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Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) Vol 18, No 2 (2021): Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik, Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.145 KB) | DOI: 10.56681/da.v18i2.43


Akuntabilitas merupakan salah satu isu penting dalam kajian ilmiah dan praktik di bidang administrasi publik. Akuntabilitas adalah pengendalian terhadap organisasi publik pada level organisasional yang dimaksudkan untuk menjadi landasan dalam memberikan penjelasan kepada pihak-pihak baik dari internal maupun eksternal yang berkepentingan melakukan penilaian dan evaluasi terhadap tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan oleh organisasi publik tersebut. Metode yang digunakan untuk menyusun penelitian ini adalah survei literatur akademis di bidang administrasi publik yang revelan dengan akuntabilitas. Selain itu, dilakukan pula upaya penelusuran melalui sumber dari dokumen resmi pemerintah untuk mendeskripsikan praktik-praktik yang berhubungan dengan akuntabilitas pada organisasi sektor publik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa akuntabilitas pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia sudah cukup optimal. Kata kunci: akuntabilitas, pelayanan, kesehatan Abstract: Accountability is an important issue in public administration, both practically and scientifically. Accountability itself is a control over public organization at organizational level which is intended as the basis to give explanation to the internal or external parties who have interest to asses and evaluate the action that undertaken by the public organization. The method used in this research is academic literature survey which relevant with accountability. Besides, we also search information and data from official government document to describe the practice of accountability in public sector organization. The result of this research shows that public sector organization accountability in Indonesia is optimal. Keywords: accountability, service, health
MENGKAJI EFEKTIVITAS BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA SEBAGAI PENOPANG PEREKONOMIAN DESA (Studi Kasus Kegagalan BUMDES di Desa Beji Kecamatan Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Banyumas) Farida Nur Aini; Taufik Purboyo
Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) Vol 18, No 1 (2021): Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik, Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.021 KB) | DOI: 10.56681/da.v18i1.32


ABSTRAK Salah satu program pemerintah yang tercantum dalamundang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 adalah dapat mendirikan Badan Usaha Milik Desa yang disebut BUMDES, BUMDES dirancang memiliki dua tujuan pokok yaitu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dan meningkatkan PAD. Namun di dalam perjalanannya BUMDES banyak yang tidak berhasil. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ada dua aspek yang paling menonjol sebagai penyebab kegagalan BUMDES. Pertama adalah profesionalisme pengurus dan yang kedua adalah lemahnya pembinaan dan pengawasan dari pengawas dan pemerintah desa. Oleh karena itu yang perlu diperhatikan adalah bagaimana caranya agar BUMDES dapat berjalan secara ketat dengan pembinaan pengawasan yang intensif. Kata kunci : Efektivitas, BUMDES ABSTRACT One of the government programs listed in Law Number 6 of 2014 is to be able to establish a Village-Owned Enterprise called BUMDES, BUMDES is designed to have two main objectives, namely improving the community’s economy and increasing PAD. However, along the way, many BUMDES did not succeed. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with data collection through interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the results of the study, there are two aspects that stand out the most as the cause of the failure of BUMDES. The first is the professionalism of the administrators and the second is the lack of guidance and supervision from supervisors and village government. Therefore, what needs to be considered is how to make BUMDES run strictly with intensive supervision. Keywords: Effectiveness, BUMDES
Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) Vol 19, No 1 (2022): Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik, Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (239.186 KB) | DOI: 10.56681/da.v19i1.50


Tourism is a commodity that is able to move the wheels of the economy of a region so it needs to be developed properly. This study aims to determine and describe the elements of attractions, amenities and accessibility of tourist areas in Watumalang District, Wonosobo Regency. These factors are factors that determine success in the development of tourist destinations. The development of tourism product components such as attractions, amenities and accessibility allows managers to increase the number of visits and tourist satisfaction. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method which means the researcher only explains the facts and knowledge found during the research through words or tables. Based on the data obtained in the study, the researcher found that (1) tourist attractions were sufficient and this was evidenced by the existence of several superior locations in the area; (2) amenities in the form of public facilities and supporting facilities still need to be improved to make it more satisfying for tourists; (3) accessibility has been fulfilled enough even though the facts show that there is still a lack of accessibility for people from outside the Wonosobo Regency area so that the number of tourists from outside the Regency is still below the number of tourists from within the Regency. Keywords: tourism, development, attractions, amenities, accessibility.
Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) Vol 17, No 2 (2020): Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik, Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56681/da.v17i2.28


