Mohamad Sadli
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon

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Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 10, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurnal Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.161 KB)


Masa pertumbuhan bayi adalah masa yang kritis sehingga pemberian makanan harus selalu diperhatikan baik proses, jenis dan jumlahnya. Makanan tambahan yang diberikan kepada bayi selain ASI setelah bayi berusia 6 bulan sampai bayi berusia 24 bulan akan memenuhi kebutuhan gizi bayi tetapi kenyataanya sebelum usia 6 bulan banyak bayi yang sudah diberi MP-ASI. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari UPT Puskesmas Pulasaren, bahwa cakupan ASI Eksklusif di Puskesmas Pulasaren dari tahun ke tahun tidak pernah melebihi target. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan sosial budaya dan peran petugas kesehatan dengan perilaku pemberian MP-ASI dini pada bayi usia 0-6 bulan di wilayah kerja UPT Puskesmas Pulasaren Kota Cirebon tahun 2018. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh bayi usia 0-6 bulan yang ada di wilayah kerja UPT Puskesmas Pulasaren Kota Cirebon sebanyak 58 bayi. Seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel sehingga jumlah sampel sebanyak 58 bayi. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan instrumen penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Data dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan Uji Chi Square pada tingkat kemaknaan 5% (0,05).Hasil uji statistik didapatkan bahwa sosial budaya (P value=0,000) mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan perilaku pemberian MP-ASI dini pada bayi usia 0-6 bulan. Dan peran petugas kesehatan (P Value=0,078) tidak ada hubungan dengan perilaku pemberian MP-ASI dini pada bayi usia 0-6 bulan di wilayah kerja UPT Puskesmas Pulasaren Kota Cirebon tahun 2018.Kata Kunci: Sosial Budaya, Peran Petugas, MP-ASI  ABSTRACTBaby growth period is a critical time so feeding should always watch out for both processes, the type and amount. Extra food given to infants in addition to breast milk after the baby is 6 months old to 24-month-old baby will meet the nutritional needs of infants but in reality before the age of 6 months lot of baby who's already given MP-ASI. Based on data obtained from the UPT Health Center Pulasaren, that coverage of breast milk exclusively in the health Pulasaren over the years have never exceeded the target. The purpose of this research is to know the socio cultural relations and the role of health worker with the behavior of the giving of the MP-ASI early 0-6 months of age in infants in the region of Cirebon town UPT Health Center Pulasaren year 2018.This research method using descriptive analytic study design with Cross Sectional approach. The population of this research is the whole baby 0-6 months of age who are in the region of Cirebon town UPT Health Center Pulasaren as much as 58 infants. The population sample was made so that the total sample as many as 58 infants. Sampling technique using total sampling. Methods of data collection on these studies use interviews and this instrument research is questionnare. The data were analyzed statistically using the Chi Square Test on the level of significance of 5% (0.05).The results of statistical tests obtained that socio cultural (P Value = 0.000) have a meaningful relationship with the behavior of the giving of the MP-ASI early in infants aged 0-6 months. And the role of health workers (P Value = 0,078) no relationship with MP-ASI giving of behavior early in the baby 0-6 months of age in the region of Cirebon Town UPT Health Center Pulasaren year 2018.Keywords: Social Culture, The Role of Health Workers, MP-ASI
Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 12, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38165/jk.v12i1.231


