Silda Pacitra
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

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CEGAH STUNTING DAN GIZI BURUK PADA BALITA DENGAN EDUKASI GIZI BAGI TUMBUH KEMBANG ANAK DI DESA BANYUMULEK KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT Asmawati Asmawati; Desy Ambar Sari; Syirril Ihromi; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Silda Pacitra; Tasya Danela Lutfiah; Hairul Rizal
Jurnal Agro Dedikasi Masyarakat (JADM) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (541.736 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jadm.v2i2.5989


Ibu merupakan pendidik utama dan pertama bagi anak-anaknya dalam sebuah keluarga. Oleh karena itu, seorang ibu perlu dibekali dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang cukup untuk mendampingi tumbuh kembang anaknya. Salah satu ilmu yang harus dimiliki adalah ilmu tentang manfaat makanan dan zat gizi bagi kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi dan tambahan pengetahuan kepada ibu-ibu peserta tentang tumbuh kembang anak dan upaya mencegah stunting. Pengabdiam ini dilaksanakan dengan melakukan penyuluhan yang disertai dengan diskusi dan tanya jawab sekitar tumbuh kembang anak, stunting, gizi buruk dan makanan bergizi. Sebelum dan setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dilakukan pre dan post test untuk mengukur dan mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan peserta dan daya serapnya terhadap materi yang yang disampaikan. Hasil penyuluhan menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan ibu-ibu peserta sebesar 60,8%, dari skor nilai awal (sebelum penyampaian materi) hanya sebesar 35,4% meningkat menjadi 96,2% (setelah penyampaian materi). Hasil penyuluhan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bekal pengetahuan tambahan bagi ibu-ibu peserta dalam mendampingi tumbuh kembang anak dan mencegah kejadian stunting. Mothers are the primary and first educators for their children in a family. Therefore, a mother needs to be equipped with sufficient knowledge to accompany her child's growth and development. One of the sciences that must know is the knowledge of the benefits of food and nutrients for health. This service activity aims to provide education and additional knowledge about child growth and development and prevent stunting to participants. This activity is conducted in counseling accompanied by discussions and questions and answers about child growth and development, stunting, malnutrition, and nutritious food. Before and after the counseling, pre and post-tests were carried out to measure and determine participants' level of knowledge and their absorption of the material presented. The results of the counseling showed that there was an increase in the knowledge of the participants' mothers by 60.8%. Before the material delivery by 35.4% increased to 96.2% after the delivery of the material. The results of this counseling are expected to provide additional knowledge for participating mothers in assisting children's growth and development and preventing stunting.
SOSIALISASI PENGOLAHAN KOTORAN TERNAK SAPI MENJADI BIOGAS DI DESA RANJOK KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT Ronia Ronia; Muhammad Sahbudin; Zeta Kuswari; Silda Pacitra; Dina Febriana; Kurniawati Kurniawati; Nining Anggriani; Muhammad Fernanda; Doni Apriandi; Abdul Samad; Ratna Nurnaningsih; Muanah Muanah; Syirril Ihromi
Jurnal Agro Dedikasi Masyarakat (JADM) Vol 2, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1130.837 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jadm.v2i2.6247


Cow dung is one of the wastes that can disturb the environment. The volume that continues to increase without handling can cause disease, especially during the rainy season. So seeing these conditions, socialization was carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of the community in processing cow dung waste into biogas. The method or activity steps are the preparation, socialization, and evaluation stages. The results of the activity showed that the socialization activity with the theme of utilizing cow manure into biogas received a good response from all circles of society, especially members who were members of the human-informed cattle group and from the village of Ranjok itself. The socialization activity was attended by 23 people who enthusiastically participated in the activity until the end. The results of the evaluation by conducting interviews that the community is ready to be involved in biogas production training activities by applying biodigester technology. In addition, with the knowledge and skills that the community has independently, they can process cattle waste into biogas so that the volume of waste can be reduced and biogas can be utilized.