Mustika Anggraeni
Jurusan Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

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Pengendalian Kawasan Terbangun Perkotaan Dengan Optimalisasi Fungsi Hijau Di Kota Depok Nara, Boghie; Anggraeni, Mustika; Yudono, Adipandang
Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah Vol 5, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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In Indonesia, order sytems in urban development planning, particularly for the environmental aspects of climate system, is still a static element. There are nearly no considerations to the fact that land cover changes will contribute greatly to the climate systems and its amendments. The Depok climate problem resulted from the land shifts caused by land developments, reduced vegetation density, and the scale of community adaptions. Thus, our research goals include the following:1)Identify the characteristics of land cover changes, land developments, vegetation density and temperature change. 2) Analyze the changing patterns of waking, temperature, density of vegetation and the local community perception of the temperature rise, due to the changes in the land cover. 3.)Develop controls to reduce the rising temperatures. The method of analysis consists of spatial analysis, with remote sensing, to see the development of land, analysis of temperature and density of vegetation, land development pattern analysis, the analysis of overlay areas experiencing an increase in temperature, and analysis of public perception of local climate change and patterns. Analysis is then followed by attempts to control in the direction of lowering the temperature increase.Based on the results of analysis of the land cover, temperature distribution, and vegetation density, it is revealed that the rising temperatures began in the 1990s, and still persists today. Furthermore, our analysis also revealed that the region not only experienced an increase temperature but also an increase in the area of rising temperature since the 1990s. The resulted shift from land waking, along with decreased vegetation density, caused the symptoms of the so called Urban Heat Island (UHI). Our direction is to increase participation in maintaining or adding Green Open Spaces (GOS), which may include green functions, green corridors, and green roofs or canopies.Keywords: Climate, Land Cover, Vegetation, Public Perception
Konsep Relokasi Permukiman Berdasarkan Tingkat Kerentanan di Sempadan Sungai Bengawan Solo Kecamatan Bojonegoro Widayanti, Reny; Anggraeni, Mustika; Subagyo, Aris
Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah Vol 5, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Urban Rapid growth is accompanied by population growth. The existence of population growth cause greater demand for housing. This right cause to the growth of settlement along Bengawan Solo River District of Bojonegoro. Residential areas that have only a distance of 0-20 meters from Bengawan Solo River areas vulnerable to flooding every year. Treatment for settlement locate along the Bengawan Solo River in the form of relocating to area vulnerable to flooding. Therefore conduct the study with the aim of identifying the direction of the concept of relocation settlements in the Bengawan Solo River District of Bojonegoro. Analysis method in this study using analyzes the level of vulnerability areas based on several parameters and lesson learn best practice. Analysis methods consist of weighting the parameter of four aspect of vulnerability. Whereas for the method lesson learn best practice analysis is to analyze some examples of the application that can be apply to the relocation of the study region, seen from similiarity of physical characteristics, sosial characteristics, economic characteristics, and cultural characteristics. With the result that are flood vulnerable areas as the direction of the concept relocation settlement: (a)mechanism with the establishment of budgets and operational teams, dissemination;(b) partisipatif; (c) negotiation; (d)ownership of land; (e)relocation sites; (f) priority of the relocation.Keywords: Settlement, Vulnerability, Relocation
Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Energi berkelanjutan telah menjadi sumber energi alternatif yang dapat dilakukan di daerah pedesaan terutama di negara berkembang. Hal ini merupakan karakteristik yang diproses secara alamiah, tidak akan habis, dan dapat berkelanjutan (Perpres No. 5 Pasal 5 Poin 5 Tahun 2006). Penelitian ini memilih Desa Karangnongko sebagai objek lokasi penelitian. Desa Karangnongko merupakan salah satu Desa yang memiliki potensi biogas yang bersumber dari limbah ternak dan juga biogas TPA Paras. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menghitung besaran ketersediaan dan kebutuhan energi peternak dan non-peternak di Desa Karangnongko. Pada penelitian ini, menggunakan metode supply demand energi, potensi gas metana, dan analisis cluster spasial. Dilakukan pengelompokkan yang di analisis menggunakan analisis cluster spasial menggunakan software ArcGIS, di dapatkan jarak 11 meter. Dari hasil jarak 11 meter di dapatkan 48 kelompok peternak non-biogas di masing- masing dusun. Setelah itu, dilakukan perhitungan ketersediaan dan kebutuhan energi biogas menggunakan analisis supply demand, dan analisis potensi gas metana. Dari hasil perhitungan supply demand energi biogas di dapatkan hasil yaitu sejumlah 381,64 m 3 /hari dan potensi gas metana pada TPA paras yaitu sejumlah 1.899,04 ton CH 4 . Implikasi hasil penelitian ini, peternak dapat melakukan pemanfaatan biogas dengan mengetahui potensi dari limbah ternak, dan bagi masyarakat non-peternak dapat melanjutkan dsitribusi biogas dari TPA Paras.
