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Model Pembelajaran Latihan Konjungsi Bahasa Jerman Menggunakan Satzkarten: Model Pembelajaran Latihan Konjungsi Bahasa Jerman Menggunakan Satzkarten Fauzan Adhima
Paramasastra : Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa Sastra dan Pembelajarannya Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): Vol.9 No.1 Bulan Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/paramasastra.v9n1.p97-111


This study aims to develop the stages of learning German conjunction grammar exercises using the Satzkarten game. The method used in this research is qualitative with literature study techniques. The Satzkarten game is a German sentence card game that is combined using the right conjunction.The conjunctions chosen in the learning model using the Satzkarten game are aber, oder, denn, deshalb, und on the theme "Tourism" in class XII SMA. Thus students would be able to create and compile German sentences with conjunctions related to vacation or tourist activities. The results of the research on the conjunction training learning model using the Satzkarten game can be applied into three stages of learning. Three stages of learning are carried out, namely (1) Opening Stage, (2) Competency Formation Stage in which there is a Satzkarten game stage, namely Vorbereitungsphase (game preparation), Spielphase (playing), and Auswertungsphase (game assessment), and (3) Closing Stage. The Satzkarten game media in this study can be used by the teacher to train students in practicing conjunctions.The learning steps in this study are presented in the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). The Satzkarten game in this learning model can be used by the teacher as a technique and alternative media to deliver German conjunction grammar training materials. Keywords: Learning model, German conjunction, Satzkarten games
Refleksi nilai kultural dalam toponimi sebagai peluang pengembangan wisata di Desa Medalsari Kabupaten Karawang Sigit Widiatmoko; Dwi Linda Kusuma; Fauzan Adhima; Suntoko Suntoko; Theresia Nia Susanti
CARAKA Vol 9 No 2 (2023): Juni 2023
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/caraka.v9i2.14011


Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bentuk dan aspek yang melatarbelakangi toponimi, serta refleksi nilai kultural dalam toponimi di wilayah Desa Medalsari sebagai peluang pengembangan wisata. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, dilakukan penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan melakukan observasi langsung ke Desa Medalsari dan melakukan wawancara kepada para sesepuh dan aparat desa untuk mendapatkan data. Berdasarkan analisis data, toponimi di wilayah Desa Medalsari memiliki bentuk berupa monomorfemis dan polimorfemis yang dibangun dari gabungan morfem, baik morfem terikat atau morfem bebas. Berdasarkan dari aspek yang melatarbelakangi penamaan tempat tersebut, toponimi juga merefleksikan pengetahuan alam, kehidupan sosial, sejarah, dan kepercayaan masyarakatnya. Aspek fisikal muncul pada ci-, parung, tonjong, tegal, dan pasir, serta nama-nama flora seperti kupa, kadu, manggah, wareng, jati, jambe, omas, hanjere, peundeuy, ranji, dan nama-nama fauna seperti simeut dan kuda. Aspek sosial muncul pada tipar, bakan/babakan, purnajaya, deeng, dodol, gardu, dan astana. Aspek kultural muncul pada porong yang berasal dari nama Nyi Rorong/Lorong. Refleksi nilai kultural yang terkandung toponimi di Desa Medalsari adalah nilai keselarasan dengan alam, nilai kekeluargaan, dan nilai pemertahanan budaya. Nilai-nilai kultural dalam toponimi tersebut menjadi peluang bagi masyarakat untuk mengembangkan wisata di Desa Medalsari. Agar dapat terwujud, kolaborasi sangat dibutuhkan antara masyarakat, pelaku budaya, para pelaku usaha (swasta), pemerintah, dan akademisi.   Reflection of cultural values in toponymy as an opportunity for tourism development in Medalsari Village, Karawang Regency   Abstract: This study describes the forms and aspects underlying toponymy, as well as the reflection of cultural values in toponymy in the Medalsari Village area as tourism development opportunities. To achieve this goal, research was carried out using a qualitative approach by conducting direct observations at Medalsari Village and conducting interviews with elders and village officials to obtain data. Based on data analysis, the toponymy in the Medalsari Village area has monomorphemic and polymorphemic forms built from a combination of morphemes, both bounded morphemes and free morphemes. Based on the aspect behind the naming of the place, toponymy also reflects natural knowledge, social life, history, and the beliefs of the people. Physical aspects appear in ci-, parung, tonjong, tegal, and pasir, as well as the names of flora such as kupa, kadu, manggah, wareng, jati, jambe, omas, hanjere, peundeuy, ranji, and the names of fauna such as simeut and horse. The social aspect appears in tipar, bakan/babakan, purnajaya, deeng, dodol, gardu, and astana. The cultural aspect appears in porong which comes from the name Nyi Rorong/Lorong. Reflections on the cultural values contained in toponymy in Medalsari Village are the value of harmony with nature, the value of kinship, and the value of cultural preservation. The cultural values in the toponymy are an opportunity for the community to develop tourism in Medalsari Village. In order for this to materialize, collaboration is urgently needed between the community, cultural actors, (private) business actors, the government, and academia.