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AMELIORASI TAPAK UNTUK PEMAPANAN CEMARA UDANG (Casuarina equisetifolia Linn.) PADA GUMUK PASIR PANTAI Nugroho, Agung Wahyu; Sumardi, Sumardi
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam Vol 7, No 4 (2010): Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan

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Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari program pengembangan teknik-teknik silvikultur untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan aforestasi pada gumuk pasir pantai. Pemapanan vegetasi alami pada gumuk pasir pantaimenghadapi kendala kondisi lingkungan terutama suhu yang tinggi, kapasitas menahan air rendah, kadar unsur hara tersedia rendah, dan angin yang kencang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi tentang besarnya pengaruh penambahan amelioran (tanah dan bahan organik) terhadap daya hidup cemara udang (Casuarina equisetifolia Linn.) pada gumuk pasir pantai selama musim kemarau. Penelitian dilaksanakan di gumuk pasir pantai Desa Sumberjati Kecamatan Ambal Kabupaten Kebumen mulai bulan April-Oktober 2008. Ada dua faktor yang diuji yaitu: 1) penambahan tanah (0%, 20%, 40%), dan 2) penambahan bahan organik (0%, 10%, 30%, 50%). Jumlah keseluruhan perlakuan ada 12 unit dan setiap unit ada 20 tanaman. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan RCBD dengan 3 blok sebagai ulangan. Variabel yang diukur meliputi persen hidup dan kapasitas menahan air media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penambahanamelioran (40% tanah dan 10% bahan organik) ke dalam media dasar pasir mampu meningkatkan daya hidup cemara udang sampai 78,3%. Penambahan tanah (20% dan 40%) ke dalam media dasar pasir mampumeningkatkan daya hidup cemara udang sebesar 60,83% dan 63,75%. Penambahan pupuk kandang 10% pada media dasar pasir mampu meningkatkan daya hidup cemara udang sebesar 65,55%, tetapi tidak berbeda pengaruhnya dengan penambahan pupuk kandang sebesar 30% dan 50%
Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam Vol 4, No 1 (2007): Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan

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ABSTRAK Dalam mewujudkan sasaran pokok sebagai penyangga kehidupan, pengawetan keanekaragaman jenis flora dan fauna serta pemanfaatan pelestarian sumberdaya alam hayati dan ekosistem Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru  sering  mengalami berbagai  masalah. Salah satunya  adalah  gangguan dari  masyarakat khususnya di sekitar kawasan. Gangguan dan ancaman itu antara lain pencurian hasil hutan, perambahan lahan hutan, dan kebakaran hutan. Studi daerah rawan gangguan ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi/ gambaran sebaran, jenis, dan tingkat kerawanan gangguan kawasan di Seksi Konservasi tentang Wilayah (SKW) II Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru dan desa sekitarnya. Data yang diambil adalah data sekunder yang meliputi sosial ekonomi, demografi, fisik desa sekitar kawasan, dan data gangguan kawasan per resort dalam laporan bulanan. Analisis data untuk mengetahui tingkat kerawanan dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu kerawanan potensial dan kerawanan nyata. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis dan dikonversikan dengan standar skoring. Berdasar identifikasi kerawanan potensial diketahui ada 17 desa sekitar kawasan SKW II yang termasuk desa riskan (risiko tinggi untuk menimbulkan gangguan kawasan) dan tiga desa termasuk desa rawan, yaitu Desa Sidomulyo (Kecamatan Pronojiwo), Desa Kandangan (Kecamatan Senduro), dan Desa Kandang Tepus (Kecamatan Senduro). Berdasar identifikasi kerawanan nyata, tingkat kerawanan kawasan termasuk riskan-rawan. Jenis gangguan antara lain meliputi: pencurian kayu, perambahan, dan kebakaran hutan. Penyebaran gangguan tersebar di seluruh resort, untuk Resort Ranu Pani perlu penanganan yang serius. Kegiatan penyuluhan, pembinaan masyarakat perlu diintensifkan secara berkala serta pelaksanaan operasi pengamanan dapat dilakukan sewaktu-waktu oleh petugas taman nasional. 
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 12 No 1 Agustus 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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The heart is a human organ that has a vital function. Small flaws in the heart organ can have a big effect on our body. In general, our heart beats around 60-100 times in one minute. If you exceed 100 times and less than 60 times every minute means your heart is experiencing an abnormal beat. Because some patients who suffer from heart need the automation of early detection. The development of electronic technology makes it possible for heart examinations to be carried out by the patient himself. This research aims to design and build a device to monitor heart rate using a microcontroller. Noise suppression on the ECG signal, heart rate data that has been detected and processed will be compared with normal and abnormal values ​​of the heartbeat. Furthermore, the microcontroller will determine how the heart condition is detected. From the results of the study the heart rate monitoring system using a microcontroller input voltage of 3.7 V DC was changed by the step up module to 5 V DC with a magnitude of error percentage of 0.863% and a charger module used to charge batteries with 4.2 V DC voltage and the magnitude of the error percentage amounted to 0.119%. The amped pulse sensor has an output voltage value of 2.4 V when it is relaxed and 2.6 V when it is beat, and this sensor has a constant and significant output voltage value in accordance with the rhythm of the heartbeat. The heart rate monitoring tool that is made can measure accurately and precisely, because it has a fairly small average error value of 1,727%.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI TECHNOSCIENTIA Technoscientia Vol 12 No 1 Agustus 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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The heart is a human organ that has a vital function. Small flaws in the heart organ can have a big effect on our body. In general, our heart beats around 60-100 times in one minute. If you exceed 100 times and less than 60 times every minute means your heart is experiencing an abnormal beat. Because some patients who suffer from heart need the automation of early detection. The development of electronic technology makes it possible for heart examinations to be carried out by the patient himself. This research aims to design and build a device to monitor heart rate using a microcontroller. Noise suppression on the ECG signal, heart rate data that has been detected and processed will be compared with normal and abnormal values ​​of the heartbeat. Furthermore, the microcontroller will determine how the heart condition is detected. From the results of the study the heart rate monitoring system using a microcontroller input voltage of 3.7 V DC was changed by the step up module to 5 V DC with a magnitude of error percentage of 0.863% and a charger module used to charge batteries with 4.2 V DC voltage and the magnitude of the error percentage amounted to 0.119%. The amped pulse sensor has an output voltage value of 2.4 V when it is relaxed and 2.6 V when it is beat, and this sensor has a constant and significant output voltage value in accordance with the rhythm of the heartbeat. The heart rate monitoring tool that is made can measure accurately and precisely, because it has a fairly small average error value of 1,727%.
Hubungan Antara Status Gizi Dan Kebugaran Jasmani Dengan Keterampilan Dasar Sepakbola Siswa Putra Nugroho, Agung Wahyu; Kusumawati, Oktaria
Publisher : STKIP Al Islam Tunas Bangsa Bandar Lampung

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The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between nutritional status and physical fitness on the basic skills of playing football in a private junior high school in the city of Bandar Lampung. This research is a correlation study. The study used a purposive sample with the limitation of male students aged 13-15 years in a private junior high school in the city of Bandar Lampung. The instrument in this study was to determine nutritional status by calculating the body mass index (BMI) or Body Mass Index by means of: (1) weight scales, (2) height measurements using a stadiometer, (3) data on height and body weight measurements if using a computer nutrisurvey program to determine the Body Mass Index (BMI). Physical fitness is measured by TKJI test with a series of tests, starting from: (1) running 50 meters in units of seconds, (2) body lifting test 60 seconds with a unit number of body lifts, (3) sitting 60 seconds in a number of sitting units , (4) upright jump in units of cm and (5) run up to 1000 meters in units of cm. The steps taken are (1) finding the average value of each variable, (2) testing the normality of data using the Kolmogorov Smirnov normality test, (3) Single correlation coefficient test with paired scores or Pearson product moment, (4) calculating degrees relationship of three variables or multiple correlation coefficients. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between nutritional status and physical fitness on the basic skills of playing football with Sig. F change 0.005 <0.05.