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Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 12 No 1 (2019): Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

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Masalah dari penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurang optimalnya hasil belajar tematik peserta didik kelas IV D SD Negeri 1 Sukarame. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis, mendeskripsikan, dan mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik melalui penerapan model learning cycle 5E. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan soal tes. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui penerapan model learning cycle 5E dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar tematik peserta didik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari persentase ketuntasan klasikal pada hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I adalah (61,5%) dengan katagori “Baik” mengalami peningkatan sebesar (25,7%) menjadi (87,2%) pada siklus II dengan katagori “Baik”.
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 12 No 1 (2019): Lentera
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

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The problem of this research is motivated by the lack of optimal thematic learning outcomes of class IV D students of Negeri 1 Sukarame Elementary School. The purpose of this study was to analyze, describe, and know the improvement of student learning outcomes through the application of the 5E learning cycle model. The research method used is classroom action research (PTK) which is carried out in 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of the stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The technique of collecting data is done by observation and test questions. The analysis technique used is qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of the study show that through the application of the 5E learning cycle model can improve the thematic learning outcomes of students. This can be seen from the percentage of classical completeness in student learning outcomes in the first cycle is (61.5%) with the category "Good" has increased by (25.7%) to (87.2%) in the second cycle with the category "Good".
Pedagogia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Indonesia Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Pedagogia
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28185/pedagogia.v1i1.399


The problem of this research is motivated by the lack of optimal thematic learning outcomes of class IV students of Negeri 3 Talang Elementary School. The purpose of this study was to know the improvement of student learning outcomes through the application of the inquiry learning model. The research method used is classroom action research (PTK) which is carried out in 2 cycles, each cycle consisting of the stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The technique of collecting data is done by observation and test questions. The analysis technique used is qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of the study show that through the application of the inquiry model can improve the thematic learning outcomes of students. This can be seen from the percentage of classical completeness in student learning outcomes in the first cycle is (67%) obtained by the category "Medium" and in the second cycle (88%) increased the increase to the category "High"
Pengembangan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa Berbasis Tematik Terintegerasi Berorientasi Problem Based Learning Ysiyar Jayantri; M. Thoha BS. Jaya; Arwin Surbakti
Pedagogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Vol 5, No 13 (2017): Jurnal Pedagogi
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung

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Problem in this research was the students activity and learning results are still low. The purposes of this research were to develop teaching materials worksheet, determine the difference of students learning outcome using the worksheet oriented thematic based PBL with students not use the worksheet oriented thematic based PBL, and know the effect of the use of using the worksheet oriented thematic based PBL of learning outcome of class IV SD Negeri 1 Sukarame. The population was students class IV SD Negeri 1 Sukarame were 198 students. Sample in this research were class VB and VC. Data collection method in this research is by using: test, questionnaire, validation sheet, and observation sheet and the data was analized using independent t-test formula and simple linear regression. The results of data analysis showed that (1) it obtained that the formation of products development worksheet based on integrated thematic oriented problem based learning (2) there are differences in the learning outcome student using and not use the worksheet oriented thematic based PBL (3) there is an influence using the worksheet based on thematic integrated based PBL on learning outcome of student.Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah masih rendahnya aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKS berbasis tematik terintegerasi berorientasi problem based learning (PBL), mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan dan tidak menggunakan LKS berbasis tematik terintegerasi berorientasi PBL, serta mengetahui pengaruh aktivitas penggunaan LKS berbasis tematik terintegerasi berorientasi PBL terhadap hasil belajar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Sukareme yang berjulah 198 orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VB dan VC. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan: tes, angket, lembar validasi, dan lembar observasi, serta analisis data menggunakan analisis uji-t independen dan regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: 1) menghasilkan produk LKS berbasis tematik terintegerasi berorientasi PBL 2) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan dan tidak menggunakan LKS berbasis tematik terintegerasi berorientasi PBL 3) terdapat pengaruh aktivitas penggunaan LKS berbasis tematik terintegerasi berorientasi PBL terhadap hasil belajar.Kata Kunci: aktivitas, hasil belajar, lembar kegiatan siswa (LKS), problem based learning (PBL).
Pedagogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Vol 2, No 7 (2014): Jurnal Pedagogi
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung

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The problem in this study was the low achievement of social studies subject of the student, family and school environments that lack support in the learning process of students of class V SD Negeri 1 Kali Balau Kencana Bandarlampung. This study aimed to determine the correlation between the family and school environment and social studies learning achievement of students of class V SD Negeri 1 Kali Balau Kencana Bandarlampung, and the data was analyzed using Product Moment Correlation formula. The results of data analysis showed that (1) there was a significant correlation between family environment and social studies learning achievement with correlation coefficient of 0.640, (2) there was a significant correlation between the school environment and social studies learning achievement with correlation coefficient of 0.837, (3) there was a significant correlation between family environment and school environment andsocial studies learning achievement with coefficient of 0.897.Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya prestasi belajar IPS siswa, lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah yang kurang mendukungnya proses pembelajaran pada siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kali Balau Kencana Kota Bandarlampung Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah dengan prestasi belajar IPS siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Kali Balau Kencana Kota Bandarlampung, serta analisis data menggunakan analisis korelasi product moment. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa (1) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara lingkungan keluarga dengan prestasi belajar IPS dengan koefisiensi korelasi sebesar 0,640, (2) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara lingkungan sekolah dengan prestasi belajar IPS dengan koefisiensi korelasi sebesar 0,837, (3) terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara lingkungan keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah dengan prestasi belajar IPS dengan koefisiensi sebesar 0,897.Kata kunci : lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan sekolah, prestasi belajar IPS.