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ARTic Vol 2 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34010/artic.2019.3.2506.121-134


This study aims to examine the decorative types of Gorontalo karawo fabrics in aesthetic and symbolic elements. Researchers want to know as made in the research design, aspects that are present in the decoration of fabrics in aesthetic and symbolic elements. This study uses a number of related theories to get results, and as a determinant, the authors use aesthetic theory, as well as historical approaches. With this theoretical basis, the author seeks to describe the aesthetic aspects and symbolic meanings that exist in Gorontalo karawo fabric. Through the data collection of the chosen motif and provide a classification of motives, the part is used as a reference for research material. The results showed that Gorontalo filigree had an aesthetic value consisting of unity formed from the overall decorative motifs displayed, complexity formed by complexity in the manufacturing process, and intensity of seriousness in the manufacturing process or the impression displayed on the filigree motif. The aesthetic form also reflects the diversity of meanings for communication, such as the symbol of a leader with his noble instincts, a symbol of cultural cooperation, which is worth maintaining, and ideas about nature conservation. This research proves that the decoration in Gorontalo filigree cloth (karawo) does not only act as a visual value, but also as a communication of cultural meanings and social status. Of all these distinctive motifs show a relationship between humans and humans and humans with nature. The influence of culture from the Philippines is also known to have a strong influence on the emergence of the Gorontalo filigree namely manila filigree.
Analisis visualisasi ekspresi kabasaran pada komik digital Nusantara Droid War apsari hasan
Pixel :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis Vol 14 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis
Publisher : STEKOM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/pixel.v14i2.552


This study aims to identify and analyze the visualization of the expression of the main character of the droid, namely Kabasaran in the digital comic Nusantara Droid War using a visual language approach through the wimba 4 method (illustration). Visual analysis includes elements and principles of visual language by classifying Kabasaran character expressions based on the suitability of the form language method. The results of the analysis show the depiction of expressions, using detailed line drawings and thin shading on the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. The way of depiction in Kabasaran expression uses expressive depiction, distortion, and lines. Expressive drawing uses lines that give the effect of wrinkles between the eyes. Enlarged distortion depiction, used for the eyes, mouth, and teeth. Overall, the face is described as smooth, not many thick lines that give the impression of wrinkles or an old impression which is adapted to the character of Kabasaran in the comic, which is a small child. Keywords: Expression Visualization, Visual Language, Form Language
Venustas Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Arsitektur, Kota dan Permukiman (Venustas)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik - Universitas Ichsan Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (614.053 KB) | DOI: 10.37195/venustashome.v1i2.191


Kemajuan globalisasi mempengaruhi kemajuan suatu budaya di mata masyarakat. Bangunanibadah seperti masjid juga memainkan peran penting dalam perkembangan kebudayaan. Perpaduan unsurkebudayaan Tionghoa dan Islam pada bangunan dan interior masjid pada Masjid Muhammad Cheng HooBanyuwangi merupakan salah satu bentuk pelestarian kebudayaan yang ada di Indonesia. Penelitian inibermaksud untuk mengetahui apakah ada perpaduan unsur kebudayaan Tionghoa dan Islam padabangunan dan tata ruang serta ornamen yang terdapat didalam Masjid Cheng Hoo Banyuwangi. Makapenelitian akan dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif yang mendeskripsikan suatu masalah sebagaimanaadanya. Hasil penelitian membuktikan adanya perpaduan unsur kebudayaan Tionghoa dan Islamberdasarkan ajaran ajaran Islam yang tercantum dalam Al Quran, Al Hadis dan Ijtihad, pada bangunandan interior Masjid Cheng Hoo Banyuwangi. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan adanya kaligrafi Islam yangterdapat pada ornamen masjid, serta dominasi pada bangunan masjid yang berdasarkan pada kebudayaanTionghoa.
Pixel :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis Vol 15 No 2 (2022): Vol 15 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis
Publisher : STEKOM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/pixel.v15i2.895