Pengelolaan Tpa Supit Urang Dengan Keterlibatan Sektor Informal Rahajeng, Anggit Suko; Meidiana, Christia; Anggraeni, Mustika
Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah Vol 6, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Supit Urang Landfill is located in Mulyorejo, District of Sukun, City of Malang. There are scavenging activity by 217 scavengers in Supit Urang Landfill but there has been no related with management’s activity of the scavengers. Without the scavenger’s management there are many violations that disturb the operational tools that interfere with landfill work and also endangering the scavengers. Recommendations of the involvement of scavengers in Supit Urang Landfill were formulated by evaluation of operating system, identification the benefit of scavengers activity and empowerment management‘s recommendation. The evaluation of operating system in Supit Urang Landfill by scoring analysis showed that the operational system is controlled landfill so scavenging activities is a legal activity. Identification contribution of scavenging activity by economic estimation based on cost and benefit showed that the scavengers in supit Urang reduced waste and operational cost by 1.9% and 1.26%. This activity also gave scavengers benefit up to 5.48 much bigger than scavenging cost. Empowerment management were formulated by location for scavengers and recommendation for empowerment’s factors that influence with scavengers in Supit Urang Landfill. Map’s overlay, counting of rits and operational times were used to choose location for scavengers. Locations for scavengers are in limited cultivation zone with a distance of 800 m from the active cell with 7.57 hour of waste travel time per day. Factors that influence the empowerment of scavengers at Supit Urang Landfill are institutional, home range and activity. Keywords: Scavengers, Controlled Landfill , Benefit Cost Ratio
Optimasi Hutan sebagai Penghasil Oksigen Kota Malang Sesanti, Niti; Kurniawan, Eddi Basuki; Anggraeni, Mustika
Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah Vol 3, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Perkembangan Kota Malang yang cenderung mengalihfungsikan RTH (ruang terbuka hijau) menjadi kawasan terbangun menyebabkan menurunnya produksi oksigen kota Malang. Alih fungsi RTH menyebabkan peningkatan area-area yang diperkeras dengan material yang tidak memungkinkan bagi tanaman untuk tumbuh. Hutan kota sebagai unsur RTH merupakan sub sistem kota, sebuah ekosistem dengan sistem terbuka. Apabila peningkatan produksi oksigen melalui penambahan dan perluasan hutan kota sulit dilakukan, perlu adanya upaya optimasi yaitu dengan mengoptimalkan produksivitas oksigen pada lahan-lahan yang dialokasikan sebagai hutan kota. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik hutan Kota Malang, produksi oksigen vegetasi dari masing-masing hutan kota, dan menentukan model pengembangannya dalam mengoptimasi produksi oksigen yang seharusnya dapat dihasilkan oleh vegetasi pada masing-masing hutan Kota Malang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif (identifikasi karakteristik lansekap hutan kota), metode analisis evaluatif (menghitung produksi oksigen dari vegetasivegetasipenyusun hutan Kota Malang), dan analisis development (membuat model pengembangan vegetasi hutan kota, dan menentukan arah pengembangan hutan kota). Berdasarkan hasil analisis karakteristik terhadap hutan kota Malang diketahui bahwa hutan kota Malang berbentuk bergerombol dan menumpuk dengan produksi oksigen tertinggi sebesar 7,8 ton berada pada hutan kota Malabar. Arahan pengembangan vegetasi hutan Kota Malang lebih menitikberatkan pada kecermatan pembuatan model pengembangan vegetasi hutan kota. Vegetasi berupa tegakan (stratum B, C dan D) akan dikembangkan melalui tata cara penanaman vegetasi (Tata caraperencanaan teknik lansekap jalan, 1996) sedangkan vegetasi pelantai (stratum E) akan dikembangkan dengan asumsi bahwa pada setiap bagian hutan kota memiliki luas penutupan = 100%. Pengembangan hutan Kota Malang melalui penerapan model pengembangan vegetasi hutan kota terbukti mampu meningkatkan produksi oksigen Kota Malang. Produksi oksigen Kota Malang meningkat sebesar 40.039.978,01 gram atau lebih tinggi149,12% lebih tinggi dari pada kondisi eksisting.Kata kunci: Produksi oksigen, Model pengembangan vegetasi hutan kota
Pemanfaatan Limbah Kotoran Ternak Sebagai Energi Alternatif Skala Rumah Tangga Di Desa Tegalweru Listyawati, Ratih Novi; Meidiana, Christia; Anggraeni, Mustika
Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah Vol 5, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Tegalweru village is dominated by farmers, with the total number of cows are 1.080. But, the results of the primary survey show that only 27 cows ware utilized as biogas to produce an alternative energy source. In order to improve the utilization of manure waste into biogas there are 3 analysis used in this research, there are emergy analysis, IPA analysis and regression analysis. Emergy analysis was used to determine the best scenario to be applied in Tegalweru Village. Furthermore, IPA analysis was used to evaluate the performance of existing biogas and also regression analysis to find out the factors that influence the interest of farmers to use biogas. The results showed that the best scenario to be applied is the utilization of manure from 1,080 cows. Evaluation of the performance of biogas showed that the variables which have a high level of importance but low satisfaction levels are the availability of land for biogas, energy for cooking and energy for lighting. While some variables that significantly influence the farmers to have biogas installation are the availability of land, level of education and number of cows which they have. The output of the analysis are recommendations based on the analysis which had been done before. The recommendations for farmers as users of biogas derived from IPA analysis results and recommendations for non-biogas farmers derived from the results of the regression analysis.Keywords: Livestock Manure Waste, Emergy Analysis, Biogas.