AbstrakRegulasi dan implementasi adalah merupakan dua variabel yang saling berkaitan dalam mendukung sebuah kebijakan publik, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan problematika implementasi kebijakan dalam penanganan Covid-19 hal ini dirasakan penting karena penanganan covid-19 adalah merupakan program nasional. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif diskriptif. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan masih adanya tumpang tindih aturan dan berbagai permasalahan tentang implementasi kebijakan.Kata Kunci :Implementasi dan Regulasi Kebijakan AbstractRegulation and implementation are two interrelated variables in supporting a public policy, this study aims to describe the problems of policy implementation in handling Covid-19, this is felt to be important because handling Covid-19 is a national program. This research method uses descriptive qualitative method. The research results show that there are still overlapping rules and various problems regarding policy implementation.Keywords: Policy Implementation and Regulation
Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) Vol 17, No 1 (2020): Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik, Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56681/da.v17i1.18


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan kelompok nomina berstruktur kompleks dalam novel dan terjemahannya dan mendeskripsikan dampak teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan terhadap tingkat kualitas terjemahannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan studi kasus terpancang. Analisis data menggunakan metode etnografi milik Spradley yang terdiri dari analisis domain, analisis taksonomi, analisis komponensial dan analisis tema budaya. Hasil analisis terhadap 281 data menunjukkan: (1) ada 14 teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam varian tunggal, varian kuplet, varian triplet, varian kuartet dan varian kuintet; (2) teknik penerjemahan berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas terjemahan. Kata kunci: kelompok nomina, teknik penerjemahan, kualitas terjemahanAbstract This research is aim at describing the the translation techniques of complex-structured nominal groups in novel and its translation and describing the impact of traslation techniques toward the translation quality. This research is a descriptive qualitative using embebbed case study. The data in this research are the complex-structured nominal group in Twilight novel and its translation and the translation quality assessment by the rater. Data analysis was conducted using ethnography method by Spradley which consists of domain analysis, taxonomy analysis, componential analysis and cultural value analysis. The result of the analysis of 281 data shows: (1) there are 14 translation techniques in the forms of singgle variant, couplet variant, triplet variant, quartet variant and quintet variant; (2) the translation techniques used give positive impact toward the translation quality.Key words: nominal group, translation technique, translation quality.
Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA) Vol 19, No 2 (2022): Majalah Ilmiah Dinamika Administrasi (MIDA)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Politik, Universitas Wijayakusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56681/da.v19i2.59


This study aims to describe and explain the implementation of assimilation rights services at home for prisoners during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Class IIA Prison Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency. This research was conducted in Class IIA Prison, Purwokerto, Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative. Informants were determined by purposive sampling method. The analysis of research results using an interactive analysis model. Based on the results of the study indicate that the size and purpose of the policy, the granting of prisoners' rights in the Class IIA Purwokerto Prison is in accordance with the legislation, the guidance carried out at the Class IIA Purwokerto Prison aims to return prisoners to the community environment by providing life provisions, there are many activities personality and skill development that can be followed by inmates at the Class IIA Purwokerto Prison. Resources, services that are provided immediately, accurately and satisfactorily, such as punctuality, speed and accuracy in the service of prisoners' rights, in the implementation of prisoner development there are facilities and infrastructure to support prisoners' activities. Characteristics of implementing agents/agencies, In the assimilation policy at home during the covid-19 pandemic which was carried out at the Class IIA Purwokerto Prison, the implementing agents involved included correctional guardians, BAPAS, prisoners and third parties. There is well-established communication so that the implementation of the right of assimilation is timely, there is cooperation with partners in the implementation of skills development for prisoners. Attitudes/tendencies of the implementers, the implementation of home assimilation program policies during the covid-19 pandemic, there is no rejection from the Class IIA Purwokerto Penitentiary and prisoners, officers provide coaching with persuasive methods, the absence of recidivists is an indicator of the success of the assimilation program. Communication between organizations and implementing activities, in carrying out assimilation at home during the covid-19 pandemic, prisoners are required to take part in coaching activities carried out in prisons, there is cooperation with related parties to make the home assimilation program successful during the covid-19 pandemic. Economic environment , social, and political, there are internal obstacles so that the service process for the rights of prisoners is hampered. Keywords; COVID-19, Home Assimilation for Prisoners, Policy Implementation.
DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration
Publisher : Department of Public Administration, University Wijaykusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.932 KB) | DOI: 10.56681/dinamisia.v1i1.12