This study discusses the meaning contained in the logo of the Province of Gorontalo in semiotic analysis. Logo is the identity of an institution that represents the history and culture of the institution while semiotics is the science of reading signs both verbally and visually, visual forms make the vision and mission as well as identity reflected in a logo. Just like the regional logo of Gorontalo Province which has various meanings of signs and symbols that reflect the area, for example, the Padi and cotton symbols are inspired by the city government logo which means depicting prosperity and others. There is also an oval pattern in the logo taken from the eggs of the Maleo bird, which is endemic to Gorontalo. There is the fort of Otana and pictures of books taken from our philosophy "adat based on sara', sara' based on the book of Allah. The purpose of the study was to describe and analyze what the meaning of the symbols in the logo of the Gorontalo Province were. The research used semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce. Semiotics departed from three main elements, which Peirce called the triangle theory of meaning, namely: signs, objects, and interpretants. The meaning of the logo can be studied scientifically with semiotic theory. In Peirce's study, symbols are divided into 3 categories: icons, indexes, and symbols. To analyze the meaning of symbols, Peirce uses 3 semiotic terms: representamen which is a symbol, semiotic object which is a real object of symbol reference, and interpretant which states the relationship between representamen and semiotic objects. Benefits of this research To add scientific insight in the field of linguistics, especially to the use of semiotic theory and to find out creative strategies in promotional activities of a government institution so that they can build a brand in the eyes of the public. The results of this study determine the meaning of the signs on the regional symbols of Gorontalo province. The output of this research is a scientific paper published in an accredited national journal.This study discusses the meaning contained in the logo of the Province of Gorontalo in semiotic analysis. Logo is the identity of an institution that represents the history and culture of the institution while semiotics is the science of reading signs both verbally and visually, visual forms make the vision and mission as well as identity reflected in a logo. Just like the regional logo of Gorontalo Province which has various meanings of signs and symbols that reflect the area, for example, the Padi and cotton symbols are inspired by the city government logo which means depicting prosperity and others. There is also an oval pattern in the logo taken from the eggs of the Maleo bird, which is endemic to Gorontalo. There is the fort of Otana and pictures of books taken from our philosophy "adat based on sara', sara' based on the book of Allah. The purpose of the study was to describe and analyze what the meaning of the symbols in the logo of the Gorontalo Province were. The research used semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce. Semiotics departed from three main elements, which Peirce called the triangle theory of meaning, namely: signs, objects, and interpretants. The meaning of the logo can be studied scientifically with semiotic theory. In Peirce's study, symbols are divided into 3 categories: icons, indexes, and symbols. To analyze the meaning of symbols, Peirce uses 3 semiotic terms: representamen which is a symbol, semiotic object which is a real object of symbol reference, and interpretant which states the relationship between representamen and semiotic objects. Benefits of this research To add scientific insight in the field of linguistics, especially to the use of semiotic theory and to find out creative strategies in promotional activities of a government institution so that they can build a brand in the eyes of the public. The results of this study determine the meaning of the signs on the regional symbols of Gorontalo province. The output of this research is a scientific paper published in an accredited national journal.
Perancangan Kampanye Sosial Sopan Santun Berkomunikasi Mahasiswa Dengan Dosen Menggunakan Gadget Apsari Dj. Hasan; Risti Puspita Sari Hunowu
Pixel :Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis Vol 16 No 1 (2023): Vol 16 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer Grafis
Publisher : STEKOM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/pixel.v16i1.1187


Manners or manners are one of the most important and influential things in social life. For example, when a student talks to someone with a cell phone or gadget. So to avoid unwanted activities when a student contacts the lecturer via gadget, a standard is made regarding the rules for communicating through gadgets properly and politely. This research generally discusses the problem of students' lack of understanding about the rules of communicating with lecturers using gadgets. Based on these problems, a design was made that aims to provide information and understanding to students about the rules for communicating between students and lecturers using gadgets. In this design, the media that will be used as a media campaign is a poster. This study uses observations on how students communicate with lecturers using gadgets as well as literature studies on the theory of visual design communication media campaigns in the form of posters. With the results of research based on the aspects and theories used, it is hoped that it can enrich the repertoire of visual communication science in the design of social campaigns as a reference for subsequent studies. Keywords: social campaigns, gadgets, posters.