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BURNOUT SYNDROME OF NURSES IN INPATIENT UNITS Nursinta Dame Manullang; Yenni Ferawati Sitanggang; Masrida Adolina Panjaitan
Nursing Current: Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 9, No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/nc.v9i1.3452


Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental stress caused by chronic workplace pressure. Nurses are often confronted with stress-laden situations related to varied functions and extent of responsibilities causing the burnout syndrome. This study aims to describe the burnout level of inpatient nurses working in the (inpatient) units of a private hospital in West Java. This is a descriptive quantitative study conducted among all the 54 nurses in this hospital’s inpatient units. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBIHSS), a tool that measures three dimensions of the burnout syndrome: personal accomplishments, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, was used. Data collected were analysed with the univariate analysis that described the respondents’ characteristics and their responses on the MBI-HSS. Results showed that majority of the respondents are females (94.4%); more than half (61.1%) have a Bachelor of Nursing degree; 74.1% are in the 20-30 years age group; and 51.9% had more than one year of work experience. Moreover, the respondents rated depersonalization characterized by feelings of unreality and strangeness about one's own behaviour as the dimension that highly contributed to burnout (98%). Emotional exhaustion, the feelings of being emotionally overextended and exhausted by one's work was rated low (40.7%). Moreover, personal achievement that measures feelings of competence and successful achievement in one's work had a high 70.4%. The researchers recommend that administrators provide nursing staff with continuing education sessions on strategies to effectively cope with stressful situations in the workplace to counter the burnout syndrome.
Edukasi Manfaat Vaksinasi Covid-19 dan Menangkal Hoax Martina Pakpahan; Deborah Siregar; Lina Berliana Togatorop; Marisa Junianti Manik; Masrida Adolina Panjaitan; Novita Susilawati Barus
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Volume 5 No 1 Januari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i1.5354


ABSTRAK Vaksianasi Covid-19 menjadi program nasional yang dicanangkan Pemerintah bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesa di ke 34 Provinsi, dimulai sejak 13 Januari 2021 dan ditargetkan rampung pada Desember 2021. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) dilakukan pada tanggal 4 Juni 2021 dalam bentuk webinar kesehatan diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Keperawatan UPH bekerjasama dengan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk mendukung pemerintah dalam capaian vaksinasi Covid-19 melalui peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap positif masyarakat untuk mengikuti vaksinasi. Kegiatan ditujukan bagi masyarakat umum dan diikuti oleh 227 peserta. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1) Karakteristik Peserta: berasal dari berbagai Provinsi (mayoritas dari Banten yaitu sebanyak 22%), beragam profesi (mayoritas adalah mahasiswa sebanyak 62,6%), beragam jenjang pendidikan (mayoritas adalah S1 yaitu sebanyak 67,4%) dan berbagai usia (mayoritas adalah 17-25 tahun yaitu sebanyak 66,5%); 2) Gambaran pengetahuan peserta terkait vaksin COVID-19 sudah baik. Hal ini terlihat dari rerata nilai pre-test sebesar 7.28 dan Nilai Median 7 yang kemudian meningkat pada post-test dengan rerata nilai 8.29 dan Nilai Median 9; 3) Sebanyak 207 (91,2%) peserta belum pernah terinfeksi COVID-19, sebanyak 220 (96,9%) peserta memiliki sikap positif (menilai penting) pemberian vaksin COVID-19, sebanyak 106 (46,7%) peserta mendapatkan informasi terkait vaksin COVID-19 dari media sosial, dan sebanyak 122 (53,7%) peserta belum pernah mendapatkan vaksin COVID-19; 4) Peserta antusias mengikuti webinar dari awal sampai akhir dan menilai kegiatan baik (memuaskan). Saran untuk lembaga mitra, agar dapat memanfaatkan media sosial secara maksimal untuk sosialisasi dan edukasi terkait vaksinasi COVID-19. Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Imunitas, Masyarakat, Pemerintah, Vaksin  ABSTRACT The Covid-19 vaccination is a national program launched by the government for all Indonesians in 34 provinces beginning January 13, 2021 and expected to be completed in December 2021. A Community Service Activity (PkM) was held on June 4, 2021 in the form of a health webinar organized by The UPH Faculty of Nursing in collaboration with the Tangerang District Health Office and the Bali Provincial Health Office. The purpose of this activity is to support the government in achieving Covid-19 vaccination by increasing public awareness and positive attitudes toward vaccination. The activity was intended for the general public and had 227 participants. The results of the activity showed the following: 1) Characteristics of Participants: came from various provinces (the majority were from Banten, which was 22%), various professions (the majority were students, as many as 62.6%), various levels of education (the majority were Bachelors, namely 67.4%) and various ages (the majority are 17-25 years, which is 66.5%); 2) The description of participants' knowledge regarding the COVID-19 vaccine is good. This can be seen from the average pre-test score of 7.28 and a median value of 7 which then increased in the post-test with an average value of 8.29 and a median value of 9; 3) A total of 207 (91.2%) participants had never been infected with COVID-19, as many as 220 (96.9%) participants had a positive attitude (judged it was important) to administer the COVID-19 vaccine, as many as 106 (46.7%) participants received information related to the COVID-19 vaccine from social media, and as many as 122 (53.7%) participants had never received the COVID-19 vaccine; 4) Participants participated enthusiastically in the webinar from start to finish and rated the activity as good (satisfactory). Suggestions for partner institutions to make the best use of social media for COVID-19 vaccination socialization and education. Keywords: COVID-19, Immunity, Society, Government, Vaccines
Edukasi Dan Pelatihan Pertolongan Pertama Tanggap Darurat Pada Anggota Palang Merah Remaja (PMR) Dan Osis Smp Pahoa Terpadu Gading Serpong, Tangerang Elissa Oktoviani Hutasoit; Juhdeliena .; Yakobus Siswadi; Masrida Adolina Panjaitan; Sarah Lidya Cicilia
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) Vol 3 (2020): Peran Perguruan Tinggi dan Dunia Usaha Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Untuk Menyongsong
Publisher : Asosiasi Sinergi Pengabdi dan Pemberdaya Indonesia (ASPPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.92 KB) | DOI: 10.37695/pkmcsr.v3i0.909


Remaja merupakan masa dimana terjadinya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat baik secara fisik, psikologis maupun intelektual. Remaja merupakan salah satu kelompok vulnerable dalam tatanan masyarakat, mereka memiliki aktivitas yang dinamis, namun kadang tidak diimbangi dengan istirahat serta pola makan yang teratur. Banyaknya aktifitas yang dilakukan oleh siswa/i di sekolah membuat mereka mudah mengalami jatuh sakit dan cidera. Hal yang paling sering dilakukan oleh anak usia remaja saat di sekolah adalah olah raga, upacara bendera, dan aktifitas lainnya. Masalah yang dihadapai Unit Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) SMP Pahoa Terpadu Gading Serpong Tangerang adalah jatuh, fraktur, trauma kepala, dan pingsan. PkM FoN meningkatkan pemahaman dan ketrampilan dalam pertolongan pertama tanggap darurat pada anggota PMR di sekolah tersebut. Tujuan PKM ini agar ada pencegahan dan penanganan awal yang dapat dilakukan anggota PMR pada siswa/I. SMP Pahoa dipilih sebagai partner dalam PKM ini karena dilihat dari aksesabilitas adalah mudah dijangkau selain itu FoN UPH ingin menjangkau dari lingkungan dekat supaya mereka juga merasakan keberadaan FoN. Kegiatan PKM ini meliputi pretest, pemberian materi, demonstrasi, redemonstrasi dan posttest. Jumlah siswa yang hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut sebanyak 64 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini didapatkan terjadi peningkatan nilai rerata yang signifikan pengetahuan sebelum dan setelah dilakukan edukasi first aid dengan selisih rerata sebanyak 26,56 (p value =0,000)
New Normal : Newstart – A Healthy Lifestyle Alice P; Masrida Adolina Panjaitan; Marianna T; Magda R; Sarah L
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 11 (2022): Volume 5 No 11 November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i11.7332


ABSTRAK Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh novel Coronavirus yang pertama kali terindentifikasi di Wuhan, Cina dan diumumkan sebagai pandemik oleh World Health Organization (WHO) pada bulan Maret 2020. Pemerintah Indonesia, pada bulan yang sama mengumumkan kasus COVID-19 pertama dan mengeluarkan Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) dalam rangka percepatan penanganan COVID-19 karena adanya peningkatan kasus. Sebagai wujud pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Pelita Harapan terpanggil untuk memberikan edukasi kesehatan mengenai gaya hidup sehat berdasarkan NEWSTART dalam masa pelaksanaan new normal. Metode: NEWSTART merupakan sebuah akronim untuk Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sun Shine, Temperance, Air, Rest, dan Trust in God. Edukasi Kesehatan pertama yang akan disampaikan secara daring mengenai tiga bagian NEWSTART, yaitu topik nutrition, water, dan air kepada anggota Gereja Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh (GMAHK) Hummeo Echoes Cempaka Mas (HECM) yang berlokasi di Apartemen Grha Cempaka Mas Jakarta. Berdasarkan data, para anggota gereja mengungkapkan terkait pandemi yang sudah berlangsung  hampir  satu  tahun dan  menyatakan  keinginan  untuk  mengetahui  pencegahan,  dan cara peningkatan sistem  imunitas  tubuh.  