This study is entitled "Implementation of Home Assimilation Rights Services for Inmates During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Class IIA Prisons in Purwokerto. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the implementation of assimilation rights services at home for prisoners during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Class IIA Prison Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency. This research was conducted at the Class IIA Prison, Purwokerto, Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative. Informants were determined by purposive sampling method. The analysis of research results using an interactive analysis model.Based on the results of the study, several conclusions can be drawn asfollows:(1). The size and purpose of the policy, the granting of prisoners' rights at the Class IIA Purwokerto Prison is in accordance with the legislation, the guidance carried out at the Class IIA Purwokerto Prison aims to return prisoners to the community by providing life provisions, there are many personality and skill development activities that can be followed by inmates at the Class IIA Purwokerto Prison.(2).Resources, services provided immediately, accurately and satisfactorily, such as punctuality, speed and accuracy in the service of prisoners' rights, in the implementation of prisoner development there are facilities and infrastructure to support prisoners' activities.(3). Characteristics of the implementing agency/agency, In the assimilation policy at home during the covid-19 pandemic which was carried out at the Class IIA Purwokerto Prison, the implementing agents involved included correctional guardians, BAPAS, prisoners and third parties. There is a well-established communication so that the implementation of the right of assimilation is timely, there is cooperation with partners in the implementation of skills development for prisoners.(4). The attitude/tendency of the implementers, the implementation of the home assimilation program policy during the covid-19 pandemic, there was no rejection from the Purwokerto Class IIA Penitentiary and inmates, the officers provided coaching with persuasive methods, the absence of recidivists was an indicator of the success of the assimilation program.(5). Communication between organizations and implementing activities, in carrying out assimilation at home during the covid-19 pandemic, prisoners are required to take part in coaching activities carried out in prisons, there is cooperation with related parties to make the assimilation program at home successful during the COVID-19 pandemic.(6). The economic, social, and political environment, internal obstacles so that the service process for the rights of prisoners is hampered, there are various responses related to the home assimilation program for prisoners in the community, prisoners have been equipped and assisted by prison officers in developing skills for capital to return to society.Implication: To improve service quality, efforts need to be made: (1) Add office service facilities (2) Communication with third parties needs to be improved (3) It is necessary to add infrastructure for the activities of fostering prisoners (4) There needs to b a rewards for prisoners who active participate in coaching.
DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration
Publisher : Department of Public Administration, University Wijaykusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.631 KB) | DOI: 10.56681/dynamics.v1i2.19


This study entitled The Effectiveness of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Kedungbanteng Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency. This study aims to describe and analyze the Effectiveness of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Kedungbanteng Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency and find out what factors support and what factors hinder the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Kedungbanteng Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Determination of informants using purposive sampling method, and analysis of research results using an interactive model. The summary of this research are:. 1. Aspect of success achieved by the program, the implementation of PKH is good and those who are directly involved are PKH facilitators and PKH KPM. PKH facilitators have provided assistance to PKH KPM well. In the implementation of socialization, companions use the film screening method in order to provide an understanding of KPM. During the disbursement process, the assistance funds received by KPM are in accordance with the stipulated provisions, but there is a discount for administrative fees of Rp. 5000 to Rp. 10,000 per KPM and for KPMs it is not allowed to withdraw money at ATMs independently. 2. Aspect is targeting accuracy, each recipient of PKH social assistance has met the specified component criteria. However, there are still many economically disadvantaged communities who do not receive PKH social assistance, especially the elderly. This is due to the absence of re-collection and direct field inspection to ensure that the prospective KPM is not economically capable and only uses data from the central party which in fact must be re-checked for correctness. 3. Aspect is satisfaction with the program, PKH facilitators have worked well and are responsible for KPM. The assistant can direct the KPM in the implementation of PKH and can provide solutions to the KPM if there are obstacles in the implementation of the PKH. 4. Aspect of input and output, in the data validation process to determine candidates for KPM PKH only uses the Integrated Social Welfare Data from 2013 to the present. Therefore, there is a problem that many people do not receive the PKH social assistance. 5. Aspect is the overall achievement of goals, most of the community is ready to be graduated from PKH social assistance if they are considered economically capable. The community feels very helped by the PKH social assistance and the community feels the real benefits obtained from PKH social assistance such as being able to pay school fees for children, the nutritional needs of toddlers. The implications used to increase the effectiveness of the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Kedungbanteng Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency are as follows. 1. For beneficiary families, should be able to use the assistance provided properly in accordance with the provisions. It is hoped that you will always attend the socialization gathering which is held once a month in order to understand the contents of the socialization and so that you can be moved to volunteer to give up PKH social assistance if you are considered economically capable. xvii 2. For PKH administrators and assistants, namely all implementing parties involved in the implementation of PKH, they must carry out socialization as often as possible so that the community knows and knows the purpose of PKH, and it is hoped that people who already feel capable can be willing to release and give up PKH social assistance. Prior to determining a candidate for a KPM PKH, a visit and a review of the prospective KPM PKH home must be carried out which is registered from the DTKS data to ensure that PKH social assistance can be provided to the right KPM. Do not use old data and must use current data in accordance with data generated from field observations. 3. For the Social Service, namely updating of data in determining KPM candidates is carried out annually on a regular basis so that people who have not received assistance funds can be registered as PKH KPM and people who are considered capable can be graduated from the Family Hope Program (PKH) social assistance.
DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration
Publisher : Department of Public Administration, University Wijaykusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (360.264 KB) | DOI: 10.56681/dynamics.v1i2.23


