Shofil Fikri
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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The Effectiveness of Song Translation In Increasing Vocabulary To Develop Speaking Skills At SDN 1 Paciran Shofil Fikri; Dimas Luqman Al-Furqaan
Lugawiyyat Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Lugawiyyat
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/lg.v5i2.21895


Translation theory is all choices and decisions based on the experiences of each translator, which are subjective and result from a training process. So, in this study the authors aimed to test the effectiveness of the song translation method in increasing vocabulary to develop speaking skills in students of SDN 1 Paciran. This research is included in the type of quantitative research. And based on data collection techniques, this research is classified as experimental research, namely pre-experimental design by comparing one group pre-test and post-test. The song used is the song Los Dol Deny Cak Nan whose lyrics have been translated into Arabic. The data obtained were then analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics 26, so that researchers could find out how much influence the translation of songs had with the t-test. The results of this study indicate that translating songs in increasing vocabulary is very effective for developing the speaking skills of SDN 1 Paciran students, this is evidenced by the results of the paired sample test where sig. (2-tailed) shows the number 0.002.
Tarbawi Vol 10, No 02 (2022): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v10i02.81


Mahabbah or love is a science that emphasizes feelings of love for God. When someone wants to achieve ma'rifat to Allah, then one will go through this stage. Mahabbah is basically a gift that forms the basis for everything. The Quran explains that the feeling of love is stronger than anything else except Allah. Islam recognizes the presence of love that is implanted in every human heart, as a gift, with that feeling one will love their partner, family, wealth, and place of residence. However, Islam does not justify that feeling of love to be stronger than the love for Allah as the Creator. This study aims to determine the urgency of mahabbah, getting closer to Allah, and to understand the history of the development of mahabbah. The modern era brings many problems in human life, ranging from social crises, structural crises to moral crises, because humans are less able to see the true meaning of life. Material wealth is considered as the actualization of life. Therefore, it is important to emphasize mahabbah in each individual, because by cultivating love for Allah, Allah will pour out His mercy so that we can avoid actions prohibited by Allah SWT.
Tarbawi Vol 9, No 02 (2021): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v9i02.68


The Abbasid Daulah or what we know as the Bani Abbasids was the third Islamic caliphate after the Umayyahds, the Abbasids ruled between 750-1258 AD, apart from being the longest caliphate in Islam, namely five centuries. The Abbasids also succeeded in making Islam the center of world knowledge. During this period, Islam achieved glory in various fields, including science. Progress in this field began with translating foreign manuscripts or books, especially Greek, into Arabic. The founding of the Abbasid Daula was motivated by chaos within the Umayyad Daula caused by the caliphs, including: Abdullah Al-Saffah ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdullah ibn Al-Abbas, Abu Ja’far with the title Al-Mansur. Al-Qubbah Al-Khadhra’, Al-Saffah was the first caliphthe Abbasids, whose descendants were Abdullah ibn Al-Abbas, who was a friend of the prophet, were also transmitters of hadith.
Tarbawi Vol 11, No 02 (2023): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v11i02.49


The Arab nation before the teachings brought by the Prophet Muhammad SAW became a nation known as the Jahiliyyah nation, a bad nation and they did many things, such as gambling, killing girls on a spree and so on. However, there has also been economic progress due to its precise geographical location which has become a trade route from city to city. The Arab nation has 2 groups, namely Qathaniyun and Adnaniyun. There are also characteristics of the political system that existed during the Jahiliyah era, such as tribal division, oligarchic leadership, and polytheism. At that time they already had quite a lot of beliefs, such as Judaism, Christianity, the al Hunafa' group, the Mulhad group, and magi beliefs. Their culture is also very diverse, but from some of these cultures there is one thing that is more inclined, namely poetry, there they glorify poets so much that they often hold competitions for several poets and hold orgies afterward. Here the methodology I use is qualitative methodology, a method that I took from several articles that I researched and explained in my writing. And as a result, the Arabian Peninsula became a popular nation and could be said to provide benefits to better understand the situation of Arabia in the pre-Islamic era.
BANK SYARIAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM EKONOMI ISLAM Shofil Fikri; Tri Wahyuningsih; Aura Nafisa Athaya
Tarbawi Vol 11, No 01 (2023): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v11i01.74


Islamic banks are based on the philosophy of the Islamic economic system, have a variety of financial products and financial services available to the public, offering the right alternative choice for all interested parties to conduct business according to the rules of Islamic Sharia. including the provision of financing and profit-sharing financing. Sharia principles prohibit carrying out financial activities that include usury, maisyir, gharar, and buying and selling haram goods. In the process of profit sharing between customers and banks, the percentage between the two parties or mudharabah contract is based on the mudharabah contract used by Islamic Banks and UUS to raise funds for deposits, savings or other forms of investment. There is no interest system or compound interest in the Islamic banking system. In return, banks offer profit sharing based on the company's financials.
Tarbawi Vol 10, No 01 (2022): TARBAWI
Publisher : STIT Darul Hijrah Martapura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62748/tarbawi.v10i01.79


The history of Indonesian Islamic civilization began in the 7th century AD. Arab, Persian and Indian traders who traded in the Indonesian archipelago brought Islam there. Although there is no in-depth written evidence of how Islam entered Indonesia, it probably happened gradually through cultural interactions and trade. Ulama play an important role in spreading Islamic teachings in Indonesia. They not only teach religion, but also play an important role in shaping the social and cultural norms of society. The processes of Islamization and acculturation often occur simultaneously, resulting in a special cultural richness in Indonesia. The spread of Islam to Islamic kingdoms, such as the Kingdom of Aceh in Sumatra and the Sultanate of Demak in Java, became the center for the spread of Islam in the surrounding areas. This is an important historical milestone in the spread of Islam in Indonesia. These kingdoms became centers of religion, trade and culture. Islam continued to play an important role in fighting colonialism throughout the colonial period. Islamic values often served as inspiration for anti-colonial movements, and ulama played an important role in leading these movements. Islam's contribution to the formation of the state and society continued to grow after Indonesia's independence in 1945. Until now, Islam remains an integral part of the lives of Indonesian people. The diversity of cultures and ethnicities in Indonesia is reflected in the various Islamic religious practices that exist. Even though Indonesia has a Muslim majority, the values of inter-religious tolerance are also a characteristic of Islamic civilization in this country. The history of Islamic civilization in Indonesia is proof that Islam is able to integrate with local culture, creating harmony in diversity.