Kegiatan  ini telah dilakukan  secara daring  menggunakan  aplikasi Zoom  Meeting dan diawali  dengan paparan materi mengenai nutrisi yang baik untuk menunjang kesehatan tubuh, materi  mengenai  aktivitas  olahraga  yang  tepat  untuk  peningkatan kekebalan tubuh dan pentingnya air untuk kesehatan tubuh. Jumlah peserta 28 orang dari 65 yang ditargetkan hadir dalam kegiatan PkM ini. Kesimpulan para peserta menyatakan  puas  dengan edukasi yang  diberikan  dan  merasa  diberkati karena informasi yang dinilai sangat bermanfaat. Kata Kunci: COVID-19, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition, Exercise, Water ABSTRACT Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a novel Coronavirus which was first identified in Wuhan, China and announced as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020. Indonesian Government announced the first human case of COVID-19 in the same month and issued regulation on Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in acceleration and handling of COVID-19 due to an increase in cases. The implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, Faculty of Nursing at Pelita Harapan University is called to provide health education about a healthy lifestyle based on NEWSTART during the new normal implementation period. Method: NEWSTART is an acronym for Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sun Shine, Temperance, Water, Rest, and Trust in God. The first health education conducted by online about the  three parts of NEWSTART, namely the topic of nutrition, water, and air to members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (GMAHK) Hummeo Echoes Cempaka Mas (HECM) which is located at the Grha Cempaka Mas Apartment, jakarta. Based on data, the members of church revealed about the pandemic that has lasted for almost a year and how to know about prevention and boost the immune system. Results: This activity has been carried out by online using the Zoom Meeting application and begins with the presentation about good nutrition to support body health, sports activities to increase immunity and the importance of air for body health. The participants is 28 of the 65 people targeted for this PkM activity. Conclusions The participants stated that they were satisfied with the education provided and felt inadequate because the information was considered very useful. Keyword: COVID-19, Healthy Lifestyle, Nutrition, Exercise, Water
Health Examination And Hypertension Gymnastics For Older Adults At Bina Bhakti Foundation Babakan Setu, Tangerang Yakobus Siswadi; Masrida Adolina Panjaitan; Marianna T; Bima A. S; Elissa O. H
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 11 (2022): Volume 5 No 11 November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i11.7583


ABSTRACT Background: Older adults are those entering the age of 60.  Life expectancy among elderly has been a valuable indicator for the overall health of inhabitant. Older adults commonly experience a decline in health, due to aging or diseases. Several programs to increase the life expectancy of elderly population are hence of urgency. The direct survey revealed that there are 100 older adults in Bina Bhakti foundation, of which 66 people are able to walk and use wheelchairs, while 34 people are on complete bed rest. Furthermore, many of them had chronic diseases such as joint disease, hypertension, and heart disease. The Management of Bina Bhakti Foundation conducts periodic health examination once a month for those who are on total bed rest, and once a year for those who are still physically active. It is all carried out by nurses and general practitioners at the Bina Bhakti Foundation. Objective: This community service aims to provide hypertension education and gymnastics with the theme of “being healthy and independent elderly”. Method: The target is all elderly people being detected to have an increase in blood pressure. The program encompasses lecturing session, health screening, and hypertension gymnastics. Screening test of glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure was conducted at the end of program. To ensure that each process went well, the team held discussion, practice and assistance to the elderly during gymnastics. Result: In a nutshell, all activities under this