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Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN FEBRUARI 2015, TH. XXXIV, NO. 1
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v1i1.4183


Abstrak: Pemikiran seorang atau kelompok pakar merupakan bagian integral dalam dinamika sebuah disiplin ilmu, dan kajian terhadapnya telah menjadi concern dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu. Penelitian ini mengkaji secara epistemologis pemikiran Somantri tentang PIPS sebagai ‘synthetic discipline’. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif-interpretif dan menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder dengan teknik anotasi bibliografis dan reviu literatur serta dianalisis dengan teknik analisis konten kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara epistemologis, PIPS dalam pemikiran Somantri dikonseptualisasi sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu (DPIPS) dan program pendidikan disiplin ilmu (PDIPS) terintegrasi, hasil rekayasa sinergistis dari dua atau lebih disiplin ilmu yang setara untuk tujuan PIPS. PIPS sebagai disiplin ilmu terintegrasi adalah identitas, jati-diri, ciri khas, dan faculty culture FPIPS dan pascasarjana PIPS. PIPS sebagai DPIPS memiliki status akademik sebagai advance knowledge, middle studies, dan primary structure. PIPS sebagai program PDIPS memiliki status akademik sebagai PDIPS untuk jenjang pendidikan tinggi, dan PDIPS untuk jenjang pendidikan sekolah. Kata Kunci: epistemologi, pendidikan IPS, synthetic discipline SCIENCE EDUCATION AS “A SYNTHETIC DISCIPLINE”: AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF NU’MAN SOMANTRI’S THOUGHT Abstract: An expert’s or group of experts’ thought is an integral part in the dynamics of a scientific discipline, and an analysis of it has become the concern of many scientific disciplines. This study analyzed epistemologically Somantri’s thought of social science as a ‘synthetic discipline”. This study was qualitative-interpretive and utilized primary and secondary sources using the annotated bibliographies and literature review. The data were analyzed using the qualitative content analysis. The findings showed that epistemologically, social science in Somantri’s thought was conceptualized as a scientific discipline and an integrated scientific discipline eduacational program. It was also a synergetic engineering product of two or more than two equivalent scientific disciplines for the purpose of social science education. Social science education as an integrated scientific discipline is the identity, typical characteristics, and the faculty culture of the social science education faculty and the social science education graduate program. Social science had the academic status as advanced knowledge, middle studies, and primary structure. Social science as had an academic status as a social science discipline in the tertiary education and in the secondary education. Keywords: epistemology, social science education, synthetic discipline
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v1i1.8363


Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan status dan peran individu, komunitas, dan negara-bangsa bagi pembentukan kewarganegaraan komunitas sebagaimana dikonstruksi di dalam buku-buku teks Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial SD. Penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis konten kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian adalah enam buku teks elektronik IPS-SD kelas I-VI SD/MI karya Nursa’ban dan Rusmawan (2008; 2010a,b) (kelas I—III); Suranti dan Setiawan (2009a,b) (kelas IV-VI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara pedagogis status dan peran individu komunitas, dan negara-bangsa bagi pembentukan kewarganegaraan komunitas dikonstruksi sejalan dengan ideologi “tertib-sosial” dan “tipe ideal” melalui penggunaan simbol, slogan, pesan, tujuan, dan gagasan, serta didukung melalui penggunaan politik kesejarahan. Persoalan-persoalan demokrasi seperti konflik sosial, isu dan masalah kontemporer dan kontroversial di wilayah tabu yang juga merupakan persoalan nyata masyarakat belum banyak diungkap karena dianggap dapat mengganggu tertib-sosial dan tipe ideal yang dicitakan. Kata Kunci: buku teks, sekolah dasar, ilmu pengetahuan sosial, kewarganegaraanTHE INDIVIDUAL, COMMUNITY, AND COUNTRY IN THE CONTEXT OF COMMUNITY CITIZENSHIP FORMATION Abstract. This study was aimed to describe the individual, community, and country status and roles for the formation of community citizenship as constructed in textbooks of Social Science in elementary schools. The study utilized the qualitative content analysis technique. The data sources were six electronic textbooks of Social Science for elementary school students for grades I-VI written by Nursa’ban and Rusmawan (2008; 2010a,b) (grades I-III); written by Suranti and Setiawan (2009a,b) (grades IV-VI). The findings of the study showed that the individual, community, and country status and roles for the community citizenship formation was constructed in accordance with the “social-order” and “ideal-type” ideology through the use of symbols, slogans, messages, objectives, and ideas, and supported by the use of the historical policy. Problems of democracy such as social conflicts and issues, contemporary and controversial problems in the closed areas as real community problems had not been explored because it could disrupt the social order and ideal type. Keywords: text-book, elementary schools, social sciences, community citizenship
Ekstrapolasi Konsep Bhinneka Tunggal Ika sebagai Doktrin Politik Kerajaan dalam Ranah Pendidikan Mohammad Imam Farisi
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 46 No 3 (2013): Oktober, 2013
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.148 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jppundiksha.v46i3.4181


