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Tabligh Vol 14, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi

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Abstract; Keberadaan media massa sangat berpengaruh terhadap kehidupan masyarakat. Media massa mampu membentuk opini bahkan mengubah perilaku masyarakat. Seiring dengan itu, kehadiran media membawa nilai positif juga negatif. Sementara itu, aktivitas diarahkan membentuk perilaku yang baik bagi masyarakat sehingga media diharapkan juga dapat memberi kontribusi melalui pemberitaan dalam pengembangan dakwah dalam masyarakat. Kegiatan dakwah menjadi semarak dengan merambah dunia media massa yang terintegrasi. Dalam perkembanganya, media mampu melakukan rekonstruksi sosial dalam membentuk opini publik terhadap realitas di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Keberadaan media massa di tengah masyarakat sangat urgen bahkan mampu mempengaruhi pola pikir bahkan perilaku masyarakat. Ketika sebuah peristiwa dikonstruksi media menjadi tayangan bermuatan dakwah dan diakses publik yang meliputi umat Islam selaku mad’u, tentu konstruksi media atas teks atau tayangan dalam konstruk dakwah merupakan harapan bagi pengembangan dakwah melalui media massa yang diyaikini pengaruhnya signifikan. Media massa diyakini dapat memberi kesan khusus dan efek terhadap individu, kelompok atau lingkungan tertentu. Secara personal (individu) media massa dapat memberi pengaruh pada tiga level yaitu efek kognitif, afektif dan konasi. Media menyadari bahwa dakwah merupakan kebutuhan masyarakat termasuk informasi atau pemberitaan soal agama. Dalam konteks ini media mengemasnya dalam bentuk pemberitaan yang mengandung pesan-pesan keagamaan yang diangkat dari peristiwa keagamaan. Proses ini dilakukan dalam bentuk merekonstruksi peristiwa menjadi berita yang diakses publik. Kata Kunci: Konstruksi, Media, Pengembangan, Dakwah The existence of mass media is very influential on peoples lives. The media was able to form an opinion even change peoples behavior. Along with it, the presence of the media brought positive value is also negative. Meanwhile, activity directed to form good behavior for the community so that the media is also expected to contribute through da’wa in the news in the development of society. Proselytizing activities by venturing into the vibrant world of integrated media. In the expansion, is able to perform the reconstruction of social media in shaping public opinion against the reality in the midst of society. The existence of the mass media in society is very urgent even be able to influence peoples behavior even mindset. When an event is constructed into impressions charged media of da’wa and accessible to the public which includes Muslims as madu, construction of the media over the text or impressions in the construct of hope for the development of da’wa is da’wa through mass media believed significant influence. The mass media is believed to give a special impression and effect on individuals, groups or particular environments. Personal (individual) mass media can make an impact at three levels, namely the effects of cognitive, affective and konasi. Media realized that the mission is a community needs including information or news about religion. In this context the media packaging in the form of reports that contain religious messages are removed from the religious events. This process is done in the form of reconstructing the events in the news are accessible to the public. Keywords: Construction, Media, Development, Dawah
Strategi Dakwah Digital Komunitas Pendakwah Keren Samarinda Lulu Khumairo; Syobah, Nurul; Fansuri, Fuad; Beta, A. Rivai
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr Vol 12 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr
Publisher : Lembaga Kajian dan Pemberdayaan Mahasiswa UIN Prof. KH. Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/jimrf.v12i2.8332


The focus of this research is to explain the digital da’wah strategy of the Samarinda Keren (Cool) Da’wah Community by examining the da’wah process on social media through the personal accounts of the preachers. The results showed da’wah strategy of the Samarinda Cool Da’wah Community into three: (1) Manhaj al-’Athifi, (2) Manhaj al-Aqli, and (3) Manhaj-al-Hissi. In addition, the Introduction of mad’u or the third object of da’wah is by looking at the effect of the material presented, one of which is by looking at the response of mad’u through the comment column on whether to accept or reject. Preparing da’wah materials by the Qur’an and Hadith to determine a law that gives birth to various variants of science, by the current context and da’wah is carried out with the humility that characterizes it. Samarinda Cool Da’wah Community, utilizing social media as alternative to reach mad’u widely now.