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TAHKIM Vol 17, No 2 (2021): TAHKIM
Publisher : IAIN Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33477/thk.v17i2.2337


AbstractThe purpose of this research is to examine the division system of sea reclamation as an inheritance in Pulau Bungin Village, West Nusa Tenggara, based on the standpoint of Islamic law. The qualitative research method was used in this study. The observation, interview, and documentation provided in the form of induction analysis through reduction, discussion, and conclusion are data collection methods. It starts with a family who is free to claim the sea area around the house as their property, which will then be passed on to the testator's heirs after the testator's death. Following the claim, a marker or stake is placed as evidence that someone already owns the area. The next step is to legitimise the related-vil.Keywords: Reclamation, Inheritance, Pulau Bungin, Islamic Law.
The Concept of Fiqh Al-Bi’ah Toward Environmental Sustainability Post Pandemic Covid-19 Siti Aminah
TAHKIM Vol 18, No 2 (2022): TAHKIM
Publisher : IAIN Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33477/thk.v18i2.3429


The transmission of the Covid-19 outbreak has resulted in a significant increase in waste production in various parts of the world. Medical waste and online shopping waste contribute to the garbage. The vast majority of the trash will be dumped into the sea. This can harm seafloor ecosystems and biodiversity. Furthermore, waste has impacted many aspects of life, including the social, economic, health, and environmental sectors and political issues. As a result, this research aims to put the concept of Fiqh al-bi'ah into practice to solve these problems. This study employs a literature review method that includes books, journals, articles, and related writings. According to the findings of this study, the concept of fiqh al-bi'ah can be used to reduce the amount of waste generated during a pandemic outbreak. The surrounding community and government must comprehend and inspire the provisions of the fiqh al-bi'ah concept's six points. Increasing environmental knowledge and awareness based on Islam must be widely echoed. Increased spiritual-based human resources may impact the quality of equilibrium and ecological conservation. In essence, religious moral teachings and environmental ethics are inextricably linked. This corresponds to increased waste accumulation related to online shopping habits and ineffective medical waste management. As a result, the real action offered by the fiqh al-bi'ah concept is to switch to environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, the younger generation must be instilled with environmental education regarding Fiqh al-bi'ah.Keywords       : Fiqh al-bi’ah, covid-19, environmental sustainability
Implementasi Restorative Justice Untuk Menanggulangi Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga: Antara Konsep dan Praktik Siti Aminah; Ony Rafsanjani
Restorative : Journal of Indonesian Probation and Parole System Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Federation of Indonesian Probation Officer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61682/restorative.v1i1.7


Abstract. Domestic violence is a common thing experienced by everyone, whether they realize it or not. Domestic violence is commonly manifested as physical violence, which results in physical injuries to the victims, the majority of women and children. The effects include injuries, psychological disorders, disability, and even death. Restorative justice brings a new dynamic for both parties involved in domestic violence cases, where the resolution of the criminal cases does not have to be achieved through a trial in court, which is expensive, time- and resource-consuming, and most importantly, provides no room and opportunity for the perpetrator to amend their mistakes.  This research uses normative research methods, where we collect legal sources and materials from literature, books, reports, laws, and journals to expert opinions, which are then analyzed to solve the problems being discussed. The finding of the study shows that restorative justice is strongly oriented towards fulfillment of the victims’ rights, restoring the victims’ mental condition, and helping the perpetrator take responsibility for all the damages suffered by the victim. However, in its implementation, while restorative justice was expected to be pro-victim, it instead turned into a legitimizing tool for perpetrators to avoid criminal punishment as stated in Law number 23 of 2004 concerning the Eradication of Domestic Violence. In implementing the main principles of restorative justice, human resources with adequate competence regarding knowledge, understanding and ability in terms of implementing restorative justice mechanisms is required. Furthermore, law enforcement officers and the public must also be educated about gender justice and a culture of equality to minimize the repetition of similar cases. Keywords: Domestic violence, Law 23/2004, restorative justice   Abstrak. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga merupakan hal biasa yang dialami oleh semua orang, baik disadari maupun tidak. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga banyak terjadi dalam bentuk kekerasan fisik, yang mengakibatkan di antaranya luka-luka pada fisik korban, yang sebagian besar merupakan perempuan dan anak. Efek yang ditimbulkan meliputi luka-luka, gangguan psikologis, kecacatan, hingga kematian. Hadirnya restorative justice membawa angin segar bagi kedua belah pihak yang terlibat dalam kasus kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, dimana dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan tidak harus dengan meja hijau, selain karena mahal, waktu, dan tenaga juga ikut terkuras, dan yang paling penting, tidak ada ruang bagi pelaku dalam memperbaiki kesalahannnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian bersifat normatif, yaitu mengumpulkan sumber dan materi hukum dari literatur, buku, laporan, undang-undang, jurnal, hingga pendapat ahli yang dilakukan analisa dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dibahas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa restorative justive sangat berorientasi pada pemenuhan hak korban, pemulihan kondisi mental korban, dan membantu pelaku bertanggung jawab atas segala kerugian yang diderita korban. Namun, dalam implementasi di lapangan, restorative justice yang diharapkan pro korban, malah berbalik menjadi alat legitimasi bagi pelaku untuk menghindar dari hukuman pidana sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam Undang-Undang nomor 23 tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga. Untuk mewujudkan prinsip utama restorative justice, maka diperlukan sumber daya manusia yang kapasitasnya mumpuni terkait pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan kemampuan dalam hal penerapan mekanisme keadilan restoratif. Selain itu, para aparat penegak hukum dan masyarakat juga perlu diedukasi tentang keadilan gender dan budaya kesetaraan untuk meminimalisir pengulangan kasus serupa. Keywords: kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, restorative justice, UU PKDRT
Educational Communication for Adults in Quranic Literacy in East Kutai Azhar Azhar; Siti Aminah; Mukhtar Mukhtar; Randi Muhammad Gumilang; Afif Alfiyanto
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi VOL 7, No 01 (2023): LENTERA
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Dakwah, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/lentera.v7i1.6726


In attempts to address issues in the realm of Islamic education, particularly at the adult community level, al-Quran literacy is frequently raised. Although adults are supposed to be reasonably literate in the Al-Quran, there is nevertheless a disconnect with the reality of societal conditions. It is important to give careful consideration to the process of teaching adults Al-Quran literacy through education. In order to provide individuals in East Kutai with an instructional communication method for Al-Quran literacy, this research attempts to do so. This study employs descriptive methodology and is classified as a qualitative study. According to the study's findings, adult education programs in Al-Quran literacy in East Kutai use persuasive, dialogic, and demonstrative communication styles. The government, social environment, and family environment all provide impetus for the Al-Quran literacy process. In terms of techniques, the iqro method is employed in the educational process to facilitate adult learners' comprehension of the Qur’an. In addition, an environment free from coercion and a feeling of community among adults without literacy in the Qur'an are supportive elements in the process of achieving Qur’an literacy. In the meantime, adult physical condition, a lack of infrastructure and support systems, and a comparatively short study period are the things impeding Al-Quran knowledge.