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Pelatihan Kreatifitas Pembuatan Alat Permainan Edukatif Bagi Orang Tua Siswa PAUD Ni Made Sulastri; Dewi Rayani
Abdi Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan (LPP) Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.327 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/abdi.v1i1.942


The purpose of this community service activity is to increase the creativity of making educational game tools for parents of students' parents. This is based on several observations and found indications that most parents do not use their time well when activities wait for children to go home from school, parents only spend time without meaningful activities they usually spend just by chatting with other parents, sometimes teachers also accompany their children to learn in the classroom where these activities greatly interfere with the ongoing teaching and learning process. As a result of the routine and busyness of the parents, it is necessary to have activities that can be useful for parents and also for children's growth and development. Because in supporting the growth and development of children, educational tools are also needed that can be made by the teacher or parents themselves, so it is necessary to provide a creative training to develop educational games for parents. The method used in community service activities is in the form of counseling / education. Involved parents as much as 20. Community service activities include the provision of material on how to develop creativity to make educational games
Kiat Menangkal Bahaya Hoax Dari Internet Terhadap Anak-Anak Ni Made Sulastri; Dewi Rayani; Fitri Astutik
Abdi Masyarakat Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pendidikan (LPP) Mandala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (637.445 KB) | DOI: 10.36312/abdi.v1i2.943


Community service is aimed at increasing the knowledge and abilities of guardians of students and families in preventing the dangers of hoaxes from the internet to children. This is based on several observations that find indications of most parents or families in the current era of human life and activities of parents, teenagers and even children. Internet becomes one of the interests because all can be obtained with unlimited distance, the internet is always present in everyday life, even children seem to have been sedated with the internet. If we look at activities on the internet, especially on social media, it is not uncommon to find hoak information, the dangers of hoak information if it cannot be prevented or prevented it will be detrimental and can damage human morale. Parents' routines and activities are sometimes an obstacle in dealing with the dangers of hoak in children. Feeling that the impact of hoak information is very detrimental, so it is necessary to take care to prevent the dangers of hoak from the internet on children
Optimalisasi Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter dan Pengasuhan Demokratis Orang Tua Yang Memiliki Anak Usia Pra Remaja Dewi Rayani
Transformasi : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Non Formal Informal Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Volume 9 Nomor 1 Edisi Maret 2023
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Luar Sekolah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jtni.v9i1.8432


Abstract The development in changes of pre-adolescent children tend to cause concern for parents, among the changes that occur are in the emotional aspect. To understand these developmental changes, proper parenting and inculcation of character and moral values are needed. This paper is presented in the form of a quantitative description with the aim of describing it systematically, factually. The results obtained are democratic parenting and active communication and instilling moral values as early as possible to form good character for pre-adolescent children so that they have wise and polite personalities.Key Words: Parenting, Character Education, Pre-Adolescents Abstrak Perubahan perkembangan anak usia pra remaja cenderung menimbulkan berbagai kekhawatiran orang tua, salah satu perubahan yang  tampak adalah dalam aspek emosi, emosi yang menggebu-gebu serta sikap susah diatur. Untuk memahami perubahan perkembangan anak pra remaja diperlukan pola pengasuhan yang tepat dan penanaman karakter serta nilai-nilai moral. Tulisan ini disajikan dalam bentuk deskripsi kuantitatif dengan tujuan memberikan deskripsi secara sistematis, factual dan menggunakan data dalam bentuk kata atau gambaran. Adapun hasil yang dadapatkan adalah pola asuh demokratis dengan menerapkan komunikasi yang aktif dan menanamkan nilai moral sedini mungkin dapat membentuk karakter baik bagi anak pra remaja sehingga menjadikanya memilikipribadi yang bijak serta sopan. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Pola Asuh, Pra Remaja
Jurnal Dedikasi Madani Vol 2, No 1 (2023): July
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan dan Psikologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jdm.v2i1.8340


Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya, oleh karena keberadaan Pendidikan akan berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan dalam keluarga. Pendidikan keluarga memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat terhadap perkembangan kepribadian anak karena sebagian besar kehidupan anak berada ditengah tengah keluarganya. Begitu penting pengaruh pendidikan dalam keluarga, sehingga orangtua harus menyadari tanggung jawab terhadap anaknya. Namun pada kenyataannya, kondisi ekonomi keluarga tentu saja berbeda, tidak semua keluarga memiliki kemampuan ekonomi yang memadai dan mampu memenuhi segala kebutuhan anggota keluarga. Salah satu pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh kondisi ekonomi yang seperti ini adalah orang tua tidak sanggup menyekolahkan anaknya sehingga menyebabkan angka putus sekolah semakin meningkat. Banyak sekali faktor yang menyebabkan anak putus sekolah, seperti faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. faktor internal merupakan faktor yang berasal dari dalam diri anak, baik berupa kemalasan, hobi bermain, dan rendahnya minat yang menyebabkan anak putus sekolah. Sedangkan faktor eksternal merupakan faktor yang berasal dari luar diri anak baik berasal dari orang tua yakni keadaan ekonomi keluarga, perhatian orang tua, hubungan orang tua yang kurang harmonis, latar belakang pendidikan orang tua dan lingkungan pergaulan sehingga menyebabkan dorongan anak untuk bersekolah juga rendah.Kata kunci : remaja, putus sekolahEducation is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential, because the existence of education will affect life in the family. Family education has a very strong influence on the development of a child's personality because most of a child's life is in the midst of his family. So important is the influence of education in the family, so parents must be aware of their responsibility towards their children. But in reality, the economic conditions of families are of course different, not all families have adequate economic capacity and are able to meet all the needs of family members. One of the effects caused by this economic condition is that parents cannot afford to send their children to school, causing the dropout rate to increase. There are many factors that cause children to drop out of school, such as internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are factors that come from within the child, whether in the form of laziness, hobby to play, and low interest that causes children to drop out of school. Meanwhile, external factors are factors that come from outside the child, both from the parents, namely the economic situation of the family, parental attention, less harmonious parental relationships, parents' educational background and social environment, which causes low motivation for children to go to school. Keywords: teenagers, drop out of school
Jurnal Dedikasi Madani Vol 2, No 1 (2023): July
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan dan Psikologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jdm.v2i1.7912


This Community Service aims to optimize the school environment as a source of learning. PKM activities were carried out offline and attended by 52 teachers of SMAN 1 Gerung and 10 PLP students. Workshop participants identify and map the potential of the school environment as a learning resource according to Basic Competencies (KD), arrange the potential of the school environment according to KD and relevant subjects. Teachers are expected to take the initiative to pay more attention to the school environment as a learning resource and learn more about the resources available.Abstrak Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan lingkungan sekolah sebagai sumber belajar. Kegiatan PKM dilakukan secara luring/offline dan diikuti oleh guru SMAN 1 Gerung yang berjumlah 52 orang dan 10 orang mahasiswa PLP. Peserta workshop melakukan identifikasi dan pemetaan potensi lingkungan sekolah sebagai sumber belajar sesuai Kompetensi Dasar (KD), melakukan penataan potensi lingkungan sekolah sesuai KD dan mata pelajaran yang relevan. guru diharapkan dapat mengambil inisiatif untuk lebih memperhatikan lingkungan sekolah sebagai sumber belajar dan mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang sumber daya yang tersedia.