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JRMB (Jurnal Riset Manajemen & Bisnis) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Islam Islam Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (388.635 KB) | DOI: 10.30743/jrmb.v6i1.3960


This research aims to find out the influence jointly or partially between organizational culture, compensation and loyalty to the performance of the Workers at the Politeknik Penerbangan Medan. This research uses descriptive qualitative method using primary and secondary data. The population is the workers of the company. Eighty nine workers become the sample of this research. Data analysis technique used is linear regression  which shows that from the three independent variables applied to the regression model (organizational culture, compensation and loyalty). Organizational culture is significant for 0,000 which can be concluded that organizational culture affects performance (hypothesis 1 accepted). Compensation has significant value 0,006which can be concluded that compensation  affects performance (hypothesis 2 accepted). Loyalty variable has significant value 0,013 which means that loyalty influences performance (hypothesis 3 accepted). Research results show that organizational culture, compensation and loyalty all positively influence the performance of the workers. It can be proven using the result of regression statistic test with probability value 0,000 obtained which is lower than α (α=0,05). So, it can be said that organizational culture, compensation and loyalty influence positively the performance of the workers. Thus, hypothesis 4 accepted.
EDUKASI KEAMANAN PENERBANGAN BAGI SISWA SMA NEGERI 1 TANJUNG MORAWA Ivana Wardani; Inda Tri Pasa; Catra Indra Cahyadi; Muhammad Caesar Akbar; Betia Warassari; Fauziah Nur; Sukarwoto Sukarwoto; Muhammad Amril Siregar
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat dari Politeknik Penerbangan Medan dilaksanakan dengan mitra Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Tanjung Morawa, yang berlokasi dekat dengan Bandar Udara Internasional Kualanamu Deli Serdang, jarak sekolah dengan Bandara kurang lebih 19 km. berdasarkan hal tersebut maka tim pengabdian melakukan edukasi keamanan penerbangan kepada guru dan siswa. Keamanan Penerbangan adalahsuatu keadaan yang memberikan perlindungan kepada penerbangan dari tindakan melawan hukum melalui keterpaduan pemanfaatan sumber dayamanusia, fasilitas, dan prosedur. Metode yang diterapkan tim pengabdian adalah memberikan ceramah dan tanya jawab serta contoh – contoh kejadian nyata yang terjadi di dunia penerbangan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan memberikan test kepada peserta menggunakan aplikasi kahoot. Hasil pretest total 36 orang peserta terdapat 23 orang dengan nilai dibawah 70 dan 13 orang dengan nilai di atas 70. Setelah diberikan edukasi, peserta mengalami peningkatan nilai yaitu sebanyak 25 orang peserta dan 11 peserta tidak mengalami peningkatan. Outcome yang kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah masyarakat terutama para siswa di lingkungan sekitar Bandar Udara lebih memahami pentingnya penerapan keamanan penerbangan sipil sehingga keselamatan penerbangan dapat terwujud.The Community Service Activities of the Medan Aviation Polytechnic are carried out with partners from Tanjung Morawa 1 Public High School, which is located close to Kualanamu Deli Serdang International Airport, the distance between the school and the airport is approximately 19 km. Based on this, the service team conducts aviation safety education for teachers and students. Aviation Security is a situation that provides protection to aviation from acts against the law through the integrated use of human resources, facilities and procedures. The method used by the service team is to give lectures and questions and answers as well as examples of real events that occurred in the world of aviation, then proceed with giving tests to participants using the kahoot application. The pretest results for a total of 36 participants included 23 people with scores below 70 and 13 people with scores above 70. After being given education, the participants experienced an increase in scores, namely 25 participants and 11 participants did not experience an increase. The outcome of this community service activity is that the community, especially students in the environment around the airport, understand more about the importance of implementing civil aviation security so that aviation safety can be realized.