This research is entitled "Analysis of the Effectiveness of Micro Business Government Assistance (BPUM) in Mangunegara Village, Mrebet District, PurbalinggaRegency". The purpose of this study was to describe and explain the effectiveness of government assistance for micro-enterprises in Mangunegara village, Mrebet sub-district,Purbalingga district. This research method is descriptive and qualitative. Informants were determined by purpose sampling method. The analysis of research results using an interactive analysis model. Based on the results of the study, several conclusions can be drawn as follows (1). Productivity Aspect, Strategy to market the products by promoting them through social media, with close friends, and family. The results from the sale have not been in line with expectations because they have not reached the target quality. Sometimes sales are at a loss; (2) Aspects of quality, the price of products on the market is not too cheap or too expensive, so there is no price competition with other entrepreneurs. The quality of the products of business actors can easily add selling value to damaged products; (3). Aspects of Efficiency, Entrepreneurs in managing finances, separating Personal and Corporate Finances, making Financial Books, determining FinancialPortions, how to overcome existing losses by promoting more often on social media so that more people are interested in buying, evaluating, improving business systems,making changes ; (4). Aspects of Flexibility, how to deal with competitors who also have similar businesses by improving product quality so that they are not less competitive with those on the market and continue to innovate to make it easier to maintain loyalty to customers. Changes that occur in an organization suggest employees think carefully about their decisions, conduct evaluations, conducting recruitment; (5). Satisfaction Aspect,there are 5 to 10 variants made for sale, how to deal with consumer complaints by receiving complaints properly, good communication on complaints and immediately handling Complaints quickly and providing the Best Solutions; (6). Aspects of Excellence. innovation made to keep this business afloat by adding various variants of forms to keep this business afloat are in the form of a solid work team, prioritizing customer desires,making quality products following the times and maximizing the use of technology.
DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): DYNAMICS: Journal of Public Administration
Publisher : Department of Public Administration, University Wijaykusuma Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (355.223 KB) | DOI: 10.56681/dynamics.v1i2.24


This research is entitled "Good Governance in Cipaku Village Government, Mrebet District, Purbalingga Regency". The purpose of this study was to describe and explain Good Governance in the Cipaku Village Government, Mrebet District, Purbalingga Regency. This research was conducted at the Cipaku Village Government Office, Mrebet District, Purbalingga Regency. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Informants were determined by purposive sampling method. The analysis of research results using an interactive analysis model. Based on the results of the study, several conclusions can be drawn as follows (1). Aspects of Simplicity, Aspects of Participation, the community is given the opportunity to participate in the administration of village government through hamlet meetings, through musdes and musren Bangkes, monitoring mechanisms carried out by the community with meetings that are routine every month evaluating the course of the village government and responding to all problems that occur in society; (2). Legal Rules, providing services based on applicable rules in the form of village regulations, village heads, regional regulations and regional regulations, in carrying out services to the community, prioritizing the community regardless of working hours; (3). In terms of transparency, the community is given the flexibility to be able to access information through information boards and provide information through village deliberations or village institutions, (4). Aspect of Capability, the Village Government can absorb the aspirations of the community by attending meetings in each RT/RW. Development priorities by implementing the Musdus, Musdes and Musrembangdes; (5). Aspects of consensus, the way in which community components participate in making policies through the Musdes and policy decisions made by the village government are left entirely to the deliberation participants to explore the aspirations of the community; (6). Aspect of Justice, in exploring the aspirations of the community in development activities by inviting all components of the community in the village by involving all stakeholders and every planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of activities; (7). Effectiveness and Efficiency Aspects of the village government's efforts in optimizing resources in the implementation of development must have clear indicators of achievement, strategies for achieving them and how to solve them if there are problems in their implementation; (8). Aspects of Accountability, accountability for the implementation of the village government is carried out through the Village Government Implementation Report (LPPD) submitted to the Regent and the Accountability Statement Report (LKPJ) submitted to the community through the BPD so far in accordance with applicable regulations /laws.