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J-Proteksion Vol 4, No 1 (2019): J-Proteksion
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/jp.v4i1.3018


Kolektor surya berfungsi mengumpulkan dan menyerap radiasi sinar matahari dan mengkonversinya menjadi energi panas. Kolektor tabung memiliki keunggulan dalam menahan panas daripada kolektor pelat datar. Glass tube dapat menahan panas dengan faktor kehilangan panas yang relatif rendah, karena fluida terjebak di antara absorber dan dinding glass tube. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu membandingkan efisiensi kolektor tabung dengan glass tube dan non glass tube ditambah komposisi PCM yang berbeda dengan campuran parafin – minyak jarak 15%, parafin – minyak jarak 20% dan parafin 100%. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa proses pemanasan air dengan kolektor tabung non glass tube campuran PCM parafin – minyak jarak 20% menghasilkan suhu lebih besar (59,9 oC). Ketika proses pendinginan, kolektor glass tube campuran PCM parafin – minyak jarak 20% menghasilkan suhu lebih besar (36,1 oC). Pada efisiensi kolektor non glass tube campuran PCM parafin – minyak jarak 20% menghasilkan nilai 70% dan saat pendinginan kolektor glass tube menghasilkan efisiensi rata – rata 16,3%. Hal ini disebabkan pada saat proses pemanasan, panas yang diserap pada kolektor non glass tube lebih besar yang diterima dibanding kolektor glass tube yang masih melewati dinding glass tube. Dari penelitian tersebut, maka efisiensi kolektor tabung dipengaruhi oleh glass tube pada saat pemanasan maupun pendinginan. Glass tube dapat mempertahankan panas yang keluar ketika penurunan intensitas radiasi dan saat proses pendinginan. Selain penambahan glass tube, bahan pada Phase Change Material (PCM) juga mempengaruhi efisiensi kolektor tabung.
PENGARUH HOLDING TIME DAN MOLD TEMPERATURE TERHADAP CACAT WARPAGE PADA PROSES KOMPOSIT AL-PP DENGAN INJECTION MOLDING khoirul fahmi aziz; Aris Zainul Muttaqin; Intan Hardiatama; Hari Arbiantara; Sumarji .; Dwi Djumhariyanto
STATOR: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 5 No 2 (2022): JURNAL STATOR
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin

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Success in the injection molding process is seen from the results of products that do not produce defects. Warpage defects are one of the defects resulting from the injection molding process. One way to measure warpage defects is to use the ImageJ application. The data processing stage in this study uses the Taguchi method statistical method with two independent variables namely holding time and mold temperature, each of which has three factors and repeated data three times, which aims to obtain more accurate values. The results showed a very influential variable is the holding time parameter then the mold temperature parameter. The higher the level of holding time parameters, the smaller the result of warpage defects. Unlike the holding time parameters, the best mold temperature parameters at the middle level, the result will be a small warpage defect produced. The experimental results of the highest level value on the holding time parameter are 15 seconds while in the mold temperature the value of the middle level is 50 ° C which produces a defect of 1%. While the lowest holding time parameter value is 5 seconds and the highest mold temperature level parameter value of 70 ° C is the worst variation of parameters because it produces a defect of 22%.
Analisis Proses Sandblasting dengan Variasi Jarak, Sudut dan Waktu Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan dengan Metode Respon Surface Dwi Djumhariyanto; Arif Bigwanto; Santoso Mulyadi
Retii Prosiding Seminar Nasional ReTII ke-13 2018
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta

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Sandblasting adalah proses penyemprotan bahan abrasif berupa pasir atau partikel kecil dengan tekanan tinggi pada suatu permukaan material. Standart kekasaran yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu 30 μm – 85 μm. Pada penelitian ini, variasi yang digunakan yaitu jarak 350 mm, 400 mm, 450 mm dengan sudut 30̊, 60̊, 90̊ dan waktu 4 detik, 8 detik, 12 detik. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen Box-Behnken pada metode Response Surface untuk mengetahui pengaruh hubungan antara variabel respon dan variabel bebas sehingga dapat mengetahui parameter–parameter yang berpengaruh terhadap proses sandblasting. Material yang diuji adalah pelat baja SS400 dengan partikel abrasif pasir silika. Uji kekasaran menggunakan Portable Roughness Tester TR220 Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimen Box-Behnken pada metode Response Surface. Optimasi kekasaran permukaan menggunakan software minitab 17. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa parameter Jarak, Sudut dan Waktu memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kekasaran permukaan. Optimasi dengan menggunakan Response Optimizer menghasilkan kekasaran minimum 62,71 μm dengan setting parameter jarak 448,99 mm, sudut 30̊dan waktu 4 detik.
Analisis Ergonomi pada Operator Hand Tractor Menggunakan Metode Rapid Upper Limb Assesment (RULA) Oktafian Nanda Nusila; Dwi Djumhariyanto; Digdo Listyadi Setyawan; Nasrul Ilminafik; Nur Koyim Kustanto
STATOR: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin Vol 6 No 1 (2023): JURNAL STATOR
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin

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In high technological times the use of agricultural tools with modern machinery helped accelerate the processing of agricultural production. One of the most common and most commonly used tools is the Tractor. Tractor is a motorized tool that has the ability to preparation the soil. Application of tractor to preparation the soil is mostly done by farmers. A lot of used tractors is the hand tractor. Unsuitableof factor of tractor design to operator and land condition has caused many problems related to comfort, safety and health of work. Handlebar on the hand tractor is still less comfortable and ergonomic considered by the operator. This study aims to identify hand tractor operator complaints of inconvenience in working using RULA analysis of CATIA V5R17 software. Based on anthropometry percentile calculations, the result 1100 mm handlebar height, 650 mm handlebar width, and the distance of the turning lever to a 120 mm handlebar. The percentiles used are 5, 50, and 95 presentations using CATIA V5R17.
Introduction to Chopper Machines as a Supporter of Increasing Production and Quality of Livestock Feed in Jember Jelbuk Village Dwi Djumhariyanto; Mahros Darsin; Hari Arbiantara Basuki; Robertoes Koekoeh Koentjoro Wibowo
PKM-P Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : LPPM UIKA Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/jurma.v7i1.1775


Silage is animal feed fermented to add nutrition and increase feed availability, especially during the dry season. The feed fermentation process is faster if the feed has been chopped before. This service aims to introduce choppers to Jelbuk Village, Jember Regency farmers. The service begins by discussing the problems faced by farmers/breeders, chaired by Mr. Mahfudz. They wanted a portable mini chopper to move and operate this machine at each member's residence. The chopper is modified from the previous multi-function chopper machine, which can chop leaves and twigs and crush animal manure for compost raw materials. Socialization of this machine is carried out simultaneously with training in making silage. After demonstrating the machine's operation and maintenance, the service partners were enthusiastic and rushed to try this new counter at their homes. They hope coaching activities can be continued later with the technologies they need.