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Berdasarkan Laporan Program Penyakit Menular di Puskesmas Sitanggal Kabupaten Brebes per 8 Desember 2020 ada 37 kasus konfirmasi dengan 8 kematian, 195 kasus suspek, 71 kasus probable, dan 73 kasus kontak erat serta terdapat 3 petugas Puskesmas yang terkonfirmasi. Wilayah Puskesmas Sitanggal Kabupaten Brebes mempunyai risiko tinggi dalam penularan Covid-19. Pada era new normal, pencegahan dan penanggulangan penularan Covid-19 harus tetap mendukung keberlangsungan perekonomian masyarakat, salah satunya dengan penerapan protokol kesehatan termasuk di lingkungan Puskesmas.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan perilaku protokol kesehatan pada petugas Puskesmas di Puskesmas Sitanggal Kabupaten Brebes.Rancangan dalam penelitian ini adalah rancangan deskriptif dengan pendekatan observasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh petugas Puskesmas Sitanggal Kabupaten Brebes yang bekerja di dalam gedung Puskesmas sebanyak 66 petugas. Jumlah sampel sama dengan jumlah populasi, sebanyak 66 responden. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan lembar observasi. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan observasi. Analisa data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat dan penyajian data dalam bentuk distribusi frekuensi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan perilaku penggunaan masker petugas Puskesmas sebagian besar petugas patuh (83,33%), penerapan perilaku mencuci tangan petugas Puskesmas sebagian besar tidak patuh (71,21%), penerapan perilaku menjaga jarak petugas Puskesmas sebagian besar patuh (60,61%), dan penerapan perilaku penggunaan APD petugas Puskesmas sebagian besar patuh (67,57%).Hasil penelitian dapat ditindak lanjuti dengan sosialisasi secara rutin bagi petugas Puskesmas tentang protokol kesehatan yang berlaku di lingkungan Puskesmas, adanya monitoring serta pemberlakuan sistem reward dan punishment bagi petugas sehingga dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan kesadaran diri petugas dalam mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang berlaku di lingkungan Puskesmas. Kebutuhan akan sarana dan prasarana serta APD bagi petugas juga harus selalu mencukupi agar tidak menghambat dalam penerapan protokol kesehatan.Kata kunci: Perilaku Protokol Kesehatan Petugas Puskesmas  AbstractCoronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Based on the Report of the Infectious Disease Program at Sitanggal Community Health Center, Brebes Regency as of December 8, 2020, there were 37 confirmed cases, 8 deaths, 195 suspected cases, 71 probable cases, and 73 close contact cases and there were 3 officers who were confirmed positive for COVID-19. Sitanggal CHC, Brebes Regency, has a high risk of Covid-19 transmission. In the new normal era, prevention and control of Covid-19 transmission must support the sustainability of the community's economy, one of which is by implementing health protocols including in the CHC environment. This study aims to describe the implementation of health protocol behaviors among officers of Sitanggal CHC, Brebes Regency, 2020.This was a descriptive study with an observational approach. The population of this study was all officers of Sitanggal CHC, Brebes Regency who worked in the CHC building as many as 66 officers. The number of samples was the same as the population, as many as 66 respondents. The study instrument used an observation sheet. Data were collected through observation. Data were analyzed using univariate analysis and were presented in the form of frequency distribution.The results of the study showed that most of officers complied with the implementation of using mask behavior (83.33℅), the implementation of hand washing behavior of Puskesmas officers is mostly disobedient (71.21%), social distancing behavior (60.61%), and the use of PPE behavior (67.57%), whereas most of officers did not comply with the implementation of hand washing behavior (28.79%). The study findings can be followed up with routine outreach for CHC officers about the applicable health protocols in the surrounding CHC environment, as well as monitoring and implementation of a reward and punishment system for officers so as to increase their motivation and self-awareness in complying with applicable health protocols in the CHC environment. There is a need for sufficient facilities and infrastructure as well as PPE for officers so as not to hamper the implementation of health protocols.Keywords: Health Protocol Behavior of Health Center Officers
Factors Related to Employer Health Insurance Contribution During COVID-19 Epidemic in Indonesia Heni Rusmitasari; Supriatin Supriatin; Mohamad Sadli; Lili Amaliah; Teten Tresnawan; Suyitno Suyitno; Maretalinia Maretalinia
Publisher : Research and Community Service Unit, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31965/infokes.Vol21.Iss3.1208


The COVID-19 pandemic impacted all sectors of the world, including business. In fact, the employer faced a collapse, and many employees were determined. Another issue is health insurance, which might change before and during the pandemic. The objective of this study was to examine the factors associated with the employer’s contribution to health insurance during COVID-19. The secondary data, “Rapid Gender Assessment Survey 2021”, was used on 239 employees in Indonesia. The dependent variable in this study was employer contribution to health insurance during the pandemic (yes or no) and the main independent variable was employer contribution before the pandemic. Other sociodemographic variables were also included in the model as controls. This study used univariate, bivariate, and multivariate (binary logistic regression). The result of this study revealed that employers who contributed to health insurance before the pandemic tend to contribute again to health insurance during the pandemic. This study also reviews the legal law, including regulations about national health insurance and employment. The government’s intention is needed to ensure the rights of employees are well realized. 
Exploring tabooed food among Dayaknese of Ngaju Women in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia Suyitno; Suwarni, Linda; Asmarawanti; Sadli, Mohamad; Sera, Agnescia Clarissa
Public Health of Indonesia Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023): July - September
Publisher : YCAB Publisher & IAKMI SULTRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36685/phi.v9i3.715


Background: Dayak Ngaju is a sub-ethnic group of the Dayak tribe in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. This group practices cultural practices as an identity, including the food taboo. Objective: This study aimed to explore the food taboo practices among women of Ngaju Dayaknese living in Central Kalimantan Province. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was employed. A total of 12 informants were included, consisting of three pregnant women and two breastfeeding women as the main informants, five relatives of each woman, a midwife, and an ethnic leader. The in-depth interview was done in the study of Kartamulya Village, Sukamara District, Central Kalimantan Province. Content analysis was used for data analysis.  Results: All the women were of reproductive age. Types of foods and dishes that are categorized as taboo include unripe pineapple, durian, chempedak, jackfruit; gourami (kalui), catfish/lele, puffer fish/buntal, wallago/tapah, snakehead fish/kerandang, marble goby/bakut/betutu, forest snakehead fish/jujung, shark catfish/patin; luffa gourd/gambas/oyong, bamboo shoots, stinky beans/jengkol; and soda. The food taboo for breastfeeding mothers was not described in detail. Conclusion: There was no reason to accept the scientific aspects of avoiding those foods rationally. Restricting the consumption of food during pregnancy and breastfeeding might have the risk of being anemic. Further study can include the anemia assessment to examine the impact of food taboo practices and anemia. Stakeholders at the village level can collaborate to decrease the negative health impact of food taboo practices on pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.