Wahyu Endang Setyowati
Prodi S1 Keperawatan, Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Published : 7 Documents Claim Missing Document
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The Effect of Storytelling on Ability to Control Violence Behavior in Early Childhood Rana Skharninda; Wahyu Endang Setyowati
Jurnal Ners Vol. 15 No. 1Sp (2020): Special Issue
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v15i1Sp.22128


Introduction:Storytelling is a narrative activity that is close to children. This activity can convey the contents of stories, feelings or ideas without making the children feel like being patronized. Narrators can also convey or teach about the behavior that children should do. Early children often do aggressive or violent actions. Based on the condition, storytelling becomes a way to teach children about good behavior. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of storytelling on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood at one of Kindergarten in Semarang.Methods: This research is a quantitative research. Sampling technique used total sampling with 24 students as respondents. The data obtained were processed statistically using the marginal homogeneity test. Using marginal homogeneity test, it was obtained p value of 0,000 (<0.05).Results: It can be concluded that there is a storytelling effect on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood.Conclusion: There is an effect of storytelling on the ability to control violent behavior in early childhood among students of one of Islamic kindergarten in Semarang. For institutions, the storytelling method can be used as daily learning because learning is not only about academics but also attitudes.
Resiliensi dan Kejadian Bullying pada Remaja SMP di Demak Fatimatus Sakdiyah; Betie Febriana; Wahyu Endang Setyowati
Bima Nursing Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.187 KB) | DOI: 10.32807/bnj.v1i2.502


Remaja identik dengan pencarian jati diri  untuk sebuah pengakuan, dalam hal ini remaja cenderung melakukan hal menyimpang seperti bullying. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif .Tehnik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling dengan jumlah 147 responden menggunakan Uji Chi Square Fisher. Resiliensi tinggi terdapat 78 responden dengan persentase 53,1%, bullying kategori tinggi sebanyak 12 responden dengan persentase 8,2 %, kategori sedang 19 responden dengan persentase 12,9 % dan kategori rendah 116 responden dengan presentase 78,9 %. Ada hubungan antara resiliensi dan kejadian bullying pada remaja dengan P value 0,000 ( p value <0,005).
Empowerment of Kader Kesehatan Jiwa in Overcoming Psychosocial Problems Through Support of Mental Health and Psychosocial Pandemic Covid-19 Dwi Heppy Rochmawati; Betie Febriana; Wahyu Endang Setyowati
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.168 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v4i1.743


Bandarharjo, North Semarang District, Central Java Province is a village that already has a Kader Kesehatan Jiwa (KKJ). A total of 56 peoples have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 and require treatment at the hospital because they experience moderate to severe symptoms. Some peoples who were confirmed positive with mild symptoms underwent independent treatment at home, during the pandemic which is still ongoing. Objective of this study was to improve the abilities and skills of Kader Kesehatan Jiwa in promoting mental and psychosocial health, preventing mental health and psychosocial problems, and detecting and recovering mental health and psychosocial problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The research program for independent learning policies on independent campuses and community service based on research results and prototype PTS DITJEN DIKTIRISTEK is carried out by empowering Kader Kesehatan Jiwa (KKJ) by providing training and assistance in implementing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for the COVID-19 pandemic (MHPSS) to Kader Kesehatan Jiwa (KKJ). Results 60 respondents, after being given mental health and psychosocial support for 3 days and assistance for 8 days, their physical health condition increased to 75% which was initially 3.3%. This study uses a descriptive study and observation method, the conditions obtained are mental health conditions from 35% to 55%, mental emotional disorders from 28.4% decreased to 16.7%, hallucinations remained 11.6% and post-traumatic disease syndrome rates decreased from 25% to 16.7%. Conclusion Mental Health and Psychosocial Support reduces the respondent's physical and mental health problems.
Adi Husada Nursing Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2019): Adi Husada Nursing Journal
Publisher : STIKes Adi Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (171.467 KB)


ABSTRAK Sekolah yang seharusnya merupakan salah satu tempat yang aman bagi perkembangan fisik, intelektual, emosional, sosial dan spiritual bagi siswa. Seluruh warga sekolah memiliki kontribusi yang besar untuk mewujudkannya. Bullying masih menjadi isu marak terjadi di berbagai tempat, tak terkecuali di sekolah. Warga sekolah termasuk guru di dalamnya memiliki peran penting dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian bullying di sekolah. Pola asuh orang tua andil menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perilaku kejadian bullying. Tujuan penelitian memperoleh gambaran mengenai hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dan perilaku bullying pada anak usia sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini adalah riset korelasional. Responden pada penelitian ini sejumlah 91 siswa sekolah dasar di Kota Semarang. Responden menunjukkan usia terbanyak adalah 11 tahun, sebagian besar responden adalah perempuan. Hasil menunjukkan sebagian besar pola asuh secara islami dan bentuk bullying berupa verbal. Analisa statistik menunjukkan terdapat hubungan pola asuh dengan perilaku bullying pada siswa sekolah dasar di Kota Semarang dengan p=0,000. Pola asuh islami diharapkan dapat diterapkan orang tua kepada anak agar menurunkan perilaku bullying dan tidak menyimpang dari syariat Islam. Kata kunci: Pola asuh, anak, bullying ABSTRACT Schools that should be one of the safest places for physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development for students. All school members have a great contribution to make it happen. Bullying is still an issue that is rife in various places, not least in schools. School residents, including teachers, have an important role in the prevention and control of bullying in schools. Parenting shares contribute to factors that influence the behavior of bullying events. The purpose of the study was to obtain an overview of the relationship between parenting and bullying behavior in elementary school age children. This research is correlational research. Respondents in this study were 91 elementary school students in Semarang City. Respondents indicated that the highest age was 11 years, most of the respondents were women. The results show that most Islamic parenting and forms of bullying are verbal. Statistical analysis shows there is a relationship between parenting and bullying behavior in elementary school students in Semarang City with p = 0,000. Islamic parenting is expected to be applied by parents to children in order to reduce bullying behavior and not deviate from Islamic law. Keywords: Parenting, child, bullying
Adi Husada Nursing Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2016): Adi Husada Nursing Journal
Publisher : STIKes Adi Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (974.836 KB)


