Erman Saragih
Prodi Teologi IAKN Tarutung

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Penatalayanan Ibadah Terbatas Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Erman Saragih
Danum Pambelum: Jurnal Teologi dan Musik Gereja Vol 1 No 2 (2021): DPJTMG: November
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.031 KB) | DOI: 10.54170/dp.v1i2.58


This article has an idea about the arrangement of limited worship (individuals) during the covid-19 pandemic. In this article, the functions of obedience theology, the construction of koinonia, and the liturgy of perichoresis are sub-discussed. The lens of discussion about theology during the Covid-19 pandemic. Empirically, worship at home is a massive and proactive solution. The capacity of worship at home is always carried out in a hierarchical liturgical pattern. Koinonia as a spirit relation of communal communion is constructed as a model for the church of individual koinonia. The method used is a literature study, specifically content analysis with the principle of systematic literature review. The conclusion that I convey is first, obedience theology as the basis of Christian spiritual ethics. Second, the early church fellowship pattern emphasized dynamic power by the apostles so that they were able to endure and overcome obstacles. Third, proactive fellowship becomes a common model to survive and start thinking about the future of the church. Fourth, individual worship liturgies can consider the principle of the perichoresis relation to delay the hierarchical pattern of worship. Artikel ini menyoal tentang penatalayanan ibadah terbatas (di rumah) pada masa pandemi covid-19. Pada artikel ini fungsi teologi ketaatan, konstruksi koinonia, dan liturgi perikoreisis menjadi sub pembahasan. Lensa pembahasan seputar teologi di masa pandemi Covid-19. Secara empiris, ibadah di rumah menjadi solusi masif dan bersifat proflektif. Kapasitas ibadah di rumah selalu dilakukan dalam pola liturgi hierarkis. Koinonia sebagai relasi spirit persekutuan komunal dikonstruksi menjadi model menggereja koinonia individual. Metode yang dilakukan menggunakan studi literatur secara khusus analysis content dengan prinsip tinjuan literatur secara sistematis. Kesimpulan yang saya sampaikan adalah pertama, teologi ketaatan sebagai basis etis spritual ibadah terbatas. Kedua, pola persekutuan gereja mula-mula menekankan kuasa dinamis oleh para rasul sehingga mampu bertahan dan melampaui hambatan. Ketiga, persekutuan Proflektif menjadi model bersama untuk bertahan dan mulai memikirkan masa depan gereja. Keempat, liturgi ibadah individual dapat mempertimbangkan prinsip relasi perikoresis untuk menunda hierarkisasi pola ibadah.
Dekonstruksi Prinsip Mengajar Rabi Yudaisme Berdasarkan Matius 23:3 sebagai Upaya Menemukan Hakikat Pendidikan Kristen di Indonesia Erman Saragih; Andar Gunawan Pasaribu; Johari Manik
Harati: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen Vol 3 No 2 (2023): HaratiJPK: Oktober
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Kristen IAKN Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54170/harati.v3i2.159


The relationship between Christian continuity and Judaism is also a fascinating study in terms of the practice of Christian education. The implementation of Christian Education often goes too far in referring to material from the teachings of Rabbi Judaism in the process of its implementation without stating the affirmation of the nature of Christian Education itself on that reference. The purpose of this manuscript is as an anti-thesis of the Jewish rabbinic teaching pattern "... they teach it but don't practice it," which was strongly criticized by Jesus and as a reflection of the implementation of Christian Education in Indonesia. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a literature review. The conclusion is, first, it is necessary to affirm the nature of Christian Education among the educational principles of the rabbis in the context of its time because the teachings of Jesus are very much in contrast to the teachings of Judaism. Second, the challenges of implementing Christian education in Indonesia are diverse and multi-layered, so it is full of teaching dichotomies. Third, the pattern of teaching Jesus as a fundamental principle for implementing Christian Education is not to get trapped and make mistakes made by Jewish rabbis. Jesus emphasized the practice of justice, love, and faithfulness