Pemanfaatan Bioreaktor Mini Sebagai Alternatif Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat Kelurahan Majahlega Kota Bandung Wittesa, Chigara; Sutikno, Fauzul Rizal; Anggraeni, Mustika
Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah Vol 4, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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The growth rate of population increase will be directly proportional to the increase in waste disposal. Increasing the volume of waste that is not followed by proper management can pose problems in handling waste. Bio Reactor Mini is one of the waste processing technology to reduce the volume of waste disposed to the landfills. This study aims to identify the operational performance of waste management on Bio Reactor Mini in Kelurahan Manjahlega Bandung City using Bio Reactor Mini erformance analysis, level of community participation analysis, institutional analysis, and level of community satisfaction using Important Performance Analysis (IPA). Based on the analysis of compliance with SNI 3242:2008, known that waste management using Bio Reactor Mini in Kelurahan Manjahlega obtain classification scores 20 are classified as Fit Waste Processing Standard In Settlement. Based on participatory analysis, derived categories partnership and co-learning. Based on the result of IPA, obtained by variable levels of perceived low community satisfaction. The result of this research is the recommendation about improvement Bio Reactor Mini performance, which consist of community participation,institutional, waste management system, so that the Bio Reactor Mini can be a system of community-based waste management.Keywords: Waste Management, Bio Reactor Mini, Community Participation
Pengaruh Sosial Ekonomi Terhadap Tingkat Kekritisan Lahan Pada Kawasan Budidaya Pertanian (Studi Kasus Desa Ngabab Kecamatan Pujon) Hakim, Annisa Nurul; Anggraeni, Mustika; Dinanti, Dian
Jurnal Tata Kota dan Daerah Vol 6, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Population growh affects the increasing needs for food and agricultural land, while the existence of agricultural land is reduced. Efforts to increase agricultural product by using chemical fertilizers and pesticides have negative impact on the environment. Insistence of the fulfillment of economic needs affected to the exploitation of agricultural land that can trigger critical land. Most villagers work as a farmer, which is identical with low level of welfare. Increasing poverty rate among farmers will continue if the critical condition of agricultural land increasingly widespread because farmers will lose their jobs. It will caused socio-economics impacts, namely the broader unemployment, crime, and decreased quality of life. This study aimed to determine critical land level on agricultural land and whether there is influence between socio economic condition with the critical land level. The methods used to measure the critical land level were overlay, scoring, and weighting. The critical level divided into five categories, are very critical, critical, medium critical, potential critical, and uncritical area. The analysis methods used to measure correlation between socio economic with crtical land level was multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the overlay analysis showed that critical land level on samples are Critical 0,957 ha, Medium Critical 10,473 ha, Potential Critical 6,24 ha, and Uncritical 1,247 ha. The result of regression analysis showed that there was significant influence between the socio economic and critical land level. The significant variables on farmer samples are agricultural counseling frequencies, per capita income, and farm product with the model is Y = 179,452 + 18,672X1 + 10,394X4 + 3,278X5. Meanwhile for the landowner samples, the significant variables are per capita income and farm product with the model is Y = 308,342 + 4,729X4 + 2,043X5. Regression results were positif it means, the lower socio economic conditions, the land become more critical. Keywords: critical land level, socio economic, agricultural, regression