Ashwâth al-‘Arabiyyah li Ghair al-Nâthiqîn bihâ wa Tharîqah Hillihâ fî Ta’lîmihâ Shofil Fikri
Loghat Arabi : Jurnal Bahasa Arab dan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Loghat Arabi | Vol. 1 No. 1 June 2020
Publisher : IAI DDI Polewali Mandar, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (637.911 KB) | DOI: 10.36915/la.v1i1.6


This paper aims to describe the problems in learning phonology, various phonetic problems, the cause of their occurrence and how to overcome them. This paper is a qualitative descriptive study with the type of literature review from which the results of scientific research or other books are closely related to the learning of phonology knowledge, problems and ways to overcome them which are then explained descriptively. The results of this paper conclude that: 1) learning phonology in Arabic is very important to teach at the beginning of the teaching of Arabic because errors in saying a word affect the true or meaningless; 2) There are two main problems in general teaching phonology for non-Arab students, namely: problems relating to the direction of education and problems related to linguistic systems that include phonetic errors and pronunciation of a letter and word; 3) The cause of the problem is because it is influenced by the use of mother tongue (first language) in general, so that it cannot distinguish the length or short of a tone, the pronouncement of self-determination letters, pronunciation of syamsiyah and qamariyah letters, pronunciation of letters of the same nature and pronunciation tanwin letters; 4) As for the solutions offered in overcoming the phoneme pronunciation problem are: proactively instructors should develop children's fluency in speaking phonemes, indoctrinate sound sounds in listening and speaking activities, obtain language sounds in reading and writing activities, and design teaching processes through practical training in tongue sports to gain phoneme skills.
النحت المعاصر واستفادته في تنمية اكتساب مفردات اللغة العربية لطلاب المدرسة العالية بإندونيسيا Sugeng Ali Mansur; Shofil Fikri
Tarling : Journal of Language Education Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Prodi PBA Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan UIN Saizu Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/tarling.v6i1.6346


Sculpture is a famous word that many students did not know in high schools in Indonesia, but it was used by the Arabs sometimes, and the Indonesians also used it in communication in this modern era. This research is important to know sculpture in general and to know contemporary sculpture in the Arabic language, and to suggest the teacher's attempts to benefit from contemporary sculpture in developing vocabulary acquisition for high school students in Indonesia. This qualitative research used the descriptive method with the help of books, scientific articles and other library aids. The results of the research: 1) knowledge of the concept of sculpture in general 2) the concept of contemporary sculpture, 3) suggestions for the teacher to benefit from contemporary sculpture in developing vocabulary acquisition for high school students in Indonesia are three: (1) The teacher prepares exercises brochures that include new vocabulary from sculpture Contemporary increase an accompanying addition to the books of the prescribed basic educational materials; (2) The teacher provides students with the opportunity to follow the Arabic language program on TV and the Internet to research new terms from contemporary sculpture; (3) The teacher gives the students the opportunity to watch Arab cinema together during the teaching process.
Istikhdām Taṭbīq Moodle li Qiyās Kafā’āt al-Ṭalabah fī al-Lugah al-‘Arabiyyah Makhi Ulil Kirom; Shofil Fikri
Arabia Vol 14, No 2 (2022): JURNAL ARABIA
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/arabia.v14i2.16377


In this millennium era, teachers are required to follow technological developments in developing their pedagogical abilities; in this case teachers are expected to be able to assess their students' abilities objectively and efficiently. The Moodle application is one of the existing applications and can be used to measure students' abilities objectively and efficiently. The importance of using the Moodle application is the background of this research to help and apply how to use this application to measure students' competence in learning Arabic. This qualitative research is based on library research using a descriptive approach, by describing existing programs to measure students' abilities. The results of the study are; To measure students' abilities by using the Moodle application, several things must be prepared including: 1) Preparation of the Moodle program using a local host, both online and offline, 2) Preparation of test questions, 3) Preparation of test rooms, 4) Preparation of test materials, and 5) Preparation of student account.
Digitalisasi Media Pembelajaran Kalam Melalui Aplikasi Tik Tok dzun nur nafiah; Shofil Fikri
Tarling : Journal of Language Education Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Prodi PBA Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan UIN Saizu Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/tarling.v7i1.9033