program went well. As many as 66 elderly people underwent health checks which included blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. It was found that among 66 respondents, 19 elderly had increased blood pressure,1 person had an increased in blood sugar and 13 people had a high cholesterol without high blood pressure from 66 respondents. Conclusion: The survey showed that many older adults in Bina Bhakti were diagnosed with hypertension, joint disease, heart disease, and diabetes mellitus. Respondents and nurses of the Bina Bhakti Foundation said that this educational activity and hypertension gymnastic were the first at Bina Bhakti Foundation. We expected that the program could be carried out with different topics about the effect of self-acupressure on reducing blood pressure. Keywords: Older adults, Hypertension education, Hypertension Gymnastics
Gambaran Tingkat Pengetahuan Teknik Rest Ice Compression dan Elevation (Rice) pada Mahasiswa di Satu Universitas Swasta Indonesia Bagian Barat Ballsy Cicilia Albertina Pangkey; Rima Mahuni; Kristian Ata Saetban; Ballsy C. A. Pangkey; Masrida Adolina Panjaitan
Malahayati Nursing Journal Vol 4, No 12 (2022): Volume 4 Nomor 12 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/mnj.v4i12.7577


ABSTRACT Acute injury is physical damage to the human body that occurs suddenly. Acute injuries can be treated using the RICE technique, which is a technique that is carried out as soon as possible after the injury and can reduce pain and prevent further injury. Good knowledge of students involved in Football UKM at One Private University in Western Indonesia about the RICE technique so that they can carry out early treatment of acute injuries faster. To describe the level of knowledge of RICE techniques in students at One Private University of Western Indonesia. Using quantitative methods with analytical descriptive research design. The sampling technique used a total sampling of 40 students from UKM Soccer. The research instrument used a questionnaire consisting of 30 statements. This research was conducted on 1-28 February 2022. The data analysis technique used was univariate data analysis. This study shows the level of knowledge of students involved in soccer UKM about RICE techniques in the good category as many as 29 (72.5%) respondents. Characteristics of respondents based on age who participated in UKM Soccer, the average age was 19.95 years with a minimum age of 18 years and a maximum age of 22 years. Then, the characteristics of the respondents based on the most widely found information 34 (85%) respondents had received a lot of information about Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) techniques and the level of knowledge in the good category about the RICE technique was 29 (72.5%) respondents and the least was the poor knowledge category as many as 1 (2.5%) respondent. Keywords: Acute Injury, R.I.C.E, Risk Factors  ABSTRAK Cedera akut merupakan kerusakan fisik pada tubuh manusia yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba. Cedera akut dapat ditangani dengan menggunakan teknik RICE yaitu teknik yang dilakukan segera mungkin setelah terjadinya cedera dan dapat mengurangi nyeri serta mencegah cedera lebih lanjut. Pengetahuan yang baik dari mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam UKM Sepak Bola di Satu Universitas Swasta Indonesia Bagian Barat tentang teknik RICE sehingga dapat melakukan penanganan awal cedera akut yang lebih cepat. Untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan teknik RICE pada mahasiswa di Satu Universitas Swasta Indonesia Bagian Barat. Menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian deskriptif analitik. Teknik sampel menggunakan total sampling yang berjumlah 40 mahasiswa UKM Sepak Bola. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari 30 pernyataan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 1-28 Februari 2022. Teknik Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa data univariat. penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa yang terlibat UKM sepak bola tentang teknik RICE dalam kategori baik sebanyak 29 (72.5%) responden. Karakteristik responden berdasarkan usia yang mengikuti UKM Sepak Bola, didapatkan hasil rata-rata usia adalah 19.95 tahun dengan usia minimal yaitu 18 tahun dan usia maksimal yaitu 22 tahun. Kemudian, karakteristik responden berdasarkan informasi ditemukan hasil yang paling banyak pernah mendapatkan informasi tentang teknik Rest, Ice, Compression, dan Elevation (RICE) yaitu sebanyak 34 (85%) responden serta tingkat pengetahuan dalam kategori baik tentang teknik RICE sebanyak 29 (72.5%) responden dan paling sedikit adalah kategori pengetahuan kurang berjumlah 1 (2.5%) responden. Kata Kunci: Cedera Akut, R.I.C.E, Tingkat Pengetahuan