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JAS (Jurnal Agri Sains) Vol 5, No 2: Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jas.v5i2.671


Komoditi gambir merupakan salah satu komoditi tanaman perkebunan yang masih punya cukup peran dalam perdagangan internasional. Peningkatan produktifitas dan perdagangan luar negeri ini tidak sebanding dengan peningkatan pendapatan petani gambir. Agar produktifitas dapat ditingkatkan maka mutu olahan juga perlu di perbaiki agar tersedia pasar yang akan menampung produk gambir petani.Peningkatan pendapatan petani gambir belum sejalan dengan peningkatan produktivitas dan luas lahan, hal ini berkaitan dengan persoalan pasar yang masih mendominasi dari beberapa persoalan usahatani gambir, sehingga akan menyebabkan berkurangnya minat petani dalam melakukan usahatani gambir. Oleh sebab itu peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian dengan fokus pada keberlanjutanusahatani gambir dalam mendukung komoditi unggulan daerah.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, karena merupakan sentra komoditi gambir yang ada di Sumatera Barat dengan, menggunakan metode survey. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 4 bulan mulai Bulan April sampai Agustus 2021. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan  bahwa  usahatani gambir belum mendapatkan pasar yang baik.Peran kelembagaan pemasaranbelum memberikan konstribusi dalam meningkatkan posisi tawar, petani hanya bisa menjual gambir pada tingkatan pedagang pengumpul.Pemasaran produk gambir hanya tergantung pada pedagang pengumpul (toke) sehingga petani tidak punya nilai tawar dalam menentukan harga.Analisis usahatani gambir ini tetap memberikan kriteria yang layak di lakukan dengan nilai R/C ratio 1,6.ABSTRACK             Gambier commodity is one of the plantation crop commodities which still has quite a role in international trade. This increase in productivity and foreign trade is not comparable to the increase in the income of gambier farmers. In order to increase productivity, the quality of processed products also needs to be improved so that there is a market that will accommodate farmers' gambir products. The increase in the income of gambier farmers has not been in line with the increase in productivity and land area, this is related to market issues that still dominate some of the gambier farming problems, so that it will cause a decrease in farmers' interest in gambier farming. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research with a focus on the sustainability of gambier farming in supporting regional superior commodities. This research was conducted in Lima Puluh Kota Regency,because it is the center of gambier commodity in West Sumatera by using the survey method. This research was conducted for 4 months from April to August 2021. The results showed that gambier farming has not yet received a good market. The role of marketing institutions has not contributed to improving their bargaining position, farmers can only sell gambier at the level of collectors. Marketing of gambir products only depends on collectors (toke), so that farmers have no bargaining power in determining prices. This gambier farming analysis still provides criteria that are feasible to do with an R/C ratio value of 1.6.Keyword : Gambier, Marketing, institutional, international market, produktivity
The Use of Insecticides Viewed from a Technical View of Applications in Corn Crops: Case Study of Corn Farmer Behavior Arfan Arfan; Sri Sudewi; Mukhlis Mukhlis; Mismawarni Srima Ningsih
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 10 No 4 (2024): April
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v10i4.7158


Synthetic insecticides are still used as the main solution in suppressing herbivorous insect attacks on maize at the farm level. The purpose of this research is to determine and find new ways farmers use insecticides wisely through a multi-aspect approach. The method used to determine the sample was purposive sampling with 50 corn farmers spread across five villages in the Tambulava sub-district. Primary data collection was obtained by observation through direct interviews with corn farmers using a prepared semi-structured questionnaire, and secondary data were obtained through a literature study and various sources related to research issues. Quantitative data were analyzed by simple tabulation (cross-tabulation analysis), while qualitative data were analyzed using an interpretation of existing phenomena. The results showed that four herbivorous insect species attacked corn plants in the Tanambulava District: Spodoptera frugiperda, Helicoverva armigera, Ostrinia furnacalis, and Locusta sp. Insecticide application time by local farmers is generally done in the morning by 90%, with application frequency varying 1-3 times a week. There are 13 active insecticide ingredients used by corn farmers in Tambulava District, Sigi Regency.
Performance of Cocoa Graft Seedlings as a Result of Different Number of Lower Stem Leaves and Entry Defoliation Time Mismawarni Srima Ningsih; Syafrison Syafrison; Fardedi Fardedi; Giska Oktabriana; Mela Rahmah; Hary Yanto Jailani; Mukhlis Mukhlis
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 10 No 3 (2024): March
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v10i3.7176


This research aims to see the effect of the number of leaves left on the rootstock and the best defoliation time to improve the performance of cacao shoot connection seedlings. The research was conducted in the experimental garden of Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh from March to July 2023. Cocoa clone ICS was used as rootstock and clone TSH as scion. The experimental design was 4x4 factorial with 3 replications, the environmental design was completely randomized design. Data were analyzed statistically using F test and DNMRT further test at 5% level. From the research and data processing, it was found that there is an interaction between the treatment of different number of rootstock leaves and different defoliation times on the performance of cocoa shoot grafting seedlings based on the variables of percentage of grafted seedlings, number of shoots, number of leaves, leaf area and weight of seedling scion. It can be concluded that defoliation of the rootstock six days before splicing with rootstock having four leaves produces the best performance of cacao shoot grafting seedlings