Speaking skills are one of the most important language skills in the process of learning Arabic, especially for Arabic learners. This study aims to 1) describe digitization and learning media of Kalam and several applications that can support it; 2) explain the effective steps in the formation of Maharah Kalam learning media using the Tik-Tok Audio Visual application. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research method using the library research method. This research is descriptive in nature and the data is collected in the form of words and pictures. The results of the discussion in this article are learning media design models using several applications to support Maharah Kalam learning such as Articular Story, Youtube, and Tik-tok applications. The stages in the tik-tok application can meet the criteria for interesting learning media for students, especially in learning Maharah Kalam Arabic. Of the several features above, its use can be implemented for Arabic learning media, especially Maharah Kalam. The tik-tok application can be an interactive medium for students, especially in the voice recording feature which can then be shared via social networks. This application can attract students because it has many features that can be implemented in learning. System that is always updated to follow the trend of the times.
Tarbawi Vol 9, No 02 (2021): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v9i02.68


The Abbasid Daulah or what we know as the Bani Abbasids was the third Islamic caliphate after the Umayyahds, the Abbasids ruled between 750-1258 AD, apart from being the longest caliphate in Islam, namely five centuries. The Abbasids also succeeded in making Islam the center of world knowledge. During this period, Islam achieved glory in various fields, including science. Progress in this field began with translating foreign manuscripts or books, especially Greek, into Arabic. The founding of the Abbasid Daula was motivated by chaos within the Umayyad Daula caused by the caliphs, including: Abdullah Al-Saffah ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdullah ibn Al-Abbas, Abu Ja’far with the title Al-Mansur. Al-Qubbah Al-Khadhra’, Al-Saffah was the first caliphthe Abbasids, whose descendants were Abdullah ibn Al-Abbas, who was a friend of the prophet, were also transmitters of hadith.
Tarbawi Vol 11, No 02 (2023): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v11i02.49


The Arab nation before the teachings brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW became a nation known as the Jahiliyyah nation, a bad nation and they did many things, such as gambling, killing girls on a spree and so on. However, there has also been economic progress due to its precise geographical location which has become a trade route from city to city. The Arab nation has 2 groups, namely Qathaniyun and Adnaniyun. There are also characteristics of the political system that existed during the Jahiliyah era, such as tribal division, oligarchic leadership, and polytheism. At that time they already had quite a lot of beliefs, such as Judaism, Christianity, the al Hunafa' group, the Mulhad group, and magi beliefs. Their culture is also very diverse, but from some of these cultures there is one thing that is more inclined, namely poetry, there they glorify poets so much that they often hold competitions for several poets and hold orgies afterward. Here the methodology I use is qualitative methodology, a method that I took from several articles that I researched and explained in my writing. And as a result, the Arabian Peninsula became a popular nation and could be said to provide benefits to better understand the situation of Arabia in the pre-Islamic era.
BANK SYARIAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM EKONOMI ISLAM Shofil Fikri; Tri Wahyuningsih; Aura Nafisa Athaya
Tarbawi Vol 11, No 01 (2023): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v11i01.74


Islamic banks are based on the philosophy of the Islamic economic system, have a variety of financial products and financial services available to the public, offering the right alternative choice for all interested parties to conduct business according to the rules of Islamic Sharia. including the provision of financing and profit-sharing financing. Sharia principles prohibit carrying out financial activities that include usury, maisyir, gharar, and buying and selling haram goods. In the process of profit sharing between customers and banks, the percentage between the two parties or mudharabah contract is based on the mudharabah contract used by Islamic Banks and UUS to raise funds for deposits, savings or other forms of investment. There is no interest system or compound interest in the Islamic banking system. In return, banks offer profit sharing based on the company's financials.
Tarbawi Vol 10, No 01 (2022): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v10i01.79