Bhinneka Tunggal Ika adalah sebuah produk politik kerajaan/negara untuk membangun toleransi kehidupan beragama. Artikel ini menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan tentang pembelajaran Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang terdapat di dalam buku-buku teks Ilmu Pengetahuan So-sial Sekolah Dasar (IPS SD). Analisis menggunakan metode kualitatif interpretif yang menfokus-kan pada analisis isi “narasi-narasi tekstual” di dalam enam buku teks elektronik IPS SD kelas I-VI SD/MI yang telah dinilai dan ditetapkan kelayakannya oleh BSNP-Kemendikbud sebagai buku pegangan siswa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa buku-buku teks IPS SD telah melakukan eks-trapolasi konseptual dan fungsional tentang Bhinneka Tunggal Ika pada aspek sosial, ekonomi, bu-daya, dan seni di dalam kehidupan personal, keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat sekitar, dan negara-bangsa. Ia juga mampu mengubahnya dari sebuah doktrin politik kerajaan/kenegaraan menjadi se-buah doktrin pendidikan; dan dari konsep ‘ideologis’ untuk kepentingan dan tujuan politik kera-jaan/kenegaraan, menjadi konsep ‘pedagogis’ untuk kepentingan dan tujuan pendidikan kewarga-negaraan.
Analysis of the Quality of Tax Services and Their Effect on Corporate Taxpayer Compliance in Reporting the Annual Corporate Income Tax Return (SPT E Filing) at KPP Pratama Banyuwangi Didik Kuryana; Sumani Sumani; Mohammad Imam Farisi
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i2.5361


The low level of taxpayer satisfaction with the quality of tax services causes the compliance of corporate taxpayers in reporting the annual corporate income tax return (SPT E Filing) at KPP Pratama Banyuwangi to decline. This study aims to determine the effect of tax service quality (Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy) on Corporate Taxpayer Compliance in Reporting Annual Income Tax Returns (SPT E Filing ) at KPP Pratama Banyuwangi. This research is quantitative research which includes correlation research. The population in this study were 1,472 corporate taxpayers in the form of a Commanditaire Venootschap or limited liability company (CV) that had submitted the 2020 Annual Corporate Income Tax Return by E Filing. Based on the table of F test results (simultaneous) it can be seen that the calculated F value (34.654) is greater than F table (F(0.05.5/308) = 2.243) and the Sig. in the table the value is 0.000 <0.05 so it can be concluded that the estimated linear regression model is feasible to use. This explains the significant effect of independent variables (Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy) simultaneously on the dependent variable (Taxpayer Compliance). The results of this study are in line with research conducted by Komala, et al (2014) which shows that the variables tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy have a significant influence simultaneously and partially on taxpayer compliance.