Kecemasan dapat menyebabkan ketidakmampuan memaknai hidup, jika kecemasan ini menetap dan tidak mendapatkan penanganan yang tepat. Ketidakmampuan memaknai hidup ditandai adanya kebosanan hidup yang penuh rutinitas, tidak ada tujuan hidup, keputusasaan, tidak ada kepuasan mendapatkan hidup. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasy experiment dengan rancangan pretest posttest group design yaitu peneliti memberikan perlakuan tertentu pada suatu kelompok subjek yang diobservasi sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 9 responden perlakuan dan 9 responden kontrol, dengan masa hukuman yang panjang yaitu lebih dari 10 tahun. Variabel independen penelitian ini adalah Logoterapi, sedangkan variabel dependen adalah kemampuan memaknai hidup.Data dianalisis menggunakan softwareuji statistik. Hasil penelitian dengan uji t test sebelum dilakukan logoterapi pada kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol diperoleh nilai p value (0.150) > 0,05. Logoterapi yang dilakukan pada responden didapatkan p value (0.000) < 0,05 sehingga dapat dinyatakan ada perbedaan yang signifikan mengenai kemampuan memaknai hidup pada kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Peningkatan makna hidup dapat diperoleh dengan Logoterapi berbasis Health Believe Model. Kata kunci: ansietas, narapidana perempuan, logoterapi, Health Believe Model ABSTRACT Anxiety can cause inability to make sense of life, if anxiety is settled and do not get proper treatment. The inability to make sense of life marked by the boredom of a life of routine, there is no purpose in life, hopelessness, no gain life satisfaction. This type of research was quasy experiment with pretest posttest group design which researchers gave a certain treatment on a group of subjects were observed before and after intervention. The sample of this study was 9 respondents treatment and 9 respondents controls, with a long prison term of more than 10 years. The independent variable of this research was logotherapy, while the dependent variable was the ability to make sense of life. This research used statistical tests software. Results of research by t test before logotherapy in the treatment group and the control obtained p value (0.150)> 0.05. Logotherapy conducted in the respondents obtained p value (0.000) <0.05 so that it can be stated there was a significant difference regarding the ability of sense of life in the treatment group and the control. Increasing the meaning of life can be obtained by logotherapy based Health Believe Model. Keywords: Anxiety, women prisioner, Health Believe Model DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT PDF >>
Caring : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2022): CARING Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (Agustus 2022)
Publisher : Caring : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.caringjpm.2022.002.02.5


Manggihan village, Getasan sub-district, Semarang district, Central Java province, which is one of the areas in Central Java, especially in Semarang district, is an area that is in the red zone related to the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. The existence of the Jogo Tonggo group, which is the mainstay project of the Central Java provincial government, needs to get support from all components of society. This fact encourages the importance of empowering the community to be able to independently help themselves in relation to prevention and handling of the increasingly endemic cases of Covid-19 transmission. Capacity building is an important thing that drives the success of the Movement to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19 through tracking or self-isolation management. The purpose of this activity is to improve the ability of tracking and independent isolation in Manggihan Village, Getasan District, Semarang Regency through the empowerment of the Jogo Tonggo group. The method of implementing activities is a group-based method that is carried out comprehensively which is able to take an inventory of all aspects of HR or human resources through IEC, namely Communication, Information and Education. 
Empowerment of Kader Kesehatan Jiwa in Overcoming Psychosocial Problems Through Support of Mental Health and Psychosocial Pandemic Covid-19 Dwi Heppy Rochmawati; Betie Febriana; Wahyu Endang Setyowati
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.168 KB) | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v4i1.743


Bandarharjo, North Semarang District, Central Java Province is a village that already has a Kader Kesehatan Jiwa (KKJ). A total of 56 peoples have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 and require treatment at the hospital because they experience moderate to severe symptoms. Some peoples who were confirmed positive with mild symptoms underwent independent treatment at home, during the pandemic which is still ongoing. Objective of this study was to improve the abilities and skills of Kader Kesehatan Jiwa in promoting mental and psychosocial health, preventing mental health and psychosocial problems, and detecting and recovering mental health and psychosocial problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The research program for independent learning policies on independent campuses and community service based on research results and prototype PTS DITJEN DIKTIRISTEK is carried out by empowering Kader Kesehatan Jiwa (KKJ) by providing training and assistance in implementing Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for the COVID-19 pandemic (MHPSS) to Kader Kesehatan Jiwa (KKJ). Results 60 respondents, after being given mental health and psychosocial support for 3 days and assistance for 8 days, their physical health condition increased to 75% which was initially 3.3%. This study uses a descriptive study and observation method, the conditions obtained are mental health conditions from 35% to 55%, mental emotional disorders from 28.4% decreased to 16.7%, hallucinations remained 11.6% and post-traumatic disease syndrome rates decreased from 25% to 16.7%. Conclusion Mental Health and Psychosocial Support reduces the respondent's physical and mental health problems.