The history of Indonesian Islamic civilization began in the 7th century AD. Arab, Persian and Indian traders who traded in the Indonesian archipelago brought Islam there. Although there is no in-depth written evidence of how Islam entered Indonesia, it probably happened gradually through cultural interactions and trade. Ulama play an important role in spreading Islamic teachings in Indonesia. They not only teach religion, but also play an important role in shaping the social and cultural norms of society. The processes of Islamization and acculturation often occur simultaneously, resulting in a special cultural richness in Indonesia. The spread of Islam to Islamic kingdoms, such as the Kingdom of Aceh in Sumatra and the Sultanate of Demak in Java, became the center for the spread of Islam in the surrounding areas. This is an important historical milestone in the spread of Islam in Indonesia. These kingdoms became centers of religion, trade and culture. Islam continued to play an important role in fighting colonialism throughout the colonial period. Islamic values often served as inspiration for anti-colonial movements, and ulama played an important role in leading these movements. Islam's contribution to the formation of the state and society continued to grow after Indonesia's independence in 1945. Until now, Islam remains an integral part of the lives of Indonesian people. The diversity of cultures and ethnicities in Indonesia is reflected in the various Islamic religious practices that exist. Even though Indonesia has a Muslim majority, the values of inter-religious tolerance are also a characteristic of Islamic civilization in this country. The history of Islamic civilization in Indonesia is proof that Islam is able to integrate with local culture, creating harmony in diversity.
Tarbawi Vol 10, No 02 (2022): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v10i02.81


Mahabbah or love is a science that emphasizes feelings of love for God. When someone wants to achieve ma'rifat to Allah, then one will go through this stage. Mahabbah is basically a gift that forms the basis for everything. The Quran explains that the feeling of love is stronger than anything else except Allah. Islam recognizes the presence of love that is implanted in every human heart, as a gift, with that feeling one will love their partner, family, wealth, and place of residence. However, Islam does not justify that feeling of love to be stronger than the love for Allah as the Creator. This study aims to determine the urgency of mahabbah, getting closer to Allah, and to understand the history of the development of mahabbah. The modern era brings many problems in human life, ranging from social crises, structural crises to moral crises, because humans are less able to see the true meaning of life. Material wealth is considered as the actualization of life. Therefore, it is important to emphasize mahabbah in each individual, because by cultivating love for Allah, Allah will pour out His mercy so that we can avoid actions prohibited by Allah SWT.
BAHASA, BIAS GENDER DAN IDENTITASNYA PADA BUKU AL-ARABIYAH LIL INDUNIYSIYYIN Nilna Aldzakhiroh; Beri Nopriansyah; Annisa Hasanah Nasution; Shofil Fikri
Al Mi'yar: Jurnal Ilmiah Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban Vol 7 No 1 April 2024
Publisher : STIQ Amuntai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35931/am.v7i1.3044


Learning Arabic is a complex process that not only involves linguistic aspects, but in the context of learning Arabic, it also requires important aspects, such as the relationship between language, gender bias, and identity. Language is important because it functions as a means of communication for people in their daily lives, so learning Arabic is closely related to gender bias and language identity. This research aims to explain language, gender bias, and identity in the book Al-Arobiyyah lil Induniysiyyin. This type of research is qualitative and uses a library research approach by obtaining data from journals, books, and other sources relevant to the research. The results of this research reveal that the function of language, apart from being a means of communication, also includes self-expression, identity, and culture, as well as education and learning. An important aspect of learning Arabic is gender bias. Forms of gender bias in the book Al-Arobiyyah lil Induniysiyyin include the role of men being more dominant in terms of work, nature, and role in Arabic texts compared to the role of women. Forms of gender bias are divided into three categories: mudzakar (masculine), muanats (feminine), and functional (neutral). Apart from gender bias, another aspect is language identity. The forms of language and identity learned in Arabic can be summarized as religious identity, cultural identity, and national identity.