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Pelatihan Pembuatan Preparat Segar Biologi Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Guru dan Siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Argamakmur, Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara Risky Hadi Wibowo; Sipriyadi Sipriyadi; Fatimatuzzahra Fatimatuzzahra; Reza Wahyuni; Redo Setiawan; Annisa Prastika; Rizawati Rizawati
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/dr.v19i2.18468


Biologimerupakan cabangilmu sains yangmempelajaritentangmahlukhidupbaik secaramikroskopishinggamakroskopisseperti  hewan,tumbuhan,jamur,bakteri,virus,manusia, dan protista. Untuk meningkatkanmutu pengajaran di bidangbiologiperlupeningkatan keterampilan dalam bekerjadilaboratoriumatauyangseringdisebutdenganpraktikum.Pelaksanaankegiatanpengabdiankepadamasyarakat pada pelatihan pembuatan preparat segar yangdiikuti peserta sebanyak 20 siswa/i dan 5 orang guruSMANegeri1Argamakmur,BengkuluUtaradiawalidengantahappersiapan,kemudiansosialisasipemberianmateripengabdiankepadapesertapengabdian dengan pengenalan dan manfaatpembuatanpreparat,praktekpembuatanpreparat segaryang menghasilkan5jenis  preparatyangdiamatidi bawah mikroskop binokuler yaitupreparateritrosit (darah merah) manusia,selakar bawang, sel epitel mukosa pipi, sel bakteri danhifapadajamur tempe.Kegiatanpengabdianinidiharapkandapat memberi pemahaman dan meningkatkan skill paragurubiologidansiswa-siswidalam membuat preparatyangakandimanfaatkandalamprosesbelajarmengajar (KBM) padakegiatanpraktikum pelajaranbiologidiLaboratorium
Pengenalan dan Cara Mengidentifikasi Makrofungi untuk Menunjang Proses Belajar Mengajar Guru dan Santriwati di Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hasanah, Bengkulu Tengah Welly Darwis; Risky Hadi Wibowo; Helmiyetti Helmiyetti; Reza Wahyuni; Elsi Silvia; Dhea Amelia Sari; Aldi Trianda; Aulia Adriansyah
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.924 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202271.39


Information about the introduction and how to identify the macrofungi in the Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hasanah is still low, so it is necessary to introduce methods for dealing with macrofungi. Identification of macrofungi is one of the methods used to determine the macrofungi, whether they are pathogenic or not by looking at the morphological characteristics of the macrofungi. The activity of community service began with licensing by the Madrasah, providing material about macrofungi, the community service team shows some examples of wet herbariums for several previously identified macrofungi. After studying the macrofungi technique, the community service team and students developed skills in finding macrofungi from several wet herbariums that had been provided by the community service team, and formed study groups for participants to better understand the introduction and how to identify macrofungi. In this community service, it is hoped that the participants can develop skills in finding, discovering, identifying and preserving of the macrofungi and become apart of learning material for teachers and students. Macrofungi can also be used as medicine in the health sectors, as an environmental decomposer and useful in the economic field because they can be used as food ingredients.