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Prediksi Potensi Air Tanah untuk Optimasi Sawah Tadah Hujan dalam Menunjang Ketahanan Pangan Muhammad Yasar; Mustaqimah Mustaqimah; Yuswar Yunus; Mahfuddin Mahfuddin; Asrillah Asrillah
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): JLSO
Publisher : Research Center for Sub-optimal Lands (PUR-PLSO), Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (574.751 KB) | DOI: 10.33230/JLSO.6.2.2017.290


Yasar et al, 2017. Prediction of Ground Water Potential for Optimization of Rainfed Rice Field in Supporting Food Security. JLSO 6(2):170-175.In Simeulue Island, that has the existed paddy field and generally of that is  rainfed. Recently, to irrigate the paddy field with that percentage is expected enough by natural meet of the necessity of paddy field by receiving the potential precipitation. However, rising of the climate change has caused paddy field activity is not fully runned by only utilizing the precipitation and utilizing the surface water, as irrigatiom water resource is not possible because of geological difficulty. This article aims to find a breakthrough related to the problem of irrigation water insufficiency through utilization of natural resource potency in Simeuleu Island. Presenting is descriptively done using primary data by way of field measurement and literature review to obtain a beneficiary of groundwater as irrigation water resource. Data acquiring in this research uses geoelectrical method by setting the Wanner-Schlumberger configuration of Resistiviti meter ARES. Data were obtained from one spread that was east-west oriented by having 460 m spread length and 20 m spacing interval. The coordinate of spread is at initial point N 02°25’14.2”/E 96°18’12.2” and at final point N 02°25’43.9”/E 96°18’27.1. Based on the 2D resistivity cross section shows that Situbok village (STB) is generally obtained a low resistivity value which is 2-100 Ωm in range and dominantly expected as alluvium. Low resistivity value can be estimated as a conductive layer (aquifer) which commonly consists of groundwater. On the cross section of resistivity value, the conductive layer is the layer which has the resistivity value less than 16 Ωm and laterally and vertically is existed at 240-360 m and 45-94 m, respectively.
Prediksi Potensi Air Tanah untuk Optimasi Sawah Tadah Hujan dalam Menunjang Ketahanan Pangan Muhammad Yasar; Mustaqimah Mustaqimah; Yuswar Yunus; Mahfuddin Mahfuddin; Asrillah Asrillah
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): JLSO
Publisher : Research Center for Suboptimal Lands (PUR-PLSO), Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33230/JLSO.6.2.2017.290


Yasar et al, 2017. Prediction of Ground Water Potential for Optimization of Rainfed Rice Field in Supporting Food Security. JLSO 6(2):170-175.In Simeulue Island, that has the existed paddy field and generally of that is  rainfed. Recently, to irrigate the paddy field with that percentage is expected enough by natural meet of the necessity of paddy field by receiving the potential precipitation. However, rising of the climate change has caused paddy field activity is not fully runned by only utilizing the precipitation and utilizing the surface water, as irrigatiom water resource is not possible because of geological difficulty. This article aims to find a breakthrough related to the problem of irrigation water insufficiency through utilization of natural resource potency in Simeuleu Island. Presenting is descriptively done using primary data by way of field measurement and literature review to obtain a beneficiary of groundwater as irrigation water resource. Data acquiring in this research uses geoelectrical method by setting the Wanner-Schlumberger configuration of Resistiviti meter ARES. Data were obtained from one spread that was east-west oriented by having 460 m spread length and 20 m spacing interval. The coordinate of spread is at initial point N 02°25’14.2”/E 96°18’12.2” and at final point N 02°25’43.9”/E 96°18’27.1. Based on the 2D resistivity cross section shows that Situbok village (STB) is generally obtained a low resistivity value which is 2-100 Ωm in range and dominantly expected as alluvium. Low resistivity value can be estimated as a conductive layer (aquifer) which commonly consists of groundwater. On the cross section of resistivity value, the conductive layer is the layer which has the resistivity value less than 16 Ωm and laterally and vertically is existed at 240-360 m and 45-94 m, respectively.
Study of Seulawah Agam’s Geothermal Source Using Gravity Method Marwan Marwan; Ibnu Rusydy; Gartika Setiya Nugraha; Asrillah Asrillah
Jurnal Natural Volume 14, Number 2, September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Gravity method was carried out at Seulawah Agam Area to delineate the existence of geothermal source, which is specifically existed in both the geothermal filed of Heutsz’s Crater and.Cempaga’s Crater. The Seulawah Agam is located in Aceh Besar district. Geologically, the area is dominated by volcanic mudflow and Lam Teuba’s rocks having age from Tersier to Resen Period. The equipment used includes Gravimeter CG-5 Autograv, Portable GPS (Global Positioning System), Navigation type (map of the survey area), computer and the other technical supports, such as handy talky, umbrella, watch, pens and observed data notes. This research was conducted by doing two stages.  Firstly, establishing the base station which is a reference point for all gravity data measurements at each point. Secondly, measuring gravity data at each point by repeating three times following looping pattern as pathway of measurement either in Heutsz’s crater whose nine points recording or in Cempaga’s crater whose seventeen points. The data was simply processed using Microsoft Excel that can just plot the Bouguer anomaly and interpreted qualitatively due to preliminary research. The resultof this research has shown that both areas have two kinds of Bougeur anomalies which slightly attract attention who’s high and low anomaly. At Heutsz’s Crater has high and low density existed at F125 FR and B6 point. The Point whose high density means that it was formed mineralization by hydrothermal process through fracture materials, meanwhile the point whose low density indicates that there is existed the fault which is quite related to Seulimum’s Fault based on Aceh map. This result is also same as obtained at Cempaga’s Crater which means also same interpretation. In addition, it can be sum up that fault zones are essentially important in geothermal system that plays vital role in term of fluid circulation. Employing the gravity method in this research effectively can be said